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标题 外国文教专家聘用合同(中英文版)





  甲方 中国国际广播电台





  甲方 中国国际广播电台 (以下简称“甲方”)


  注册地址 邮编

  乙方 (以下简称“乙方”)

  国籍 性别


  出生日期 年 月 日




  邮政编码: 电子邮箱:

  电话: 传真:

  在甲方工作起始时间 年 月 日





  1.1本合同期限自 年 月 日起,至 年 月 日止。

  1.2本合同规定乙方的试用期为1个月,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。




  第二条 工作岗位

  2.1甲方根据工作需要及乙方的岗位意向,聘用乙方在 部门,担任______专业岗位工作。





  第三条 工作岗位的调整





  第四条 工时制度

  4.1 甲方实行与本单位工作性质相适应的,且符合国家和所在地相关聘用法规的工作和休息制度。

  4.2 根据甲方工作需要和乙方的工作岗位,甲方安排乙方执行标准工时制度。乙方每日工作时间8小时,每周工作40小时。


  第五条 延长工作时间





  5.5 按时按量完成甲方交付的工作是乙方的责任,如乙方未能按时按量完成工作而自行或必须加班的,甲方不支付相应的加班工资或安排乙方补假。

  第六条 甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件和工作工具,制定操作规程、工作范围和工作安全卫生制度。

  第七条 乙方应当遵守中国的法律、法规、规章及甲方制订的各项制度。

  第八条 出差



  第九条 工资

  9.1 甲方按国家分配制度的有关规定确定乙方应得的工资报酬。乙方的月工资为 元人民币(税前)。乙方试用期月工资为 元人民币(税前,不低于正式合同期工资的80%)。

  9.2 月工资中最高3000元可兑换外汇。

  9.3 甲方根据奖金发放制度、甲方经营效益、乙方工作能力、工作表现及业绩考核,决定是否发放奖金以及发放数额,奖金于次月支付。




  9.7 由于乙方违反甲方规章制度损坏甲方财产,或者违反聘用纪律和制度受到经济处罚,或者违反本合同应当支付违约金、赔偿金的,甲方有权从乙方的工资中予以扣除。

  第十条 工资支付

  10.1 甲方每月10 日以前以货币形式支付当月的工资(加班工资按10.3执行)。如遇法定休息日,则提前至最近的一个工作日发放。工资按月发放,不足整月的按日计发,日薪为月薪的1/21.75。乙方于10日以后入职的,当月工资按天计算在下月10日前与下月工资一并发放。



  第十一条 个人所得税




  第十二条 医疗保险、到职后健康复检及在华居留许可办理费用

  12.1 本合同生效后,甲方为乙方(受聘时年龄在60周岁以下)购买医疗保险。乙方按照医疗保险条款规定可在中国境内所有的社会保险定点医疗机构就诊,自行办理报销手续。有关医疗保险和医疗费用报销的详情请参阅《外籍及港澳台来华人士综合医疗保险》项目介绍及其网站,地址为。

  12.2 甲方为通过试用期的乙方报销到职后在北京市出入境检验检疫中心所做的健康复检费,不含体检报告的快递费。


  第十三条 赴任和离任的交通费用补贴


  13.1 甲方为乙方提供来北京赴任和离任回国的交通补贴。补贴额为北京至乙方赴任前居留地最近距离之经济舱机票届时市场实际价格,由甲方确认具体价格并有解释权。

  13.2 来华赴任交通费补贴在乙方完成第一个合同年前两个月内发放。离任交通费补贴在乙方完成最后一个合同年前两个月内发放。

  第十四条 若试用期考核未通过,或者双方在试用期内即通知对方解除合同,则甲方不为乙方提供任何交通费用补贴;来华赴任时若由甲方购买了机票,则乙方必须退回甲方为其支付的机票款。

  第十五条 休假

  15.1 乙方享受中国公民法定带薪节日休假:元旦、春节、清明节、国际劳动节、端午节、国庆节、中秋节以及法律、法规规定的其他节假日。

  15.2 如乙方试用期考核通过,可享受带薪年假。每一合同年内,乙方可最多休假 15 个工作日。但乙方休假要在工作情况允许的条件下经所在部门领导批准。

  15.3 如果乙方按其国籍和信仰在圣诞节、宰牲节(古尔邦节)、开斋节和泼水节等节日休假,则要相应扣减其带薪年假。休假时间超过乙方按照15.2条规定可以享受的带薪年假的,超过的时间按照事假处理。

  15.4 乙方连续聘用期限两年以上(含两年),并通过每年的合同年度的工作考核,自第二年起每合同年可根据国籍地区享受探亲交通补贴,探亲交通补贴额度由甲方确定,参见13.1。

