标题 | 英语慰问信 |
范文 | 英语慰问信十篇 英语慰问信 篇1Dear Amy, I’m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. I’m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain. But you should realize that you are young and have a promising great future. So, stand up and fight against the disease! I’m sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti-cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive. So I will tell your situation to all my friends and ask them to write to you. In that way, you will get enough money for you to be cured. Hope you can be well soon. 亲爱的艾米: 我是中国新华中学的李华。听说你得了肺癌给你带来了很大的痛苦,我很难过。但是你应该意识到你还年轻,有一个很有前途的美好未来。所以,站起来,与病魔作斗争!我相信你一定会赢的。据报道,美国抗癌协会将在你收到的每一封安慰信中捐出三分钱。所以我会把你的情况告诉我所有的朋友,让他们给你写信。这样,你就能得到足够的`钱让你痊愈。希望你能早日康复。 英语慰问信 篇2The people of China have been very much in my thoughts over the past two weeks as I have watched, with mounting concern, the effects of the devastation caused by the terrible earthquake in Sichuan Province. It has been most impressive to see the marvellous way in which the Chinese humanitarian operations have brought swift and effective relief to those affected. I am particularly pleased that the Wenchuan Earthquake Orphan Fund has been established, to help the children who have lost their parents in the disaster.I wanted to take this opportunity to send my deepest sympathy following this terrible tragedy to the people of China, and my most heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost loved ones. My Prince's Charities are engaging ever more closely in China, including work to assist, in a small way, with the preservation of China's rich and diverse heritage. It would give me the greatest pleasure if we were able to develop these ties still further with, in particular, practical assistance from my Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment in planning the reconstruction of parts of Sichuan les The Prince of Wales 英语慰问信 篇3慰问受伤的人(To Those Who Have Been Injured) June 16, 20__ Dear Tom, I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly. With every good wish for your swift recovery. Sincerely, 英语慰问信 篇4Dear Li Gang, I was really shocked andsaddened to hear of your unhappy experience in the earthquake. There is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this to ease your grief, but I would express my deepest sympathy. In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. I hope you like it, and that it will be useful ai your present moment.What's more, please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can do now and always. I do hope you will soon get well again and be able to come back to school. Be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way I can. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 英语慰问信 篇5Dear Jane, I am terribly sorry to learn that you didn’t do well in the final examination of computer. I know you must be very depressed about it, but please don’t lose your heart. You have done what you can and there is no permanent winner. I think all you need is to sum up your mistakes and make a good preparation for the next time. I believe you will make it. Come on, my dear friend. Yours truly, Tiffany 英语慰问信 篇6Dear Li Gang, I was really shocked and saddened to hear of your unhappy experience in the earthquake. There is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this to ease your grief, but I would express my deepest sympathy. In the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. I hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment. What‘s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can do now and always. I do hope you will soon get well again and be able to come back to school. Be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way I can. Yours sincerely,
英语慰问信 篇7Apr. 2, 20xx Dear Jane, I am terribly sorry to learn that you didn’t do well in the final examination of computer. I know you must be very depressed about it, but please don’t lose your heart. You have done what you can and there is no permanent winner. I think all you need is to sum up your mistakes and make a good preparation for the next time. I believe you will make it. Come on, my dear friend. Yours truly, Tiffany 英语慰问信 篇8慰问蒙受物质损失的人 (To Those Who Have Suffered Material Loss or Damage) June 25, 20__ Dear Mr. Thompson, I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house. I know well how much that house meant to you and I hasten to offer my sympathy. With best wishes to you both. Sincerely yours, Smith 英语慰问信 篇9四川地震灾区校友及四川籍校友们: 昨日,惊闻四川汶川地区出现了重大的地震灾情,造成了严重的人员伤亡,房屋被毁,通讯中断,给饮水饮食、电力供应、交通运输和工农业生产都带来了严重的影响。对于校友及家人们现在所面临的灾难,我们深表同情和慰问! 获悉四川地区遭遇地震灾害,学校予以高度关注。校友们都曾经或正在郑州大学生活和学习,母校就像是校友们的家,在灾害和困难出现的时刻,学校将不遗余力地汇聚全校力量,对受灾地区的校友提供帮助;对于每一位家在灾区的同学,我们能够理解你们家庭受灾甚至至今无法与家人取得联系的痛苦与焦急,母校愿意随时伸出援助之手,帮助你们一同走过困难、克服灾难!也请你们把全国人民齐心救灾、全校师生齐心援助的消息告诉你们身处灾区的亲人们,让他们一定放心、等待救援。 亲爱的校友们!在灾害面前,最重要的是镇定、信心、勇气。在这样一个面临严峻考验的关键时刻,请你们坚强意志,心怀希望,请相信,只要我们众志成城,同舟共济,与灾区人民心连心,我们就一定会取得抗震救灾的最后胜利! 此致 敬礼!
20xx年x月xx日 英语慰问信 篇10Dear I'm saddened to learn of the passing of your father.I extend my sincere condolence to your family. Your father was a man of great strength both physically and in mind, but in him there was a gentleness. He found ways to be outgoing and kind.He worked hard to support your family. He was a hero.Strength and determination were the qualities of your father. I send my thoughts and prayers to you, your family and all those who loved him. Yours truly,
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