标题 | 2022写作演讲稿 |
范文 | 2022写作演讲稿(精选10篇) 2022写作演讲稿 篇1构成演讲稿波澜的要素很多,有内容,有安排,也有听众的心理特征和认识事物的规律。 如果能掌握听众的心理特征和认识事物的规律,恰当地选择材料,安排材料,也能使演讲在听众心里激起波澜。换句话说,演讲稿要写得有波澜,主要不是靠声调的高低,而是靠内容 的有起有伏,有张有弛,有强调,有反复,有比较,有照应。 2022写作演讲稿 篇2各位老师,各位同学: 大家好!我演讲的题目是“决不轻言放弃,勇敢面对挫折”。 作为即将参加高考的高三学子,或许三年高中,我们即将结束,但在人生征途中,我们却永远在路上。一路来我们获得过掌声,也遭逢过挫折。 月考后的几家欢乐几家愁,就是最好的证明。面对成绩,无疑要胜而不骄,再接再厉;而面对失败,我们则要坚定地说,切莫放弃。 林肯先生,24岁经商失败,26岁恋人死去,27岁精神崩溃,中年时代多次竞选参议员和副总统,均告失败。或许只有这些,才能算得上人生中真正的挫折。 可面对这么多挫折,林肯并没有放弃自己的追求,而是仍旧坚持不懈地努力。最终,他成为了美国第十六任总统。正是因为决不在挫折面前轻言放弃,林肯最终实现了自己的理想。 战胜挫折走向成功的,不仅仅只有林肯总统一人。 著名作家马克·吐温还是一名“文学爱好者”时,写了一篇自我感觉很好的小说,他满怀信心的送到书商那里,不料竟遭到书商的冷嘲热讽: “难吃的菜吃一口就够了,这是我见过的最烂的书稿,像你这样的作者这一辈子也别想找出愿意出版你的书的人。别浪费时间了,趁早干点别的活儿把!”多年以后,马克·吐温再次见到了那位书商,对他说:“这些年来,我日日夜夜都在想怎样摆脱折磨你方解心头之恨,事实上,我正是这么熬过来的。”马克吐温此时的调侃,活脱脱的证明了人们最出色的工作往往是在逆境与挫折中做出来的。然而,有些人,对于挫折,却总是有消极的思想。 生活中,我们经常在报纸与新闻中看到有人因为生活中的挫折而自杀。 我想不明白,是什么样的挫折,可以让人放弃身上最宝贵的财富——生命! 好死不如赖活着,活着,就代表着希望,代表着一切都可以从头开始。而死亡呢?能带来什么?解脱?你自己是解脱了,你的亲人呢?你的朋友呢?你所爱的和爱你的人呢?你给他们带来的除了悲伤,除了难过,还有吗?这是多么自私的一种做法啊!为什么,不能用自己的双手,来克服那一个个挫折呢?命运,是掌握在我们自己的手中的! 其实,只要我们有了积极的人生态度,向学习、生活中的艰难困苦挑战,不被困难所吓倒,不言放弃,就一定会历经风雨见彩虹,赢得高的胜利,谱写精彩的人生。 20xx年,牛津大学举办了一个“成功的秘诀”讲座,邀请丘吉尔演讲。人们想像着这样一个大人物会透露出怎么样的成功秘诀。不想却只听到几句话:“我的成功秘诀有三个:第一是‘决不放弃’,第二是‘决不、决不放弃’;第三是‘决不、决不、决不放弃’!”会场上沉寂片刻,随即爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,经久不息。生活处处多风险,逆境往往多于顺势。在困难的时候,要看到希望,看到光明,成功往往就在再坚持一下的努力中。不言放弃,成功的秘诀有时就这么简单。明白这一点,我们的求学之路会更顺畅,我们的理想会更接近。 如今的我们,将理想分成了几个小目标,一个一个地去奋斗、去努力。倘若我们因为一点小小的挫折就轻易说放弃,那些目标又有什么意义?上苍赋予我们生命,就是要我们去不懈地拼搏啊。 同学们,决不轻言放弃,勇敢面对挫折是一种美德,更是一种积极的人生态度。我们无法创造命运,但我们可以用实际行动改变命运,我们可以向命运中的艰难困苦挑战。不被挫折所吓倒,不言放弃,终能历经风雨见彩虹,谱写精彩的人生。 桑兰摔残了肢体,张海迪高位截瘫,贝多芬双耳失聪,海伦·凯勒的生命中没有光明与黑暗,可他们从未放弃自己对美好理想的追求。正是不轻言放弃,勇敢面对挫折让她们有了壮美的人生,赢得了世人的尊重。 白驹过隙,流水无痕。在匆匆忙忙的尘世中,我们能做的只有不懈地努力,不懈地奋斗,最终实现自己的理想。这,才是我们生命的意义。 无论前面的路多么坎坷,“决不轻言放弃,勇敢面对挫折”将永远是我们人生追求的永恒动力。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 2022写作演讲稿 篇3As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light es intoyour room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feelwith your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air。yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! andmost importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you aregoing to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take yourlife to a totally unprecedented level! you know all this is real as long as youare confident,passionate and mitted! and you are confident, you are passionate,you are mitted! you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions。you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you willshow your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take。 you willfocus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life。 youwill never succumb to challenges of hardships。 you will never waver in yourpursuit of excellence。 after all,you are the best, and you deserve the best! as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best thingsin the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand。 