  15.5 探亲交通补贴在乙方履行续签合同半年后方可领取。若乙方续签合同执行不满半年即提前解除合同,则甲方不提供探亲交通补贴。

  15.6 乙方所领取的赴任和离职交通补贴以及探亲交通补贴都要按照中国税法的规定,由甲方在发放时代为扣缴税款。


  第十六条 工作纪律





  第十七条 奖励和惩处


  17.2 乙方如果违反甲方的规章制度、聘用纪律以及本合同的有关规定,甲方将进行批评教育、经济处罚,直至解除本合同,并不支付任何补偿费用。

  第十八条 病假和事假

  18.1 乙方请病假,须凭社保定点医院的医生证明。乙方在一个合同年度内,累计病假不超过15天(工作日),工资按照100%发放;超过15天至最长三个月的,病假期间工资按不低于北京市最低工资标准的80%发放;超过法定医疗期期限的(累计休病假超过三个月的,医疗期计算含其中的休息日、法定节假日),甲方有权解除合同。法律有其它特殊规定的,则遵循其它特殊规定。病假可用带薪年假抵消。病假期间不发奖金。

  18.2 乙方请事假须经甲方同意,首先要用年假顶替事假。事假超出年假的部分,甲方将按日扣发工资。一个合同年度内,事假超出年假的部分累计不得超过10天,连续事假不得超过3天。每超过1天,将扣发当天工资。连续事假如超过3天,则还要扣除当月全部奖金。奖金的发放则按照奖金考核规定执行。

  第十九条 旷工、违纪处理

  19.1 乙方未经甲方同意而擅离职守,按旷工处理。旷工1天,将扣发3天的奖金;旷工超过3天,将扣发当月全部奖金。

  19.2 有下列情况之一的,甲方有权解除合同,并追究乙方的违约责任:

  19.2.1 连续旷工达7天的;

  19.2.2 一个合同年度内,累计旷工达15 天的;

  19.2.3 严重违反安全播出规章制度,给甲方工作造成重大影响的其它情形;

  19.2.4 严重违反甲方劳动纪律和规章制度的其他行为。

  19.3 乙方出现19.2约定情形,给甲方造成经济损失和重大损害


  第二十条 保密

  20.1 乙方对甲方负有保密义务。乙方须遵守甲方有关保密的规章制度,服从甲方的保密管理,包括但不限于涉密文件的保存、传递、使用、销毁等。

  20.2 乙方因工作接触到的凡注有内部资料、秘密、机密、绝密等字样的文件以及预发稿等均属于涉密文件,乙方不得违反规定自行传播,也不得以任何方式向任何第三方泄露或允许任何第三方使用,传播的方式包括但不限于复制、发送电子邮件、携带密件、密品到公共场所、在公共场所谈论涉密文件的内容等。

  20.3 乙方违反保密义务,除赔偿甲方因此造成的损失外,应按照相关法律法规承担相应的法律责任。

  20.4 乙方保密义务的期限不受本合同期限的限制,自乙方知悉涉密文件时开始,至涉密文件脱密时或者涉密文件已进入公共信息领域时终止。


  第二十一条 聘用合同的变更





  21.5 合同一方依据第21.2项及第21.4项的约定,要求变更本合同的,应将变更要求书面通知另一方,另一方应在15日内(含15日)书面答复对方;15日内未答复的视为不同意变更本合同。

  第二十二条 聘用合同的终止








  22.3 法律规定终止聘用合同应支付经济补偿金的,甲方应按照法律规定支付经济补偿金。补偿金计算标准按本合同29.1条规定执行。

  第二十三条 聘用合同的解除

  23.1 经甲、乙双方协商一致,可以解除本合同。


  23.2.1 在试用期内被证明不符合条件的。

  23.2.2 严重违反工作纪律或者甲方规章制度的。

  23.2.3 严重失职、营私舞弊、对甲方利益造成重大损害的。

  23.2.4 被依法追究刑事责任、行政拘留、司法拘留、强制戒毒的。





  23.3.3 乙方有违约行为而未在72小时内补救的。

  23.3.4 单位根据经营状况或调整生产经营管理而简编裁员的。





  23.5.1 在试用期内;

  23.5.2 甲方有欺诈行为导致乙方签订本合同的;










  第二十四条 离职交接和财产返还

  24.1 本合同终止或者解除时,乙方必须按照甲方要求办理离职交接手续。如因为乙方交接不当、拒绝交接、交接不完整而造成甲方损失的,乙方应当承担赔偿责任。

  24.2 乙方应立即返还其使用或占有的合法属于甲方的一切文件和其他物品。

  24.3 在乙方办理完毕离职交接手续之后,甲方应当支付依据法律规定或依据本合同约定承担的有关费用,并出具离职证明。


  第二十五条 本合同的续订

  25.1 本合同期限届满前,甲、乙双方应当就本合同是否续订进行协商。甲、乙双方同意续订本合同的,应当在本合同期限届满前签订书面协议。

  25.2 本合同期限届满前90日,如乙方有意续订合同,可向甲方提出续订本合同的申请,双方同意续订后办理合同续订手续。

  第二十六条 本合同续订期限




  第二十七条 违约责任的原则




  第二十八条 乙方的违约责任


  28.2 乙方提前解除合同给甲方造成的损失,乙方应当承担赔偿责任。乙方的合同尚未到期,又不符合23.4条和23.5条所列的解除条件,而单方面解除合同或擅自离职的,乙方应当向甲方支付违约金。




