标题 | 大学生一千字入党申请书 |
范文 | 大学生一千字入党申请书 导语:入党申请书,又称入党申请报告,是要求入党的人向所在单位的党组织提出的一种书面材料。以下是小编整理大学生一千字入党申请书的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 大学生一千字入党申请书1敬爱的党组织: 自从当选为一名入党积极分子以来,已一个月过去了。回顾这一个月,我在各方面对自己都有了新的认识,也看到了新的努力方向。 培养自己的思辨能力。针对这一情况,我将对自己严格要求:不仅要多阅读有思想内涵的书,而且还要多与老师沟通、交流学术问题,不把自己的思想局限在教科书里。我也聆听了不少大师的讲座,有关于学问的,关于批判的等等,这对于形成我正确的人生观,价值观,培养远大理想有着重大的意义。 生活上,乐观应对生活的困难和挫折是我的信条。一个国家、一个民族在前进的道路上,总会遇到各种困难。中华民族曾经历过种种灾难,然而自然灾害和外族入侵都未能让我们屈服,反而铸就了团结统一、自强不息、坚忍顽强的传统美德和民族精神。而每个同学都应维护校园正常的学习、工作秩序,形成团结友爱、积极向上的良好风尚和氛围,“少年强则国强,少年进步则国进步”,,我们是未来中华的主力军,充实而富有责任的生活方式是我们的自觉选择。 思想上,我从未放弃过学习有关党的理论知识,并时常关注党和国家的事情,关注校内外的重大事情。深入学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想。世界在变化,形势在发展,中国特色社会主义实践在深入。昨天的知识未必能解释今天的现实,今天的经验也未必能解决明天的问题。只有不断的学习,才能保持自身的先进性,才能跟上社会和时代发展的需要。一个人要实现自己的自我价值和人生价值,必须不断地付出努力,积极为社会创造财富。这就需要有正确的方向指引。争取加入中国共产党,在党的领导下,真正担负起中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命是我明确的人生方向。进入大学以来,我一直不断地以这一目标鼓励鞭策自己,使自己对学习和工作始终保持信心和干劲。作为一名师大的学生,我将继续努力学习马列主义的基本理论和基本要求,学深学透,做一个有前途、有志向、有作为的好青年;要把个人的成长进步融入到推动国家发展、民族振兴的时代洪流中去,与时代同步伐、与祖国共命运;要始终用社会主义核心价值体系衡量自己,牢固树立科学的世界观、价值观和人生观,坚定信念,提高自己的实践能力。 在以后的日子里,我会更加努力,以争取在各个领域有更大的进步,请同学们监督我!请组织考验我! 我郑重地递上我的大学入党申请书,提出我酝酿已久的申请:我志愿加入中国共产党!我们成长的每一步,都与党的关怀有密切的联系。我常常学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想;因为我知道:只有不断地学习,才能赶得上时代的步伐。 中国共产党是无产阶级先锋队,是我们社会主义革命成功的根本保证,是社会主义现代化建设的领导核心,是全国各族人民团结一致,致力于改革开放、振兴中华,实现"四化"的领导核心。无疑,她也是人民心目中的指路明灯。无数志士仁人为寻求救国的出路而作出各种探索。但无论是农民阶级、资产阶级还是小资产阶级及其政党都没有也不可能找到一条真正的出路。1921年中国共产党诞 生了!他的诞生立即使中国革命的面目焕然一新。历史以铁的事实证明了"没有共产党就没有新中国"这一真理。 在生活上,努力做到乐于助人,积极为他人排忧解难,培养为人民服务的意识,努力做好一名党员的模范带头作用。从身边小事做起,培养自己良好的生活习惯和道德修养。积极宣传党的思想、理论以及方针路线,坚持正确的原则与立场,并鼓励思想上进的同学积极向党组织靠拢。 作为一名学生党员,首先要把自己的学习搞好。一年来,我认真学习科学文化知识,对于所学的每一门都一丝不苟,严肃对待,努力钻研,不断充实自己的头脑,取得了比较满意的学习成绩,获得校一等奖学金。作为在校大学生和共青团员,我明白只有将自己的爱国热情化作行动,将自己的理想和祖国的前途命运结合起来,将自己的聪明才智完全地贡献给祖国,紧跟共产党并使自己成为其中的一员,坚决贯彻执行"一个中心,两个基本点"的基本路线,才能够真正实现自己的抱负,提高综合国力,才能真正谈得上国家和民族的独立。 作为一名在校的大学生,我一直严格要求自己,随着年龄与文化知识的增长,我对党的认识也越来越深,加入到党组织中来的愿望也越来越强烈。经常学习党的理论认识,在实际行动上,积极与党中央保持一致,积极参加团的各项活动时刻争做一名优秀大学生。虽然,我有了较深刻的认识,并付诸于行动,但我觉得这样是不够的,更需要在党组织里学习、锻炼,请党组织考验我!如果我得到入党,我将按《中国共产党章程》要求自己,并一定做到。如果我不能走进党组织的大门,决不气馁。我再加努力,争取早日加入党组织。请党组织在实践中考验我。 此致 敬礼! 申请人:入党申请书 .12.11 大学生一千字入党申请书2敬爱的党支部: 带着十分激动的心情,我郑重地向西北农林科技大学党支部提交我的入党申请:我申请加入中国共产党,实现我一生为人民服务的理想!我从小就树立了一定要加入中国共产党的远大志向,并且一直持续到了今天,热情更是有增无减。党的光辉形象就牢牢地铭刻在我的心中,鼓舞着我前进。还记得刚刚迈入学校大门的我,由于对自己的严格要求,在加入少先队时很荣幸地被选为少先队员代表在全校发言,那一刻我第一次亲身感受到组织照耀下的光芒,并更加坚定了入党的信念。随后在不断学习和为之奋斗的漫漫征途上,我洒下了无数的汗水,也耕耘出了丰硕的果实。我深刻地体验到全心全意为人民服务的自豪与快乐,并下定决心为共产主义事业奋斗终身。于是在业余时间里,我经常通过各种渠道了解党。 我知道,我们这一代年轻人生长在新中国,成长的每一步都与党的关怀有密切的联系。 中国共产党从她成立之日起,一直忠实代表工人阶级和各族人民的根本利益,全心全意为人民服务;它具有远见卓识,能把握社会历史发展的客观规律;她具有严密的组织性和纪律性,能够坚韧不拔地团结奋斗;具有实事求是、走群众路线、开展批评和自我批评等优良传统和作风;善于总结和吸取经验教训,不断解放思想,勇于创新,开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,我国在一个中心、两个基本点方针指导下,大力发展社会主义市场经济,取得了举世瞩目的成就,进一步证明了中国共产党能够领导全国人民建设有中国特色的社会主义,夺取一个又一个胜利。在党的领导下,中国人民以实现共产主义为最高理想和最终目标,历经了千难万险,了三座大山。取得了新民主主义的伟大胜利,建立了社会主义新中国。历史以铁的事实证明了" 没有共产党就没有新中国 " 这一真理。中国共产党是马列主义和中国工人运动相结合的产物,她的领导地位是由历史、政治等各方面原因所决定的。实践证明:中国共产党是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党。只有坚持中国共产党的领导,才能实现社会主义现代化,才能充分调动全国人民的积极性,才能保证改革和现代化建设的社会主义性质,才能保证现代化建设有一个安定团结的政治环境,才能将改革和开放逐步推向深入,才能真正将我国建设成为独立、民主、富强的社会主义国家,才能最终实现我们的崇高理想——共产主义。 尽管我目前只是一名普通的大学生,但我是个中国人,身为一名中国人就要以祖国的利益为重,以人民的利益为重,党在任何时候都把群众利益放在第一位,同群众同甘共苦,保持最密切的联系,一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去,把党的正确主张变为群众的自觉行动。做为一名青年我时时刻刻都不会忘记这些教诲,所以我志愿加入中国共产党。人民需要党,党也需要人民。