youmust do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take theactions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear。 i know you must doit, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: i mustdo it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! iwill do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i willsucceed! 当你慢慢睁开眼睛,环顾四周,注意到的光进入你的房间;仔细听,看看是否有新的声音你能认出,感觉与你的身体和精神,看看你是否能感觉到新鲜的空气。是的,是的,是的,这是新的一天,这是不一样的一天,这是一个完美的一天!最重要的是,它对你的生活是一个新的开始,一个开始,你要做出新的desicisions,采取新的行动,结交新朋友,和你的生活完全前所未有!你明白这一切都是真实的,只要你有信心,热情和承诺!你有信心,你是充满活力的,你承诺! 你将不再担心发出异样的声音,显示新的面部表情,用新的方式使用你的身体,结交陌生人,你更不会在乎提出奇怪的问题。你将生活的每一天生活绝对的活力,你会展示你的活力经过你说的话语和你所采取的行动。你将所有的时光和精力在最重要的目标你的生活。你永远不会屈服于困难的挑战。你将不会再动摇你对美德的追求。毕竟,你是最好的,你应当得到最好的! 作为你的教练和朋友,我能够向你保证的大门将打开世界上所有最好的东西给你,可是那扇门的钥匙在你的手。你必须做你的一部分,你必须忠实遵守你的计划,采取行动计划,你必须永不放下,你必须没有恐惧。我明白你必须这么做,你能够做到,你会这样做,你会成功的! 此刻立场坚定,高,握拳,激动,喊出来:我必须这么做!我能做到!我将会完成!我必须会成功!我必须这样做!我能做到!我将会完成!我必须会成功!我必须这样做!我能做到!我将会完成!我必须会成功! 2022写作演讲稿 篇4It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody wasborn with a heart for beauty. Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirementof beauty has been heIghtened accordingly. Some people spare no money or energyon beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses andeven the improvement of their looks. But it seems to me,all these are more orless confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty. In my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance andneglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be theperfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. As we all know,so faras objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to bementioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters,the inner beauty is much more important. This was confirmed by a famous Russianwriter in words much like this: "A person is not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely. " Here, I'd like to quote two typical instances and I'm sure, my dearfriends,from them you'll find out what real beauty is. Recently I learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well knownsinger. She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous forsinging the song."Devotion of Love". Not long ago,she was invited to ZhejiangProvince to give performance. The moment she was to appear on the stage,shesuddenly asked for more reward. Worse still,after her request was satisfied, shedidn't begin to sing at once. Instead,she took her time to count all the moneypiece by piece. Thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour. So when sheat last showed up and started to sing "Devotion of Love",a man rose up from hisseat and shouted at her,"You don't have any devotion of love. You are notqualified to sing this song ! "Hearing this, the singer stopped singing andbegan to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man. At this time the