  28.2.4 乙方在离合同期届满2个月内向甲方提出解除合同或擅自离职的,乙方应当向甲方支付500美元违约金。



  28.5 乙方未履行本合同约定的其他义务造成甲方经济损失的,应给予赔偿。


  第二十九条 甲方的违约责任




  第三十条 通知及送达





  第三十一条 双方约定的其他内容

  31.1 乙方在为甲方工作期间,因完成本职工作,或利用甲方物质条件,或以甲方工作人员名义,而形成的作品版权由甲方享有,乙方只享有署名权。

  31.2 乙方来华赴任机票。­­­­­_______________________________


  第三十二条 聘用争议处理


  第三十三条 法律适用




  第三十四条 合同文本


  第三十五条 本合同的附件

  35.1 岗位职责。(由甲方用人部门和乙方另行签署)

  35.2 其他附件: 。

  第三十六条 本合同的生效


  第三十七条 本合同的解释



  甲方: 乙方:

  时间: 时间:


  China Radio International

  Foreign Staffer’s Employment Contract

  (Translation, only for reference)

  Party A: China Radio International

  Party B:


  The contract is formulated and printed by

  China Radio International

  New edition 20xx

  Party A: China Radio International (hereafter referred to as “Party A”)

  Legal Representative:

  Registered Address:

  Post Code:

  Party B: ______________________(hereafter referred to as “Party B”)

  Nationality: __________________________Gender: ______________

  Passport No.:__________________ Date of Birth: _______________

  Permanent Address in China: _______________________________

  _______________________________________Post Code:_________

  Postal Address for Original Domicile: ______________________

  ______________________________________Post Code:_________

  Email Address: ________________________________

  Tel. No. :________________ Fax No. :________________________

  Starting Date of Working at Party A: _________________

  The rights and obligations of Party A and Party B are established in the Contract. Both Parties confirm they fully understand and will implement completely any provisions in the Contract. Unless Party B explicitly expresses his reservations over and his wish to cancel certain provisions when making the Contract, Party B waives his right of defense on any of the provisions.

  Chapter I. Contract Term

  Article 1.

  1.1 The Contract covers the term from ______day of______, _______ to _______ day of______, _________.

  1.2 The probationary period for Party B is one month, starting from ______day of______, _______ to _______ day of______, _________.

  1.3 Party A will decide whether or not to shorten the probationary period based upon Party B’s proved capacity. During the probationary period, either Party can terminate the Contract upon informing the other Party in a written form according to law.

  1.4 Should Party B conduct acts during the probationary period that do not meet Party A’s recruitment requirements and Party A does not know them until after the probationary period because of Party B’s intentional efforts to conceal them, then Party A has the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with provisions concerning termination of the Contract during the probationary period without paying any compensation to Party B.

  Chapter Ⅱ. Job Description and Adjustment

  Article 2. Job Description.

  2.1 Party A employs Party B served in ______________post in the ____________ Service, according to Party A’s needs and Party B’s desire.

  2.2 The specific job description of Party B and workload and quality standards that Party B has to meet are listed in the appendix. (Limited by the length of this Contract, the appendix is attached separately.)

  2.3 Party B should all along remain qualified for the post and perform relevant responsibilities and obligations in a highly efficient manner.

  2.4 Party B should complete the work assigned by Party A on time, in full and to a satisfactory level of quality, and perform Party B’s obligations in the Contract by submitting work outcomes or in a manner agreed upon by both Parties.

  2.5 Without the prior written consent of Party A, Party B should not be employed by any other company or individual either directly or indirectly during the Contract term.

  Article 3. Job Adjustment

  3.1 Party A has the right to adjust the job responsibilities of Party B according to Party A’s needs and Party B’s capability and performance, to which Party B agrees.

  3.2 In line with the job adjustment, Party A makes a corresponding adjustment to Party B’s payment and other benefits.

  3.3 Should Party B disagree to the job adjustment, Party B can, in accordance with procedures stated in Party A’s rules, put forward his opposition or resign. However, Party B’s opposition does not affect the implementation of the decision of Party A. If the job adjustment goes ahead, Party B should make a relevant handover and assume the new post.

  Chapter III. Working Time and Working Conditions

  Article 4. Working time

  4.1 Party A adopts a working and holiday system that matches the nature of Party A and conforms with national and local employment regulations.

  4.2 In line with the needs of Party A and the job descriptions of Party B, Party A adopts standard working time for Party B. That is to say, Party B works 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week in total.

  4.3 When changes are made to the post of Party B, Party B should follow the adjustment of his/her working time accordingly.

  Article 5. Overtime work

  5.1 In line with the needs of Party A, overtime work for Party B can be arranged in accordance with law.

  5.2 Party B can not work overtime without the approval of Party A. When applying for overtime, Party B must follow the procedures as provided in relevant rules of Party A.

