标题 | 服装门店员工雇用劳动合同 |
范文 | 服装门店员工雇用劳动合同(精选3篇) 服装门店员工雇用劳动合同 篇1甲方: 乙方: 甲、乙双方依据《民法典》以及有关法律、法规规定,遵循平等自愿、 协商一致、诚实信用的原则,签订本合同。 一、合同期限: 甲、乙双方约定按有固定期限的劳动合同自_____年____月___日起至_____年____月___日日止。并约定试用期自_____年____月___日起至_____年____月___日止。 二、工作内容: 乙方同意根据甲方要求,经过协商,从事营业工作。甲方根据工作需要,按照合理诚信原则,可依法变动乙方的工作岗位。 甲方安排乙方所从事的工作内容及要求,应当符合国家法律法规规定的劳动基准和甲方依法制订的并已公示的规章制度。乙方应当按照甲方安排的工作内容及要求履行劳动义务。 三、工作时间和休息休假: 甲、乙双方经协商一致,确认工作时间执行以下条款。 1、标准工时工作制。、综合计算工时工作制。、不定时工作制。 甲方严格遵守法定的工作时间,保证乙方的休息与身心健康,甲方确因工作需要安排乙方加班加点的,应按照法律、法规规定安排补休或支付加班加点工资。 四、劳动报酬: 甲方应当每月至少一次以货币形式支付乙方工资,不得克扣或者无故拖欠乙方的工资。乙 方在法定工作时间或依法签订劳动合同约定的工作时间内提供了正常劳动,甲方向乙方支付的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。 甲方承诺每月23日为发薪日。 甲乙双方协商约定月基本工资 双方约定加班加点工资计发基数按月基本工资为标准结算。 五、社会保险: 甲、乙双方严格按照国家及地方有关社保方面的规定,参加社会保险,按时缴纳各项社会 保险费。其中,依法应由乙方缴纳的部分,由乙方承担。 六、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业病危害防护: 甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,应当向乙方履行如实告知的义务,并对乙方进行劳动安全卫生教育,防止劳动过程中的伤亡事故,减少职业病危害。 甲方按照国家关于女职工、未成年工的特殊保护规定,对乙方提供保护。 七、劳动合同终止、解除的条件和不得解除劳动合同的规定: 有下列情形之一者,甲方可以解除劳动合同: 1、乙方在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的; 2、乙方患病或非因公负伤,医疗期满后不能从事原工作的,也不能从事由甲方另行安排工作的; 3、乙方严重违反劳动纪律、规章制度的; 4、乙方失职,营私舞弊,对甲方造成重大损害或给甲方造成5000元以上经济损失的; 5、乙方不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位后仍不能胜任工作的; 6、乙方泄露甲方的商业机密给甲方造成损害的; 7、乙方兼任其他公司工作的; 8、乙方提供不真实人事资料的; 9、劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使本合同无法履行,经双方协商未能就变更合同达成协议的; 10、其他根据《民法典》及相关法律,行政法规的规定可解除的。 甲方有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除劳动合同: 未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的; 甲方以暴力、威胁或非法限制人身自由强迫劳动的; 乙方提前三十日以书面形式提出辞职,移交正常工作并经甲方同意的。 有下列情形之一者,劳动合同终止: 劳动合同期满的; 乙方开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇的; 乙方死亡,或者被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失踪的。 甲方宣布解散的,或因门店经营不善、租赁合同解除、加盟商撤资、闭店或不可预定的天灾、事故导致门店无法继续营业的; 有下列情形之一的,甲方不得终止或解除合同: 职工因工负伤或患职业病在规定的医疗期间的; 法律、法规规定的其他情形。 甲、乙任何一方提出解除合同,应提前三十天以书面形式通知对方。 八、双方协商一致,约定下列条款: 由甲方出资对乙方进行专业技术培训,并要求乙方履行服务期的,应当事前征得乙方同意,明确双方权利义务。 未约定的按民法典的相关规定执行。 九、争议处理: 甲、乙双方因履行本合同发生劳动争议,可以协商解决。不愿协商或者协商不成的,可以 向本单位劳动争议调解委员会申请调解;调解不成的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。甲、乙双方也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。 十、其它事项: 劳动合同期内,乙方户籍所在地址、现居住地址、联系方式等发生变化,应当及时告知甲方后的三日内书面告之甲方。否则,由此造成的法律后果由乙方承担。 本合同未尽事宜,均按国家有关规定执行,国家没有规定的,通过双方平等协商解决。 本合同不得代签和涂改。 甲、乙双方另行签订的《补充协议》作为本合同的附件,与本合同具有同等效力。 本合同附件包括:《梅尔卡兰奴门店员工行为管理规定》 十一、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,经双方签字,盖章后生效。 甲方盖章: 法定代表人或负责人签名: 乙方签名: 签章日期:签名日期: 服装门店员工雇用劳动合同 篇2聘(雇)用契约书 _________(以下简称甲方)为应业务需要,聘(雇)用_________先生(女士)(以下简称乙方)为约聘(雇)人员,双方订立契约条款如下: 一、聘(雇)用期间:自_________年_________月_________日起至_________年_________月_________日止。 二、聘(雇)用报酬:甲方按月支给乙方报酬_________薪点(_________元)。 三、工作内容(具体叙明):_________。 四、受聘(雇)责任: 乙方受聘(雇)后须确保甲方公务机密,有保密期限者从其规定,无保密期限者自离职日起_________年为限(解聘(雇)者亦同)。乙方不得有不法行为或违背约定义务,如有违背者,除涉及民、刑事责任,由甲方依法追究外,并得随时解聘(雇)。 五、乙方在受聘(雇)用期间,除应遵守甲方一切行政法规之规定外,其假期、离职储金给与、劳工_____及全民健保等,依左列约定: 假期核给:依_________办理。 离职储金之扣缴及给与依_________规定办理,按月扣缴储存生息,并于离职时依规定发给。 按乙方每月支报酬之百分之_________提存储金,其中百分之_________由乙方于每月报酬中扣缴作为自提储金,另百分之_________由甲方提拨作为公提储金,并由甲方在金融机构开立专户储存孳息,列帐管理。 乙方因契约期满离职、或经甲方同意于契约期限届满前离职、或在职因公、因病或意外死亡者,发给公、自提储金本息。 乙方因违反契约所定义务而经甲方予以解聘,或未经甲方同意而于契约期限届满前离职者,仅发给自提储金之本息。 其余未尽事宜请参考_________有关规定。 乙方受聘(雇)用期间,甲方应善尽投保劳工_____及全民健康_____之义务。 六、乙方于受聘(雇)期间之著作或工作成果,如系于甲方企划下,或法定工作期间完成者,其所有权归属甲方。因前开著作或工作成果所生之智能财产权,应依本院之相关规定办理。 七、本契约期间届满当然失效,如因业务需要须续聘时,另行签订新契约。 八、本契约未订定事项,悉依《聘用人员聘用条例》及_________相关规定办理。 九、本契约以中文本为准。如中、英文二本互相歧异或抵触时,以中文本为准。 十、本契约法律纠纷以_________法院为第一审管辖法院。 十一、本契约乙式参份,除一份由甲方报院备查外,另由双方各执乙份。 甲方(签章):_________ 乙方(签章):_________ _________年____月____日 _________年____月____日 附件:employment agreementthis agreement is made and entered _____o on the _________day of _________ , _________by and between _________( institute or preparatory office ), academia sinica ( hereinafter referred to as "a" ) and_________( hereinafter "b" ).as, a is willing to offer b employment, and b is willing to accept such employment subject to the following terms and conditions: ;of employment the parties agree that the term of this agreement shall be _____mencing from this _________ day of _________ , _________ to the_________day of _________ , _________. a shall pay b a salary of n.t.