只要党和人民需要,我就会奉献我的一切!我坚决拥护中国共产党,遵守中国的法律法规,反对分裂祖国,维护祖国统一,认真贯彻执行党的基本路线和各项方针、政策,带头参加改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,带动群众为经济发展和社会进步艰苦奋斗,在生产、工作、学习和社会生活中起先锋模范作用。不做侮辱祖国的事,不出卖自己的国家,严格保守党和国家的秘密,执行党的决定,服从组织分配,积极完成党的任务。不搞封建迷信的活动,认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,学习党的路线、方针、政策及决议,学习党的基本知识,学习科学、文化和业务知识,努力提高为人民服务的本领。 我深知,作为一名共产党员,不仅要做一个解放思想、实事求是的先锋,更重要的是要在不断改造客观世界的同时,努力改造自己的主观世界,树立共产主义远大理想,做一个彻底的唯物论者和无神论者。只有树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,才能充满为共产主义而奋斗终身的信心和勇气,才能在现阶段为建设有中国特色的社会主义不遗余力地奉献自己的智慧和汗水。所以,我只有将自己的爱国热情化作行动,将自己的理想和祖国的前途命运结合起来,将自己的聪明才智完全地贡献给祖国,坚决拥护共产党领导,紧跟共产党并使自己成为其中的一员,坚决贯彻执行" 一个中心,两个基本点 " 的基本路线,才能够真正实现自己的抱负,才能真正富国强兵,提高综合国力,才能真正谈得上国家和民族的独立。 中国共产党员,不仅仅象征着崇高的荣誉,更重要的是能够为年轻人指明今后正确的奋斗道路方向,使他们在党的摇篮里健康快乐地成长。但我也深深地知道,要想真正成为一名合格的共产党党员,不仅仅表现在思想语言上,更重要的是体现在实际行动中。于是我将自己的决心融入到每一天里。平时我经常同党员谈心交流思想,使自己能够在正确的引导下更快的成长。在不断追求思想进步的同时,我时刻记得自己还是一名学生,不会忘记学习的重要性。我知道共产党员只有精通自身的业务,才能在群众中起到良好的模范带头作用。为此我努力学习好各门学科,在班级和学校组织的各项活动中,积极培养自己的综合素质。我还经常作自我批评,并发现自己身上的不足之处。如理论学习不够灵活、工作中有些情绪化、政治理论水平不高、工作方法比较简单等。不过我会尽我所能予以改正的,同时还请组织给与指导和帮助。自从我提出申请之日起,我在心中已将自己交给了党,我愿在日常的学习和工作中严格要求自己,做好党交给的工作,接受党的各种考验,我愿在社会主义建设中锻炼自己,和一切反党、思潮做不懈地斗争,为祖国的繁荣昌盛和人民的安居乐业作出自己的贡献。 在组织的关怀与培养下,我认真学习、努力工作,政治思想觉悟和个人综合素质都有了长足进步,已经基本符合了一名党员的标准,特此请求组织批准我的申请。如果组织批准礼我的申请,我一定会戒骄戒躁,继续以党员的标准严格要求自己,作一名名副其实的党员。如果组织没有接受我的请求,我也不会气馁,会继续为之奋斗,相信总有一天能够加入中国共产党。 此致 敬礼 申请人:入党申请书 .12.11 延伸阅读(英语版): Dear party branch: With great excitement, I solemnly submitted my membership application to the party branch of northwest agriculture, forestry and technology university: I applied to join the communist party of China, and realized my dream of serving the people all my life! I have always been ambitious to join the communist party of China since I was a child, and it has continued to this day, and the enthusiasm is even more unabated. The shining image of the party is firmly etched in my heart, inspiring me to move forward. Remember I just enter the school gate, due to their strict requirements, it's an honor to be chosen when it joined the young pioneers of the young pioneers representatives spoke in the school, at that moment the first time I personally felt shining under the light of organization, and even more strengthened the faith that to join the party. Then in the continuous learning and struggle for the long journey, I shed countless sweat, also cultivated the rich fruit. I deeply experienced the pride and joy of serving the people wholeheartedly and determined to fight for the cause of communism. So in my spare time, I often get to know the party through various channels. I know that our generation of young people grew up in new China, and every step of growing up has close ties to the party's care. Since the day she was founded, the communist party of China has faithfully represented the fundamental interests of the working class and the people of all ethnic groups, serving the people wholeheartedly. It has the foresight, can grasp the social history development objective law; She is highly organized and disciplined, and can work hard and tenacity. Having the good tradition and style of seeking truth from facts, taking mass line, carrying out criticism and self-criticism; We should be good at summarizing and learning lessons, constantly emancipating our minds, and innovating in order to create a new situation in the socialist modernization drive. Especially since