  5.3 Party A guarantees that Party B takes at least one day off per week.

  5.4 If Party A asks Party B to work overtime or endorses Party B’s application for overtime work, Party A must make it possible for Party B to take the relevant amount of time off or give Party B overtime payment in accordance with regulations of the State, Beijing and Party A itself. The overtime payment should be given to Party B separately in the following month by the department which Party B works with. The accumulative overtime should not exceed 36 hours within one month.

  5.5 It is the obligation of Party B to complete the work assigned by Party A in time and in full. If Party B fails to do this and as a result has to work overtime either on Party B’s own will or upon Party A’s request, Party A will not give Party B overtime pay or relevant time off.

  Article 6.

  Party A provides Party B with necessary working conditions and equipment, and formulates working procedures, scope of work and guidelines on safety and sanitation.

  Article 7.

  Party B should obey Chinese laws and regulations as well as various systems formulated by Party A.

  Article 8. Business trips

  During the contract year, Party B should accept business trips assigned by Party A. The benefits that Party B enjoys during business trips are carried out in accordance with relevant rules of Party A.

  Chapter Ⅳ. Salary and Income tax

  Article 9. Salary

  9.1 Party A fixes Party B’s salary in accordance with relevant rules under the national allotment system. Party B’s monthly payment is ________ RMB Yuan (taxable). Party B’s monthly payment during probation is ________RMB Yuan (taxable and no less than 80% of the regular monthly pay after probation).

  9.2 A maximum of 3,000 Yuan of the monthly income can be converted into foreign currency.

  9.3 In line with its bonus system and in consideration of its economic returns, Party B’s capability, performance and evaluation outcome. Party A decides on whether to issue a bonus to Party B as well as how much the amount is. The bonus is available to Party B in the following month.

  9.4 In case a change is made to the job of Party B, Party A can make an adjustment to part or all of Party B’s salary.

  9.5 When taking sick leave, Party B is paid in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in China ( Please refer to 18.1 to details).

  9.6 The payment for Party B’s overtime work, which is approved by Party A, is calculated and issued in accordance with 9.1 regarding Party B’s salary.

  9.7 Party A has the right to make deductions from Party B’s salary in case Party B disregards Party A’s rules and damages Party A’s property, fined economically for violation of employment rules and regulations, and pay penalty or compensation for violating the Contract.

  Article 10. Payment of salaries

  10.1 Party A shall give payment to Party B in the form of currency before the 10th of the corresponding month. If the date coincides with a legal holiday, the payday is moved up to the preceding workday. The payment is given on a monthly basis. For services of less than one month, the payment will be made for each working day, with each day being the monthly salary divided by 21.75.

  10.2 Should Party A be unable to make the payment on time because of uncontrollable reasons or other significant events, Party A should notify Party B 3 days in advance. Party A can postpone the payment for a maximum of 30 days.

  10.3 Party A pays Party B for overtime work which Party A assigns to Party B or which is applied for Party B and approved by Party A. The payment is available to Party B in the following month. If Party A makes a provision otherwise, the provision is to be observed. In case Party A makes it possible for Party B to take the relevant amount of time off, Party B should in general take the time off within 3 months. Party B can take all the time off at once, so long as this arrangement does not affect normal operation and is agreed upon by the supervisor of the section in which Party B works.

  Article 11. Personal income tax

  11.1 It is Party B’s obligation to report and pay personal income tax. In accordance with relevant national regulations, Party A performs the duty of deducting the tax from Party B’s salary and other income and pays it to tax authorities.

  11.2 Unless Party A and Party B agree otherwise, all the salary and other income that Party B receives under this Contract are taxable.

  Chapter V. Benefits

  Article 12. Medical insurance, fees for health check for new employee and Chinese residence permission

  12.1 Party A will provide Party B (below 60 years old when employed) with medical insurance from the day the Contract takes effect. According to the medical insurance provisions, the employee can go to any mainland-based hospital affiliated with the Basic Social Medical Insurance Scheme and apply for reimbursement and claims in person. Detailed information is available in the handbook Comprehensive Medical Insurance for Foreigners and Compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan, and on the website

  12.2 Party A will reimburse the fee for health check made in Beijing Centre for Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine (express fees for health check report is not included) when Party B takes office.

  12.3 For Party B who passes the probationary period, Party A will reimburse the fee for Chinese residence permission in the first contract year.

  Article 13. Transportation fees and allowances

  Party A will pay Party B who signs a one-year or longer Contract with Party A the following transportation fees and allowances:

  13.1 Party A will provide Party B with transportation allowance when he or she relocates to Beijing and leaves China for his/her home country. The amount of allowance is the actual market price of economy class air ticket (covering the shortest distance from Beijing to the original domicile where Party B stays before he or she takes the new post), which is fixed and interpreted by Party A.

