标题 | 律师法律意见书英文版 |
范文 | 律师法律意见书英文版(通用3篇) 律师法律意见书英文版 篇1律师法律意见书英文版 Sample Attorney Opinion Letter Date (Name of Client) President Co., Ltd City, State, ZIP code Re: Opinion Letter Regarding (name of employee, e.g., fictitious ) Dear (Name): After our initial meeting, I reviewed the papers you sent me regarding the matter. As I understand the situation, Ms. signed a written employment agreement with your company. The agreement stated that in the event of termination or resignation from her job as your sales associate, Ms. would not call upon or sell goods to any of your customers for a period of one year. You have asked me to advise you about your rights, the chance of success, the amount of damages that may be recoverable, the costs involved, and my ability to represent you in this matter. RIGHTS OF AGAINST MS. When Ms. signed a written contract with your company, she agreed not to call upon any of your customers for a period of one year. This is called a restrictive covenant. To enforce your covenant against Ms., you must bring an action against her and prove your case. You have a choice of forums in which to bring the action: federal district court or a state court. Since it is easier to obtain an injunction (an action to immediately stop her from selling to your customers) in a state court rather than a federal court, I would suggest the state court. I must advise you that injunctions are largely discretionary with the court, and there are several factors here that might lead it not to grant one on your behalf. Since you waited eight months before threatening to sue Ms. , my guess is that you have about a twenty percent (20%) chance of obtaining an injunction. RIGHTS TO AND AMOUNT OF DAMAGES Your chances of obtaining money damages against Ms. are much greater than your chances for an injunction. From our discussion and the facts and evidence suggested in your papers, it appears that the amount of recoverable damages would be measured by the profits you have lost since the time Ms. began selling competitive products to your customers. It should be understood that if we win our case, however, Ms. may not voluntarily pay the judgment. Thus, it may be necessary to enforce the judgment by having a sheriff or marshall seize and sell assets not exempt from execution. However, if Ms. does not own assets, such as real estate, money in bank accounts, stocks, etc., but owns only personal items exempt from execution under the laws of our state, then any judgment you obtain may not be worth much. NEGATIVES TO LAWSUIT Besides the fact that you may lose a lawsuit against Ms. or that any judgment obtained may be uncollectible, there are other negative factors you should consider before bringing a lawsuit. These include court costs and attorney fees. Court costs are recoverable, but other costs, such as travel, the time lost when you are called to testify (or required to help us develop the case), and attorney fees, are not recoverable. MY SERVICES I am familiar with the nature of your manufacturing business and am qualified to represent you in this matter if you choose to proceed. My fee would be based on my normal hourly charge of $250 for myself and $150 for associates. Trial time is billed at $1,000 per day. The initial services of preparing a complaint and serving same would cost approximately $300. Preparing a request for an injunction and attending a hearing on the injunction would cost approximately $2,500. It is quite possible that Ms. would not retain her own counsel and not answer the complaint. This means that a default judgment could be taken without the necessity of a trial. Here attorney fees would probably amount to no more than $1,000. I require a $1,000 retainer to open a file and commence an action. If you wish to proceed with this matter, I will need to know the full names and addresses of your customers to whom Ms. is presently selling and the estimated sales volume which you have lost. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, Name of Attorney 律师法律意见书英文版 篇2原告:______________ 被告:______________ 诉讼请求:_________________ 1.判令被告立即停止侵权行为,公开赔礼道歉,消除影响,恢复原告名誉; 2.判令被告承担本案的诉讼费用; 3.判令被告支付原告为制止侵权行为支出的一切费用,包括但不限于律师费及其他经济损失。 事实及理由:_________________ 此致 __________人民法院 申请人:________________ _____________年_____月_____日 律师法律意见书英文版 篇3被告人:__________________ 案由:_________________ 起诉书号:_________________ 审判长、审判员(人民陪审员): 根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第一百五十三条规定,我受青秀区人民检察院的指派,代表本院,以国家公诉人的身份出席法庭支持公诉,并依法对刑事诉讼实行法律监督。现就本案证据和案件情况发表如下公诉意见,请合议庭评议时予以充分考虑并采纳。 (一)被告人_______________犯抢夺罪事实清楚,证据确实充分。经过刚才法庭调查查明,被告人_____________自___________年____月____日晚______时许,飞车抢夺了被害人_______价值____________元_____________型手机。___________年_____月____日___时许,被告人_______________伙同_________、________四个人飞车抢夺开摩托车的被害人雷惠新的提包,包内物品估价_______元。这两个抢夺事实通过举证被害人的陈述、书证、物证、鉴定结论、勘验检查笔录、被告人在公安机关的供述,已得到充分证明,这些证据互相印证,相互吻合,已形成完整的证据链条。因此,认定被告人_______________实施抢夺他人合法财物的犯罪事实有确实、充分的证据。 (二)被告人_____________飞车抢夺的行为已构成抢夺罪,依据是: 1.被告人_____________是正常的成年人。达到刑事责任年龄,具备刑事责任能力,符合抢夺罪的主体要件。 2.被告人_______________飞车抢夺的行为侵犯了被害人财物的所有权,符合抢夺罪的客体要件。 3.被告人_______________在主观方面表现为以非法占有为目的,即飞车抢夺了边过马路边打电话的被害人王月明的手机及开摩托车的被害人雷惠新的提包,非法占有他人钱财,符合抢夺罪的主观要件。 4.被告人_____________在客观方面表现为公然抢夺他人手机、手提包,经鉴定数额巨大,符合抢夺罪的客体要件。综上所述,被告人_____________已符合抢夺罪的全部构成要件,已构成抢夺罪。 (三)被告人_____________犯抢夺罪的社会危害性及给人们的教训。被告人_______________公然以飞车抢夺的方式夺取他人公私财物,数额巨大,严重破坏了正常的社会秩序,更使被害人_______________蒙受了经济的损失。飞车抢夺不仅破坏了公民的财产安全,而且可能照成交通事故,危害公共安全,破坏社会的稳定。 追求丰富的物质生活,只能通过勤劳致富来实现,决部允许以抢夺他人财物获取非法利益。作为本案的公诉人,看到两被告人因贪欲之害,铤而走险,走上今天犯罪的道路,为此深感遗憾。“法网恢恢,疏而不漏”,在大量证据面前,法律总会以其客观、公平、公正、适当的方式体现其打击犯罪,保护公民合法权益之价值的。因此,希望通过今天的庭审,两名被告人能够深刻反思自己飞车抢夺行为的社会危害性,以此为戒,好好改造,早日回归社会。 (四)被告人_____________应负的刑事法律责任。被告人_______________以非法占有为目的,公然抢夺他人财物,数额巨大,其行为触犯了《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百六十七条第二款之规定,构成抢夺罪,应当在3年以上10年以下有期徒刑之间量刑,并处以罚金。根据____________年____月____日《最高人民法院关于审理抢夺刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》第四条规定,抢夺公私财物,数额接近本解释第一条第(二)项、第(三)项规定的;数额巨大_____;数额特别巨大_____;的标准,并具有本解释第二条规定的情形之一的,可以分别认定为_____;其他严重情节_____者_____;其他特别严重情节,根据其犯罪数额和认罪态度,建议对其判处有期徒刑五年,并处罚金人民币三千元。 综上所述,起诉书认定本案被告人_______________的犯罪事实清楚,证据确实充分,依法应当认定被告人有罪,并应依法对其定罪量刑。 公诉人:______________ _____年_____月_____日 |
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