标题 | 生病请假条3篇 |
范文 | 生病请假条3篇 请假条 “请假条”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定,也可以固定。一般最常用的请假条格式如下: 标题(居中):请假条 上款(顶格写部门的名称或领导人的名): 正文(请假缘由、起止日期及天数)如:因……需要请假,请假时间自年x月x日至年x月x日共天,恳请领导批准。 下款(标在右下)。……。……。请假人: ……。……。……。……。。。。。年月日 …………………………。批准人: ……。……。……。……。。。。。年月日 生病请假条范文 请假条(一) 张老师: 今天,我因感冒发烧,不能到校上课,请假一天,请予批准! 请假人:张三 20xx年x月x日 请假条(二) 王老师: 我因患急性肠炎,今晚去医院就诊,不能到学校上课,请准假一天。 此致 敬礼 您的学生李四 x月x日 病假请假条范文 : 兹有本班(单位)学生(员工),因(病因)需休息治疗,现请假天,希批准为感! 此致 敬礼 请假人: 日期 英语生病请假条 生病请假条(2) | 返回目录 taking a leave of absence "leave" is equivalent to" ask for instructions" in the official document, but than for si-mp-le, flexible, format is not fixed, and can also be fixed. the most commonly used formats are as follows: title (centered ): a note the preceding paragraph ( top write department name or the name of the new leader ): text ( for reasons, the date and the number of days ) such as: because ... need to ask for leave, leave time from x to x, - x month x day days, i urge the leadership approval. letter ( mark in the lower right ) ... leave : x x x ... month day sample taking a leave of absence zhang: today, i have a fever because of the cold, not class, leave one day, your approval! leave: tintin in june 11th - taking a leave of absence is an english learner must master one of the commonly used pa-pe-r, which comprises a sick leave and ask for leave. leave is used to the teacher or leader because of poor health or because of something that asked for leave of absence. english diary writing should pay attention to three points: in 1 english diary writing and chinese for the same, it generally consists of four parts, namely the time, call, text and signature. 2 in general, can be found a note is a si-mp-le writing style. for a general written on pa-pe-r, no envelope. the format of writing and correspondence has many similarities, the correspondence is greatly simplified. the 3 clais characterized by the requirement of come to the point, content words brief, user-friendly. leading style: i am due to certain reasons to leave , in time back, please approve! (name ) ( date ) : because i want to 2.11 go home to attend her sister 's wedding was held, the road there are more than 1300 km, the train took 23 hours, i can only back by plane, because from february 10th to 12 the flight was not home, i hereby to leave one day, return home in february 9th. hope that the leadership of franchise, deeply grateful! sincerely yours salute
year month day respected leaders: hello. i * * * (name ), from * * * * a monthly income of company, in the company 's work in this period of time, i was deeply attracted by the unit 's corporate culture. the corporate culture, i know that, as a young man, in addition to the work, still need to continue learning, charging, so personal ability to improve, for their future occupation body cliff planning to lay a solid foundation. therefore, i am in the * * * * for the accounting qualification certificate training, will be in the * * * * test, for each training time is every sunday, so i now apply for my training in this period ( note the specific time ), if the company is not very busy circumstances, i can not work overtime on weekends! of course, because if the company has urgent matter or task to be treated, i will be working for the heavy, the first time arrived at the company! hope you can give me a chance to learn!!!! thank you!!! hope the leadership approved!!! thank you!! applicant. day period: ------------- dear teacher: because i need to go out to apply for a job, in order to better time to quickly find the work, it is special to the school to ask for leave, leave time for the month day -- month day. here, i promise to job-seeking period, abide by the relevant laws and regulations and codes of conduct, pay attention to the personal safety, the completion of the graduation thesis, graduation design learning tasks, such as school notice relevant formalities of graduation and other important schedule, ensure the timely return to processing, at the same time already will leave job told parents seek parental consent. ask the teacher 's approval! sincerely yours salute signature of applicant: professional class year month day - taking a leave of absence dear leader: because the body had disease, the doctor asked to rest, so one year cannot on the night shift, please approve. a doctor proposal. full name year month day respected leaders: hello. i * * * (name ), from * * * * a monthly income of company, in the company 's work in this period of time, i was deeply attracted by the unit 's corporate culture. the corporate culture, i know that, as a young man, in addition to the work, still need to continue learning, charging, so personal ability to improve, for their future occupation body cliff planning to lay a solid foundation. therefore, i am in the * * * * for the accounting qualification certificate training, will be in the * * * * test, for each training time is every sunday, so i now apply for my training in this period ( note the specific time ), if the company is not very busy circumstances, i can not work overtime on weekends! of course, because if the company has urgent matter or task to be treated, i will be working for the heavy, the first time arrived at the company! hope you can give me a chance to learn!!!! thank you!!! hope the leadership approved!!! thank you!! applicant. day period: ------------- 学生病假请假条范文及写法 生病请假条(3) | 返回目录 因事或病不能到校上课或上班或参加活动,向有关人员请假的条子,叫请假条或叫假条。 假条的格式由标题、称呼、正文、落款等部分组成,具体写作方法如下: 标题:“请假条”三写在第一行中间位置。 称呼:在第二行顶格写明向谁请假。写给收条人的称呼同一般书信。一般都是向顶头上司或老师请假。具体写法是在姓后面加上职务,如“陈主任”,“王科长”,“张老师”等,后用冒号。 正文:写清请假的缘由,请假的起止时间。在第三行空两格写起。最后常以“请予准假”,“此致敬礼”,“不胜感激”等用语结束。 落款:署名和日期的写法同一般书信。在右下方署上请假人姓名。姓名下方标注请假日期。 要写好请假条.必须注意以下几点: ①请假原因要具体清楚,不能含糊其辞,模棱两可。 ②如果遇到突发事情来不及请假,可请人将请假条捎给收条人。如果是事先知道的事情应提前向有关人员请假,得到批准方可。一般请假人不应起级请假。 ③请假时间一定要写清楚,便于有关人员考虑和安排。 ④请假人在假期满后应主动销假,假条不必收回。 请 假 条 王老师: 今天因奶奶病重,我随爸妈一起去探望,要求请假一天。 此致 敬礼! 学生: 年月日 学生自己写请假条,把请假的事由和时间都写清楚了,符合要求。 张老师: 您班学生,因突然高烧呕吐,要上医院治疗。今天不能到校上课。特此请假。 此致 敬礼! 学生家长: 学生家长: 年月日 由长辈代子女写假条。原因和时间都写清楚了,符合请假条的写作要求。 李老师: 我因病请假两天,但仍未痊愈,还不能上学,需要继续治疗,只好再续假两天,望能批准。 此致 敬礼! 学生:杨帆 年月日 有时候,情况十分特殊,需继续请假,写续假条。这张假条符合要求。 |
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