  13.2 The transportation allowance to China will be paid to Party B within the last two months before the completion of the first contract year. The transportation allowance to Party B’s home country will be paid within the last two months before the completion of the last contract year.

  Article 14. If Party B fails the examination and evaluation at the end of the probationary period, or if one party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the probationary contract, then Party A shall not be responsible for any travel expenses and allowances of Party B. Under that circumstances, if Party A purchases the air ticket for Party B relocating to China for the new post, then Party B should return the air ticket fee paid by Party A.

  Article 15. Vacation

  15.1 Party B is entitled to the same legal holidays as Chinese citizens, which include New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, International Labor Day, Duanwu Festival, Chinese National Day, Mid-autumn Festival and other holidays designated by law and regulations.

  15.2 Party B is entitled to paid vacation after Party B passes the probation period. During each contract year, Party B can take __15__ days of paid leave, either consecutively or separately. There are two preconditions for Party B to take paid leave: work permitting and approval from his/her supervisor.

  15.3 If Party B takes leave on a special day, according to Party B’s nationality and religion, such as Christmas, Corban, Lesser Bairam, and Water-Sprinkling Festival, then this will be deducted from Party B’s annual paid vacation. The days Party B takes that go beyond the stipulation in Provision 15.2 will be treated as personal leave.

  15.4 If Party B is employed for two consecutive years or more and passes the performance evaluation in every contract year, Party B is entitled to family-reunion transportation allowance per contract year starting from the second contract year. The amount of family-reunion transportation allowance is fixed by Party A (refer to Article 13.1).

  15.5 Family-reunion transportation allowance is available to Party B at least half a year after Party B renews the Contract. If Party B terminates the Contract less than half a year after renewing and executing it, Party A will not provide family-reunion transportation allowance.

  15.6 The taxes of the transportation allowances for taking the new post and demission, together with the family-reunion transportation allowance will be deducted by Party A in time of payment in accordance with the Chinese tax law.

  ChapterⅥ. Work Discipline and Reward & Punishment

  Article 16. Work discipline

  16.1 Party B must abide by the Chinese laws and regulations.

  16.2 Party B is required to report to Party A on his work and accepts all reasonable instructions of Party A in relation to the work.

  16.3 Party B must follow the rules and employment discipline formulated by Party A and accept Party A’s supervision. The rules and employment discipline that Party A initiates through legal proceedings before the signing of the Contract and during its implementation are all documents to be abided by Party B.

  16.4 Party B should seriously study Party A’s corporate culture, dedicate himself/herself to work, respect the professional code of ethics and make a continuous effort to improve his/her professional skills. Party B should also partake actively in various training programs organized by Party A.

  Article 17. Rewards and penalties

  17.1 According to relevant stipulations, Party A evaluates the work performances and contributions of Party B and gives an appropriate reward to Party B. Please refer to Party A’s rules for detailed reward information.

  17.2 Should Party B violate Party A’s rules, employment discipline or stipulations in the Contract, Party A may admonish Party B, inform him/her of the correct procedure, impose economic and administrative penalties on Party B, and even terminate the Contract without paying any compensation.

  Article 18. Sick and personal leave

  18.1 When taking sick leave, Party B shall present a doctor’s certificate from a hospital listed under the medical insurance program. If the cumulative total of sick leave is no more than fifteen working days within a contract year, Party B’s basic salary shall be paid in full. Party B is paid by 80 percent of the minimum wage standard in Beijing, if the cumulative total of sick leave exceeds 15 working days but does not go beyond the three-month legally recognized period of medical treatment. Party A has the right to terminate the Contract if Party B’s consecutive sick leave exceeds the three-month legally recognized period of medical treatment, which includes weekend days and public holidays. Sick leave can be offset by annual leave. Bonus is not available for sick leave.

  18.2 Party B should use allocated leave days to attend to personal affairs. In the event that all annual leave days have been used up, Party B may take up to ten unpaid personal leave days per contract year. Requests for use of personal leave days must be submitted to and approved by the employer in advance. No more than three consecutive days of personal leave will be approved. The salary in that very day shall be deducted for each day of excessive personal leave. If the consecutive personal leaves exceed three days, the bonus of the current month shall be deducted. The payment of bonus is stipulated in Bonus Appraisal Rule.

  Article 19. Absence from work without asking leave and violation of working disciplines

  19.1 If Party B is absent from work without the consent of the employer, three days of monthly bonus shall be deducted for each day of absence from work. If Party B is absent from work without the consent of the employer for more than 3 days, the bonus of the current month shall be deducted.

  19.2 In the event of any of the following by Party B, as determined by Party A, Party A reserves the right to terminate the Contract and resort to legal means for compensation:

  19.2.1 Absence from work without the consent of the employer for 7 consecutive days;

  19.2.2 Absence from work without the consent of the employer for a cumulative total of 15 days within a contract year;

  19.2.3 Other serious violations of rules concerning safe broadcasting, which cause serious damage to Party A.

  19.2.4 Other acts that seriously violate working disciplines and relevant rules.

  19.3 In the event of any situation as listed in 19.2, which cause economic losses and severe damages to Party A, then Party B should take the obligation of compensating Party A.