the third plenary session of the eleventh in one center, two basic points in our country policy guidance, developing the socialist market economy, has made remarkable achievements, further proved that the communist party of China to lead the people of the whole country to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, one after another victory. Under the leadership of the party, the Chinese people have experienced a great deal of difficulties in realizing communism as the highest ideal and ultimate goal. The great victory of the new democracy and the establishment of the socialist new China. The fact that history is based on iron proves that there is no new China without the communist party. The communist party of China is the product of the combination of marxism-leninism and the Chinese worker movement, and her leadership is determined by historical, political and other reasons. The Chinese communist party is a great, glorious and correct party. Only by insisting on the leadership of the communist party of China, to achieve socialist modernization, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people throughout the country, to guarantee the socialist reform and modernization, to ensure that modernization has a stability and unity of the political environment, to reform and open gradually into the deep, to the real construction in our country will become independent, democratic and prosperous socialist country, to finally realize our lofty ideals - communism. Although I am just an ordinary college students at present, but I am a Chinese, as a Chinese people will rely on the interest, in the interests of the people, the party at any time put public interests as the first, to share the joys and sorrows of the masses, keep the most closely linked, everything for the masses, all rely on the masses, from the masses, to the masses, the party's claim right into the conscious action of the masses. As a young man, I will never forget these teachings, so I volunteered to join the communist party of China. The people need the party and the party needs the people. As long as the party and the people need, I will give my everything! I strongly support the leadership of the communist party of China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, opposed to split the motherland, safeguard the unity of the motherland, conscientiously implement the party's basic line and the principles and policies, take the lead in reform, opening up and socialist modernization construction, lead to economic development and social progress the arduous struggle, in production, work, study and social life of the cutting edge exemplary role. Do not insult the motherland, do not betray own country, strict conservative and the state secret, carry out the party's decision, obey the organization assignment, actively completes the party's task. Don't make the activities of feudal superstition, conscientiously study marxism-leninism, MAO zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory, study the party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, study the party's basic knowledge, learning science, culture and business knowledge, improve the ability of serving the people. I know, as a member of the communist party, not only to do a pioneer to emancipate the mind, seeking truth from facts, more important is to continue to transform