标题 | 知识产权保护法律意见书 |
范文 | 知识产权保护法律意见书(通用3篇) 知识产权保护法律意见书 篇1致:__________公司 经了解,贵公司员工利用公司便利条件,在其职务范围内创造发明的现象时常发生。但是贵公司缺乏相应的管理制度,对员工创造发明产生的知识产权归属及相关权利的行使没有详细可行的规定。致使公司与员工之间权利界限模糊,不利于公司对人员管理,甚至与员工产生知识产权权利纠纷。 为维护公司利益、规范公司管理、划清权利界限、避免日后法律纠纷,结合贵公司实际情况和相关法律法规及政策,就贵公司内部员工利用公司提供的便利条件,创造发明产生的专利权及相关权利处理问题作以下法律意见,供贵公司参考: 一、本意见书要解决的情形。 与贵公司具有劳动关系的员工在劳动关系存续期间,执行工作任务或利用公司提供的物质、经济、人员、设备、技术、场所、信息等条件而完成发明创造。该发明创造属于《中华人民共和国专利法》中专利的范围。依法应受到《中华人民共和国专利法》及其他相关法律法规及政策、国际公约的保护。 一、本意见书主要法律依据。 《中华人民共和国专利法》 《民法典》 《中华人民共和国公司法》等 三、依据以上事实及法律法规,为公司利益考虑,提供如下操作意见供参考: 1、明确工作任务。 《中华人民共和国专利法》第六条规定“职务发明创造申请专利的权利属于该单位;申请被批准后,该单位为专利权人。”“执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造为职务发明创造。” 在工作安排中,如有工作可能涉及员工创造发明,建议公司以“工作任务下达通知单”等书面形式,将工作任务的安排明确化、具体化、证据化。该书面文件可显示公司下达任务的目标、所提供的工作条件、要求提交的工作成果类型和时间等内容。将员工的创造发明活动纳入公司的工作任务。从而使公司获得专利申请权及申请成功后的专利权,降低日后发生争议的可能性。 2、与员工签订知识产权归属合同。 《中华人民共和国专利法》规定“利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造,单位与发明人或者设计人订有合同,对申请专利的权利和专利权的归属作出约定的,从其约定。”公司可与员工签订关于专利权归属的合同。约定公司为知识成果研发提供物质、资金、技术、场所、信息等资源;成果产出后对员工的奖励措施;专利申请权及专利权归公司所有。以详细具体的书面文件确定相关权利归属,从而定纷止争。 3、制定公司商业秘密保护制度。 专利的申请时间长、审批程序复杂、标准严格,往往一项科技成果在经过漫长的申请程序后没有得到专利总局的审批,最终无法得到专利法的保护。而专利审批程序的特性却将核心的技术秘密详细地公之于众,使企业经营的市场竞争力减弱。相对于专利权保护而言,国家法律对于商业秘密的保护范围更广,操作简便,无需复杂的审批手续。对侵犯商业秘密各个环节的侵权人都有制约措施。结合公司知识成果的属性,可采用商业秘密的方式进行阶段性的保护。 可通过制定员工保密守则、固定公司对知识成果产出的投入证据、知识成果带动公司效益的市场调研等一系列措施将涉及的重要知识成果纳入商业秘密保护的范围,以期对重要信息进行全方位、广范围的保护。 本法律建议书仅供委托人参考。未经本所允许,不得向第三人出示,亦不得作为任何证据使用。 _______________律师 __________年________月________日 知识产权保护法律意见书 篇2公司增资法律意见书范文可以提供参考 授权委托书 (法人单位用) 委托人:_________________公司(公司全称) 法定代表人:_________________,职务:_________________ 住所地:_________________ 电话:_________________ 受托人:_________________姓名:_________________,工作单位:_________________ 职务:_________________ 电话:_________________ 住址:_________________ 受托人:_________________姓名:_________________,工作单位:_________________ 职务:_________________ 电话:_________________ 住址:_________________ 现委托上述受托人就我公司增资事宜出具法律意见书。 代理人的代理权限为:_________________就__________单位向我公司(或我公司向__________单位)增资事宜出具法律意见书。 代理人的代理权限为:_________________就__________单位向我公司(或我公司向__________单位)增资事宜出具法律意见书。 委托人(盖章):_________________ 法定代表人(签章):_________________ ___ 年 ___ 月 ___ 日 知识产权保护法律意见书 篇3律师法律意见书英文版 Sample Attorney Opinion Letter Date (Name of Client) President Co., Ltd City, State, ZIP code Re: Opinion Letter Regarding (name of employee, e.g., fictitious ) Dear (Name): After our initial meeting, I reviewed the papers you sent me regarding the matter. As I understand the situation, Ms. signed a written employment agreement with your company. The agreement stated that in the event of termination or resignation from her job as your sales associate, Ms. would not call upon or sell goods to any of your customers for a period of one year. You have asked me to advise you about your rights, the chance of success, the amount of damages that may be recoverable, the costs involved, and my ability to represent you in this matter. RIGHTS OF AGAINST MS. When Ms. signed a written contract with your company, she agreed not to call upon any of your customers for a period of one year. This is called a restrictive covenant. To enforce your covenant against Ms., you must bring an action against her and prove your case. You have a choice of forums in which to bring the action: federal district court or a state court. Since it is easier to obtain an injunction (an action to immediately stop her from selling to your customers) in a state court rather than a federal court, I would suggest the state court. I must advise you that injunctions are largely discretionary with the court, and there are several factors here that might lead it not to grant one on your behalf. Since you waited eight months before threatening to sue Ms. , my guess is that you have about a twenty percent (20%) chance of obtaining an injunction. RIGHTS TO AND AMOUNT OF DAMAGES Your chances of obtaining money damages against Ms. are much greater than your chances for an injunction. From our discussion and the facts and evidence suggested in your papers, it appears that the amount of recoverable damages would be measured by the profits you have lost since the time Ms. began selling competitive products to your customers. It should be understood that if we win our case, however, Ms. may not voluntarily pay the judgment. Thus, it may be necessary to enforce the judgment by having a sheriff or marshall seize and sell assets not exempt from execution. However, if Ms. does not own assets, such as real estate, money in bank accounts, stocks, etc., but owns only personal items exempt from execution under the laws of our state, then any judgment you obtain may not be worth much. NEGATIVES TO LAWSUIT Besides the fact that you may lose a lawsuit against Ms. or that any judgment obtained may be uncollectible, there are other negative factors you should consider before bringing a lawsuit. These include court costs and attorney fees. Court costs are recoverable, but other costs, such as travel, the time lost when you are called to testify (or required to help us develop the case), and attorney fees, are not recoverable. MY SERVICES I am familiar with the nature of your manufacturing business and am qualified to represent you in this matter if you choose to proceed. My fee would be based on my normal hourly charge of $250 for myself and $150 for associates. Trial time is billed at $1,000 per day. The initial services of preparing a complaint and serving same would cost approximately $300. Preparing a request for an injunction and attending a hearing on the injunction would cost approximately $2,500. It is quite possible that Ms. would not retain her own counsel and not answer the complaint. This means that a default judgment could be taken without the necessity of a trial. Here attorney fees would probably amount to no more than $1,000. I require a $1,000 retainer to open a file and commence an action. If you wish to proceed with this matter, I will need to know the full names and addresses of your customers to whom Ms. is presently selling and the estimated sales volume which you have lost. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, Name of Attorney |
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