  Article 20. Confidentiality

  20.1 Party B is obliged to maintain confidentiality for Party A. Party B should obey the rules concerning confidentiality formulated by Party A and is subject to supervision of Party A, including but not limited to the storage, delivery, use and disposal, etc.

  20.2 All the documents and preparatory manuscripts marked with internal document, secret, confidential and most-secret, etc available by Party B during work belong to secrets-involved documents. Party B shall neither disseminate them against the rules nor disclose to the third party in any manner or allow the third party to use them. The methods of dissemination include but not limited to copying, sending e-mail, taking secret documents or articles to public occasions, talking about the secret-involved documents in public, etc.

  20.3 If Party B disobeys the confidentiality obligation, he or she shall not only compensate the loss of Party A, but also bear the relevant legal liability in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  20.4 The term of confidentiality obligation by Party B is not limited to the term of this Contract, starting from the date when party B knows the secrets-involved documents, to the date when the secrets-involved documents decrypted or enters into public information domain.

  Chapter Ⅶ. Amendment, Termination and Cancellation of the Contract

  Article 21. Amendment of the Contract

  21.1 After the signing of the Contract in accordance with the law, both Party A and Party B should fulfill the obligations stipulated in the Contract faithfully. Neither Party A nor Party B can amend the Contract without agreement of the other party.

  21.2 The Contract can be amended if the amendment is agreed upon by both Parties after consultation. The Contract continues to be valid if both Parties cannot agree on the amendment.

  21.3 While the Contract is in force, if some of its terms become no longer enforceable due to new laws, regulations and policies issued by China or Beijing, the Contract shall be amended in accordance with the new laws, regulations and policies.

  21.4 While the Contract is in force, if objective conditions on which this Contract is based change so that the Contract becomes no longer enforceable, the Contract can be amended if the amendment is agreed upon by both Parties after consultation.

  21.5 According to Article 21.2 and 21.4 above, if one party hereof intends to amend the Contract, he shall serve the other party a written notice with regard to the amendment requirements, and the other party shall make a written reply to the party that requires the amendment to be made within 15 days upon receipt of such notice; no reply within 15 days will be regarded as disagreement to amend the Contract.

  Article 22. Termination of Contract

  22.1 The Contract is terminated automatically if any of the following occurs:

  22.1.1 The Contract expires and Party A and Party B have not renewed the Contract upon its expiration;

  22.1.2 Party B reaches the mandatory retirement age;

  22.1.3 Party B dies or is declared dead or missing by the people’s courts;

  22.1.4 Party A is bankrupt, disbanded, has its operating license revoked or is ordered to be closed down in accordance with the law;

  22.1.5 Any other circumstances occur under which the Contract must be terminated as required by law.

  22.2 When the Contract terminates upon expiration of its term, Party A should inform Party B 30 days in advance in written form.

  22.3 If the law requires a severance payment upon the termination of the Contract, Party A shall pay in accordance with the law. The payment will be calculated in accordance with 24.1 of this Contract.

  Article 23. Cancellation of Contract

  23.1 The Contract can be canceled upon agreement by both Party A and Party B following consultation.

  23.2 Party A is entitled to cancel this Contract if Party B is found to be in any of the following circumstances, under which Party A will not pay any economic compensation for cancelling the Contract:

  23.2.1 Party B is proved to be unqualified for the work during the probation period;

  23.2.2 Party B is in serious violation of work discipline or of Party A’s rules;

  23.2.3 Party B commits serious dereliction of duty or practices graft, causing substantial damage to the Employer;

  23.2.4 Party B is sued for criminal liability in accordance with the law, gets administrative or judicial detention and receives compulsory detoxification treatment;

  23.2.5 Party B is proved guilty of fraud, failing to reveal important information related to this Contract or Party B’s work.

  23.3 Party A can cancel the Contract if one of the following circumstances occurs but must give Party B 30 days’ prior written notice:

  23.3.1 After the set period of medical care for an illness or non-work-related injury, Party B can engage neither in his original work nor in other work arranged by Party A, or Party B no longer qualifies for certain jobs as stipulated by the central government and Beijing and therefore Party A cannot arrange other work for Party B;

  23.3.2 Party B is incompetent and remains incompetent after training or adjustment of his post;

  23.3.3 Party B is in breach of Contract and has not remedied the breach within 72 hours;

  23.3.4 Party A reduces its workforce or lays off employees as required by its operation performance or adjustment to its production and management;

  23.3.5 A major change in the objective circumstances relied upon at the time of conclusion of the Contract renders it unenforceable and, after consultation, Party A and Party B are unable to reach agreement on amending the employment Contract;

  23.3.6 After the expiration of the Contract, Party A and Party B have not renewed the Contract but Party B has formed an actual employment relationship and the two Parties cannot reach agreement on the period of validity and terms on renewing Contract.