$_________per month. 3.b''s duties ( in specific description ) b''s duties shall include _________. 4.b''s obligations and termination 4.1 b shall handle in a confidential manner all matters relating to a''s business. this confidentiality obligation shall remain effective during the period specified in the regulations or working rules concerned. in case that no time period is specified, it remains effective for successive _________ years'' terms after b''s termination of this employment. in the event that b violates any law or regulation, or breaches this agreement or working rules concerned, a may in its discretion reprimand b or terminate this agreement. a also reserves the right to institute suit against b for civil _____pensation or to impose criminal liability. 4.2 during the term of this agreement, b shall _____ply with the directions and instructions of his/her supervisors, perform his/her duties in accordance with all regulations and relevant working rules. b violates any obligation specified in this paragraph and the case is considered to be serious in nature, a may in its discretion terminate this agreement. if at any time the parties _____end to terminate this agreement due to causes beyond the reasonable control of such party, either shall give thirty (30) days'' notice of cancellation to the other party prior to the _____ended termination date. b shall va_____e his/her office under and pursuant to the stipulations agreed upon by both parties. b shall submit to the _____ceedings in prescribed manner as to be va_____ed of his/her ;case of any one of the following conditions which is due to b''s fault,b shall be responsible for _____pensation:(1) b inflicts damage to or e_________cessively abuses machinery, equipment, tools, raw materials, _____ducts or other article belonging to academia sinica;(2) b _____mits torts;(3) b violates a''s ownership of _____ellectual _____perty rights. 5.b shall _____ply with any administrative regulations and rules _____vided by a. in regard to the matters of absence on leave, "pay-as-you-go" contribution benefit, labor insurance and national health insurance, the following terms and conditions shall be applicable. 5.1 "absence on leave " shall be operated pursuant to "regulation of absence on leave for personnel served in all e_________ecutive yuan _____anizations under civil contractual relationship". 5.2 the d_____ction and grant of "pay-as-you-go" contribution benefit shall be operated pursuant to "regulation of ''pay-as-you-go'' contribution benefit for personnel served in all _____anizations and schools under civil contractual relationship". certain amount of salary shall be d_____cted per month and accrue on the financial institute over the term of this employment. 5.2.1 an amount equal to seven percent ( 7﹪) of the monthly salary shall be contributed. fifty percent ( 50﹪) of the contribution shall be drawn from b''s monthly salary. ( hereinafter called "personal contribution benefit") a shall _____vide the other fifty percent ( 50﹪) of the contribution ( hereinafter called "public contribution benefit"), and shall open a special ac on financial institute as to accumulate and manage this contribution (personal plus public) . 5.2.2 the total amount of the contribution benefits (personal plus public) shall be granted to b, if at any time (a) b leaves the office on the e_________piry of this agreement, (b) b va_____es the office prior to the e_________piration date with the consent of a, and (c) b deceases due to undertaking of duty, illness or accident. 