the objective world at the same time, efforts to change their subjective world, sets up the lofty ideal of communism, to do a thorough materialist and atheist. Only set up the scientific world outlook, the outlook on life and values, to full of struggle for communism life confidence and courage, can at this stage for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics to sacrifice their own wisdom and sweat. So, I only will their patriotic passion into action, will own ideal and future of the motherland, will give their intelligence fully contribute to the motherland, firmly support the leadership of the CPC, followed by the communist party and make oneself become one of them, resolutely implement the "one center, two basic points" of basic line, can really realize their ambition, can truly new army, and improve the comprehensive national strength, can really talked about the country and the nation's independence. The Chinese communist party member, is not only a symbol of high honor, more important is to be able to indicate the correct in the future for young people struggle road direction, make them happy and healthy growth in the cradle. But I also know deeply that to truly be a qualified communist party member is not only reflected in the language of thought, but more importantly in action. So I integrated my determination into each day. In ordinary times, I often talk with the party members to exchange ideas, so that I can grow faster with the correct guidance. While pursuing the progress of my mind, I always remember that I am still a student and will not forget the importance of learning. I know that members of the communist party have to be proficient in their own business to lead a good role in the masses. Therefore, I have worked hard to study all disciplines, and actively cultivated my comprehensive qualities in various activities organized by the class and the school. I often criticize myself and find my shortcomings. If the theory is not flexible enough, some of the work is emotional, the political theory is not high, the work method is relatively simple. But I will do everything I can to correct it, and I will also ask the organization for guidance and help. Since the day of my request, I have handed his party in the heart, I want to strict with myself in daily study and work, do a good job in the party to accept the party's all kinds of test, I would like to exercise oneself in the socialist construction, and thoughts of all anti-party, making unremitting struggle, to the prosperity of the motherland and the people's own contribution to live and work in peace and contentment. Under the organization's care and training, I study hard, work hard, political ideological consciousness and individual comprehensive quality has improved, has been basically complies with the standards, a party hereby request organization approved my application. If my application is approved by the organization, I will be sure to quit the arrogance, and continue to be strict with the party members' standards and be a real party member. If the organization does not accept my request, I will not be discouraged and will continue to fight for it, and I believe that I will be able to join the communist party of China one day. Here to salute Applicant: membership application form . 12.11 |
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