wholeaudience burst into an uproar. How disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! It is thesinger herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others. Now, I'm coming to another true story. It's about a poor, ordinary lookingold woman. She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand tomouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps. However,she took in more thanten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up. Every day shelabored from morning till night. In order to earn as much money as possible toraise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospitalregularly to sell her blood. She got so weak for the loss of blood that shesometimes fell in a faint on her way home. Responsibility is a Badge of Honourfor Youth. 2022写作演讲稿 篇5i'm from class 6 ,my name is __x。it's my honor to speak here 。i'm very gladto share my topic with you 。do our own is my topic 。 with the development of our society ,more and more people lose themselves,and they don't know what they want to do ,they don't know what they are doing。how terrible ! for us ,we can't choose to be born ,we can't choose our parents ,we can'tchoose the country of our birth ,we can't choose the time of our death ,but wecan choose how to face our life :happy or unhappy ,positive or negative 。 whatis important , what we should do and what we shouldn't do ,we can decide byourselves。 no matter how we choose and decide ,all of these are made by us 。sodon't care too much about what others think of you ,only do yourself and makeyourself。 let's do a heart ,let's live in the sunshine,let our life be moremeaningful,do we want to do ,do what we do ,do our own 。 that's all ,thank you for your listening 我是6班,我的名字是某某,我很荣幸在那里讲话,我很高兴能和你分享我的话题,做我们自我的事。 随着社会的发展,越来越多的人迷失了自我,他们不明白自我想做什么,他们不明白自我在做什么,这是多么可怕! 对于我们,我们不能选择出生,我们不能选择我们的父母,我们不能选择我们的出生国,我们不能选择我们的死亡时光,但我们能够选择如何应对我们的生活:幸福或不欢乐,进取或消极。什么是重要的,我们应当做什么,我们不应当做什么,我们能够自我决定。不管我们如何选择和决定,所有这些都是由我们做的,所以不要太在意别人怎样看你,只做自我,自我做。 让我们做一颗心吧,让我们活在阳光下,让我们的生活更有意义,做我们想做的事,做我们自我做的事,做我们自我的事。 这是所有的,多谢你的聆听。 2022写作演讲稿 篇6演讲稿观点鲜明,显示着演讲者对一种理性认识的肯定,显示着演讲者对客观事物见解的透辟程度,能给人以可信性和可靠感。演讲稿观点不鲜明,就缺乏说服力,就失去了演讲 的作用。演讲稿还要有真挚的感情,才能打动人、感染人,有鼓动性。因此,它要求在表达上注 意感情色彩,把说理和抒情结合起来。既有冷静的分析,又有热情的鼓动;既有所怒,又有所喜;既有所憎,又有所爱。当然这种深厚动人的感情不应是“挤”出来的,而要发自肺腑, 就像泉水喷涌而出 2022写作演讲稿 篇7各位老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《不抛弃不放弃》。 “不抛弃不放弃”这句话源于《士兵突击》的一段台词,它体现了军人的精神。“不抛弃不放弃”这句话被广泛运用于汶川地震,它体现了对每个生命的尊重。我今天说的“不抛弃不放弃”是一个教育故事,是一个一线教师面对业绩和心灵的选择。 这事还得从去年九月开始说起。去年,我换了所新学校,担任一年级的语文老师兼班主任。很不幸,分到了2个留级生,一个点到都不会答应,另一个永远地把“o”念成“e”。新学校、新班级,两个注定的不及格,平均分会打多少折扣我很清楚,为此,我足足郁闷了好几天。那天电子注册学生档案,那个“O”“e”不分的孩子无法注册,电脑显示她是留级生,应该去二年级就读。当时我兴奋极了,多好啊,她回了二年级,我们班可以少一位后进生了! 那天出校门,天已经快黑了。远远看见了她——那个“oe”不分的她坐在爸爸的自行车后座。她也看见我,急忙叫爸爸停车,跑到车篮里掏着什么。我赶紧朝她摆摆手,做了个要走的姿势。她急了,抓起一大把东西跑过来塞给我——是薯片!见我接了,她又兴奋地跑去再抓一把,小手在我面前一摊,还是慢慢一小手的薯片:“老师,你饿了吧?吃!”刹那间,我突然感觉到自己的残忍,他连一年级都跟不上,我却要把她赶回二年级,于心何忍啊?就是为了自己所谓的业绩,而牺牲孩子的前程,在孩子的心灵上刻上一道永远的伤疤吗? 双手握着满满的薯片,我陷入了沉思,我想起了刚毕业时让我揪心的一件事。