  23.4 If Party B intends to cancel the Contract, Party B should give Party A 90 days’ prior written notice or 10 days’ prior written notice if Party B is in the probation period. After approval by Party A, Party B should go through the termination procedures as required by Party A and settle all relevant fees and pay breach penalty.

  23.5 Party B can inform Party A at any time to cancel the Contract if one of the following things occurs:

  23.5.1 If Party A used deception to induce Party B to sign the Contract;

  23.5.2 Party A does not pay salary or does not offer working conditions according to the Contract.

  23.6 If Party B cancels the Contract according to 23.4 and has caused economic losses to Party A, Party B should pay compensation to Party A;

  23.7 If Party B has one of the following conditions, Party A can not cancel or terminate the Contract according to 23.3 of this Contract:

  23.7.1 Party B has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease Contracted or a work-related injury sustained with Party A;

  23.7.2 Party B has contracted an illness or sustained a non-work-related injury, and the set period of medical care has not expired;

  23.7.3 Party B is a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period.

  23.8 Party A can cancel the Contract by giving Party B one month’s wage in line with the 30 days’ prior written notice stipulated in 23.3 of this Contract. Payment should be made to Party B at the time of final settlement. The Contract is terminated the day Party A informs Party B or on a date that Party A chooses.

  23.9 During the period of prior notice stipulated in this Contract, Party A is entitled to ask Party B to continue to work and Party B should do work arranged by Party A in accordance with the Contract and the requirements of Party A.

  23.10 During the period of prior notice stipulated in this Contract, If Party B continues to work for Party A, Party A should pay wages to Party B in line with his work. If Party B refuses to work for Party A as requested, Party A can stop paying wages to Party B.

  Article 24. Handover and return of property

  24.1 Upon termination or cancellation of the Contract, Party B should carry out the procedures to hand over his work. If damage is incurred upon Party A because Party B has not properly handed over his work, refused to hand over his work or only partially handed over his work, Party B should bear the liability to pay compensation.

  24.2 Party B should return all documents and other articles that he is using or are in his possession but belong to Party A.

  24.3 After Party B carries out the procedures to hand over his work, Party A should pay relevant fees in accordance with the law or the terms of this Contract and issue a demission certificate to Party B。

  Chapter VIII. Extension of Contract

  Article 25. Extension of the Contract

  25.1 Party A and Party B should conduct consultation on whether to extend this Contract before it expires. If Party A and Party B agree to extend the Contract, a written agreement should be signed before it expires.

  25.2 If Party B intends to extend the Contract, he should submit an application for the extension to Party A at least 90 days before the Contract expires. If both Parties agree, they can carry out the procedures to extend the Contract.

  Article 26. Term of renewed Contract

  26.1 In principle, the length of time of the renewed Contract should be no less than that of this Contract unless otherwise agreed upon by both Parties.

  26.2 After the expiration of this Contract, if Party A and Party B have not carried out the procedures to terminate the Contract and have formed an actual employment relationship, Party A should conduct consultations with Party B in a timely fashion on renewing the Contract. If the two Parties can not reach agreement on the term and other articles of a new contract, both Parties can propose a termination of their actual employment relationship by giving the other party 30 days’ prior notice. The party that proposes the termination of Contract will bear legal liabilities in accordance with the law.

  Chapter IX. Legal Liabilities for Breach or Cancellation of Contract

  Article 27. Principles governing liabilities for breach of Contract

  27.1 Any act that results in the inappropriate, untimely and incomplete fulfillment of all or part of the obligations stipulated in the Contract constitutes breach of Contract and the responsible party should be held liable for the breach.

  27.2 Regarding the liabilities for breach of Contract, both Parties in this Contract agree that the breaching party should pay economic compensation to the non-breaching party in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of China.

  27.3 In the event of the Contract terminating upon expiration, neither party shall be liable for breach of Contract and compensation.

  Article 28. Party B’s liabilities for breach of Contract

  28.1 In the event Party A provides funding for the training of Party B, the damages Party B should pay to Party A when canceling the Contract in breach should be calculated as follows: The amount provided by Party A is the maximum Party B should pay. It should be deducted by 20 percent every time Party B completes one year of service for Party A (starting from the date when training is completed or any other date agreed upon by both Parties). Party B should pay the full amount if it completes less than a year of service to Party A. If Party B has signed a training agreement, it should fulfill the agreement faithfully.

  28.2 Party B is liable for damages it causes to Party A by canceling the Contract before it expires. Party B should pay compensation to Party A if he/she unilaterally cancels the Contract before it expires or quits the post without prior notice, except in situations described in 23.4 or 23.5.

  28.2.1 Party B should pay Party A 2,000 US dollars in compensation if Party B cancels the Contract or leaves the post within one month after the end of probation.

  28.2.2 Party B should pay Party A 1,500 US dollars in compensation if Party B cancels the Contract or leaves the post between one and four months after the end of probation.

