标题 | 个人出国担保书范本 |
范文 | 个人出国担保书范本(精选3篇) 个人出国担保书范本 篇1financial support statement 我愿做__________国(地区)学生______________在南京大学学习期间的经济担保人,保证该生按时缴纳各种费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付。 i am willing to be the financial supporter of mr./ms. _________________________, a citizen of_____________________, during his /her stay at nanjing university as a student. i will make sure that he /she pay all the fees on time, and i will pay all the fees which he /she would fail to pay. 姓名/name:_______________ 国籍/nationality:_______________ 证件号码/identification number:____________________ 与申请人关系 /relationship with the application:_______________________ 住址/address:____________________________________________________ 单位 /name of employer:_______________________________________________ 电话(住宅)/telephone number (home ):__________________ (单位/office):_________________ 担保人签字/signature:__________________________ 个人出国担保书范本 篇2是我们(,)的儿子/女儿,申请赴法国读硕士课程,我们(,愿意用我们多年的年薪积蓄支付在法国读书期间的全部学费、生活费及往返国际旅费,共计人民币 元整。 特此担保。 父亲: 母亲: 20xx年5月xx日 Letter of Financial Support May 20xx This is to certify that we, , father of , JIANG , mother of , are willing to support with our savings from income our son/daughter’s tuition fee, living expenses and international travel cost during his/her study in France for graduate program. The total amount is RMB uan. Signature by Father: Signature by Mother: 个人出国担保书范本 篇3担保贷款承诺书 _____农村信用合作联社_____信用社: 兹有借款单位(个人)____________________(全称)在贵社借款(大写)__________万元,借款合同编号_______________,借款用途为__________,做为担保单位(全称)_________________________自愿履行合同约定,承担连带职责保证,如借款单位到期不能归还借款,我担保单位愿替借款单位归还借款本息,直至借款还清后,方能撤销此担保。 此承诺具备法律效力! 担保单位:__________(公章) 法定代表人:__________(签章) _____年_____月_____日 |
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