一个老教师在办公室滔滔不绝地对我们介绍他的成功经验,他是如何在校长室说服家长,说孩子是弱智的,必须去启智学校上学的事。末了,他说:“孩子就在旁边,一点感觉都没有,好像我们再说别人的事,简直是个呆子,让我怎么教?”那不屑一顾事不关己的表情刺痛了我们几个年轻老师的心,曾经发誓:一定要爱每一个孩子。 今天,我双手握着满满的薯片,扪心自问:十年,我在教育岗位上整整时间,我变了吗?变成了填鸭式教育的实施者,变成了扼杀童心的杀手,变成了只追求分数的讨债人了吗?在教育一线,我们肯定会碰上生性好动的,或者生理缺陷,或者行为古怪的孩子,我们该如何去对待他们?是关爱他、激励他、帮助他还是冷淡他、排斥他、放弃他呢? 答案当然是前者。 想起曾经阅读过的儿童文学《窗边的小豆豆》。小豆豆是一个被学校退学的孩子,很幸运,她来到了巴学园,小林校长用爱和尊重逐渐把她变成了一个大家可以接受的孩子。第一次见面,小林校长就听小豆豆讲了4个小时的话,而没有去打断她。这四个小时,每一分钟都写满了尊重,每一分钟都写满了爱,每一分钟都写满了小林校长不抛弃不放弃的教育精神。 想起了影片《放牛班的春天》,这是一群教养所问题孩子的故事。他们在音乐老师马修的引导下,组成了合唱团,使心灵得以进化,从黑暗走向光明。马修老师,不抛弃不放弃,对每一个孩子,他都坚持。终于让问题孩子有了面对困难的勇气,承担未来的力量。 当前中国的教育体制,仍然是以分数论成败的。分分分,不仅仅是孩子的命根,也是老师的命根。作为一个一线教师,没有人会在业绩上“不耻最后”,但是,在追求业绩和保护心灵这两个砝码去权衡的时候,相信大多数老师会选择“不抛弃不放弃”。这是我们一线教师用心做出的选择,用爱做出的承诺! 2022写作演讲稿 篇8演讲是人类的一种社会实践活动。具体来说,是指演讲者在特定的时境中,借助有声语言和态势语言的艺术手段,面对广大听众发表意见、抒发情感,从而达到感召听众的一种现实的社会实践活动。作为领导者,随时随地都有可能面向听众发表讲话。所以,演讲作为一门激发人们心灵之火的艺术,熟练掌握并运用这门艺术,对于领导者提高整体素质,做好领导工作,无疑具有重要的作用。1。演讲艺术及其一般分类演讲主要以有声语言和态势语言的统一,以及演讲者的主体形象来作为演讲的传达手段。从实践中看,演讲具有综合性、现实性和艺术性的多重特点。演讲与口才演讲稿范文由提供!·演讲是一种现实的社会实践活动作为一门艺术,演讲虽然也是以讲为主,但是这种讲还要体现演。它不仅要把事和理讲清楚,让人听明白,而且还要通过在现场上的直观性言态表达把事物和道理讲得生动、形象、感人,既有情感的激发力,又有声态并作的审美感染力。在演讲活动中,演讲者的身份各不相同,演讲的目的多种多样,演讲的内容包罗万象,演讲的方式各有特点,演讲的场地千差万别,演讲的听众形形色色,致使演讲话动种类繁多。 2022写作演讲稿 篇9演讲稿是讲给人听的,因此,写演讲稿首先要了解听众对象:了解他们的思想状况、文化程度、职业状况如何;了解他们所关心和迫切需要解决的问题是什么,等等。否则,不看对象,演讲稿写得再花功夫,说得再天花乱坠,听众也会感到索然无味,无动于衷,也就达 不到宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏的目的。 2022写作演讲稿 篇10Teachers, students: Good morning, everyone! Thanksgiving, is ubiquitous. What is the reason that I stand here? Isgratitude. Thanks to the support of my teachers and classmates love, thanks tothe school to give the opportunity to thank for a mother for the cultivation ofthanks to my own effort. Because thanks to these, I will stand here today I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our parents of fertility andgratefulness. Parents to our care and love, parents of selfless dedication tous, we should feel very satisfied and happy. I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our training school, she gave usa good learning environment, provide us with a lot of opportunities, she can letus stand on the stage of this sacred in the great hall of the people, this makesme unforgettable. The dictionary composition nets: I know, we should be thankful, grateful to our teachers every, is he (she)brings us from the first grade of ignorance; The innocence of second grade;Grade three naughty; In fourth grade restlessness; The growth of grade five,into today -- a graduating sixth graders. He (she) are among this shed too muchsweat and hard work. I know, we should be thankful, grateful to give us the gift of nature, theblue sky white clouds, lakes, sea, sunshine, fresh air, flowers and green grass,full of boundless universe. Gratitude is not only a kind of etiquette, but also a healthy mind. Leteach of us with a grateful heart. Thank you all! |
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