5.2.3 the amount of personal contribution benefits accumulated shall be granted to b, if at any time (a) a terminates this agreement inasmuch as b breaches any obligation, and (b) b resigns from the office prior to the e_________piration date without the consent of a. 5.2.4 any matter or event not _____vided in the conte_________t of this article shall be operated pursuant to "regulation of ''pay-as-you-go'' contribution benefit for personnel served in all _____anizations and schools under civil contractual relationship" and relevant regulations. 5.3 during the term of this agreement, a shall insure b subject to the terms and conditions pursuant to labor insurance regulations and national health insurance regulations. ;parties agree that a shall own _____prietary right pertaining to the literary works or achievements _____pleted by b under the _____jects initiated or coordinated by a during the term of this agreement. the ownership of _____ellectual _____perty rights ( including but not limited to certain patents, trademarks, copyrights, technical _____rmation and know-how ) accrued from the literary works or achievements herein contained is subject to the relevant regulations and rules _____vided by a. at the e_________piration of the term of this agreement, the employment relationship shall automatically terminate without any condition. a new employment agreement shall be signed for the renewal and continuance of such relationship, if agreed to any by both parties. ;matter or event not _____vided in the conte_________t of this agreement shall be _____erned by and _____erpreted in accordance with "employment regulation for personnel under civil contractual relationship" (stipulated by academia sinica ) & "employment regulation for personnel served in all e_________ecutive yuan _____anizations under civil contractual relationship". ;language the chinese te_________t of this agreement shall be deemed the original. in the event of any dispute or misunderstanding as to the _____erp retation of the language or terms of this agreement, the chinese language version shall control. ;law any dispute or controversy between the parties with respect to this agreement shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the republic of china. the parties hereby submit and consent to the non-e_________clusive jurisdiction of the shih-lin district court. ;witness of,the parties hereto have e_________ecuted this agreement in three (3) erparts on the date first above indi_____ed, each such erpart being deemed an original and all such erparts together constituting one single instrument. the parties have delivered this agreement, two for a ( the central administration office and the institute or preparatory office hereto ) and one for ;a (signature):_______ party b (signature):_______date:_______ date:_______ 服装门店员工雇用劳动合同 篇3甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》的规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,订立本雇佣合同,共同遵守。 一、乙方于每周一至周五负责烹制甲方工作期间的伙食,一日两餐。 二、本雇佣合同期限为_________年,其中试用期为_________个月。试用期内,甲方负责采购伙食原料,并独立核算伙食成本,试用期满后,由乙方负责采购伙食原料,但伙食收费标准必须遵照甲方核定的成本价标准。 三、甲方每月按时足额支付乙方工资报酬¥_________元,工资报酬含安全意外保险。 四、甲方因临时接待或周末加班需要用餐,经提前通知乙方后,乙方应服从甲方的相关安排,甲方承担用餐的成本费。 五、乙方必须严格按照国家食品安全卫生操作流程烹制,确保餐食的卫生、安全,若因违规操作不慎发生食物中毒或意外安全事故,责任由乙方承担。 六、若甲方向乙方提供住宿,乙方应当保证住宿期间的财产安全,防火防盗,因疏忽大意发生不安全事故,责任由乙方承担。 七、乙方应当注意上下班途中自身的人身安全,若发生意外事故,乙方自行承担责任,甲方概不负责。 八、甲方提前_________日以口头方式通知乙方,可以解除本雇佣合同;乙方提前_________日以口头方式通知甲方,可以解除本雇佣合同。 九、乙方应厉行节俭,杜绝铺张浪费,避免一切不必要的费用。 十、本合同未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方协商解决。根据需要可以签署补充合同,补充合同与本合同具有同等法律效力。 十一、本合同在履行过程中发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 十二、本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。自双方签字盖章之日起生效。 甲方:_________ 乙方:_________ 日期:_________年_________月_________日 |
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