  28.2.3 Party B should pay Party A 1,000 US dollars in compensation if Party B cancels the Contract or leaves the post between four and eight months after the end of probation.

  28.2.4 Party B should pay Party A 500 US dollars in compensation if Party B cancels the Contract or leaves the post within 2 months before the Contract expires.

  28.3 If Party B cancels the Contract before its term expires, Party B should be liable to pay all the expenses that Party A spends in health check, Chinese residence permission, recruiting Party B, including fees paid to a third party, Party B and Party B’s former employer.

  28.4 Party B should be liable to pay economic losses incurred on Party A due to Party B’s failure to keep commercial secrets.

  28.5 Party B should be liable to compensate the economic losses incurred on Party A due to Party B’s failure to fulfill its other obligations stipulated in the Contract.

  28.6 If Party B breaches the Contract and cancels it in advance, Party A will not pay any transportation allowance for Party B in this contract year. If Party A has already provided air ticket for Party B relocating to China, Party B should return the air ticket fee. Party A will not provide recommendation letter for Party B under this circumstance.

  Article 29. Party A’s liabilities for breach of Contract

  29.1 In the event that Party A cancels the Contract in accordance with 23.3 of this Contract, it should pay severance pay to Party B in accordance with relevant regulations of the central government and the municipal government of the city of Beijing. The severance pay should be based on the number of consecutive years Party B works with Party A and Party B’s average monthly wage for the 12 months prior to the termination of this Contract (If the monthly wage of Party B is greater than three times the average monthly wage of employees in Party A’s city as announced by local labor departments, the rate for the severance pay paid to Party B shall be three times the average monthly wage of employees) at the rate of one month’s wage for each full year(12 months) worked. Any period of less than one year but longer than six months shall be counted as one year. Half a month’s wage in severance payment should be paid to Party B if the period is less than six months. The severance pay should not exceed 12 months’ wages of Party B, unless the law says otherwise.

  29.2 If Party A fails to provide Party B with working conditions as stipulated in the Contract or fails to pay Party B’s wages, Party A should pay compensation to Party B in accordance with the laws and regulations of the central government and the municipal government of the city of Beijing.

  Chapter X. Other Terms as Agreed upon by Both Parties

  Article 30. Notice and service

  30.1 The address of Party A and the permanent address of Party B listed in this Contract are the only valid addresses where a notice can be served. If either of the two Parties changes address, it should inform the other party about a change in a written notice. If one party fails to inform the other party about a change of its address, any documents sent to the original address should be considered received.

  30.2 During the enforcement of this Contract, any matter regarding the Contract’s enforcement, amendment, cancellation, termination as well as obligation exemption and recourse should be notified by written notice, including but not limited to fax, document, agreement, regular mail, registered mail, express mail, telegraph and public notice.

  30.3 Notices can be served by fax, face-to-face delivery, mail and public notice. Notice served by fax will be considered received on the same day it is sent. Notice served face-to-face is considered received at the time the recipient signs the receipt. Notice served by express mail is considered received at the time the recipient signs the receipt. Notice served by telegraph will be considered received on the third day starting the day the telegraph is sent. Notice served by public notice will be considered received on the second day it is published.

  30.4 If a notice fails to be served or its service is delayed because the sender has got the address or fax number wrong, the period of notice will be calculated starting the actual date the notice is served with the correct address or fax number.

  Article 31. Other terms agreed upon by both Parties

  31.1 Party A owns the copyrights of the works produced by Party B during the contract period, either using Party A’s material conditions or being in the name of Party A’s employee, while Party B has the right to sign the works.

  31.2 Air ticket for Party B relocating to China for the new post­________


  Chapter XI. Dispute Resolution

  Article 32. Dispute resolution

  The two Parties shall first settle any disputes which may arise about the Contract through consultation. If all attempts fail, one of the Parties can appeal to the committee responsible for arbitration of personnel disputes.

  Article 33. Laws applicable

  33.1 The laws of China are applicable to all procedures and relevant laws governing the enforcement, consultation, dispute resolution in relation to this Contract and its appendixes.

  33.2 If the terms or contents of this Contract and its appendixes are in conflict with China’s laws and regulations, China’s laws and regulations prevail.

  Chapter XII. Supplementary Articles

  Article 34. Text of Contract

  There are 4 originals copies of the Contract, written in Chinese only. If Party B needs the English translation, he/she can ask Party A for it. However, the English translation is for reference only and does not have legal binding force.

  Article 35. Appendixes

  35.1 Job Requirements

  (signed by served language Department of Party A and Party B in

  another agreement)

  35.2 Other appendixes:

  Article 36. Force of the Contract

  This Contract takes effect as of the date it is approved by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China.

  Article 37. Interpretation of Contract

  The department of Party A responsible for the management of foreign staff affairs has the final right to interpret the contents and terms of this Contract and its appendixes.

  (Content of this Contract ends here)

  Party A: Date:

  Party B: Date:

  Party B Signs after Receiving Contract:





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