标题 | 自卑演讲稿英文高中 |
范文 | 自卑演讲稿英文高中(精选4篇) 自卑演讲稿英文高中 篇1高一那年,年级组织去千岛湖春游。 那时候,我们年轻的班主任新婚度假,于是更为年轻的实习老师成了我们班的带队老师。实习老师一宣布这个令人兴奋的消息,教室马上为大家的喧闹声所炸响。同学们纷纷问一些关于春游要注意的事项和所交的费用等问题,接着实习老师又问了一句:“大家还有什么问题吗?”很长的时间,没有人举手也没有人站起来,谁也没有注意到角落里来自山区的那个女孩子,她微举着手,手指却颤抖着没有张开来,颤巍巍的嘴唇一张一合却没有声音。很久很久,女孩子站了起来,用极低的声音问:“老师,我可以带馒头吗?”一阵其实并没有恶意的笑声刺激着女孩子,她的脸通红通红的,低着头默默地坐下,眼泪无声地沿着脸颊流了下来。漂亮的女实习老师走过去,抚摸着她的头说:“你放心,可以带馒头的,没事的。” 出发的前一天,女孩子拿着饭票买了六个馒头,然后低着头好像做贼似地跑回宿舍。宿舍里几个女同学正在收拾春游要带的零食,一边唧唧喳喳地讨论着什么。女孩子直奔自己的床,迅速地用一个塑料袋把馒头装了进去,女同学的讨论声似乎小了下来,女孩子的眼眶红了。 出发的那天下着雨,淅淅沥沥地洗刷着女孩子的心情,在她的背包里有六个馒头。女孩子没有带伞,只好和别的同学挤在一把伞下,为了不因为自己而使同学淋湿,女孩子不停地把伞往同学那边移,等到了目的地千岛湖时,女孩子的一半身子湿漉漉的,身上的背包也湿漉漉的。大家纷纷冲向饭馆吃饭去了,女孩子一个人呆在招待所里,等大家都走完以后才从背包里取出馒头。可是,由于塑料袋破了一个洞,湿透背包的雨水将馒头泡透了,女孩子就这样一边流泪一边嚼着被雨水浸泡过的馒头。 女孩子还没有吃完一个馒头,同学们就回来了。她没有料到她们会回来得这么快,来不及藏起湿透了的馒头,只好匆忙地往还没有干的背包里塞。班长妍突然说,哎呀,我还没有吃饱呢,能给我吃一个馒头吗?女孩子不好意思摇头也没有点头,妍已经打开她的背包啃起馒头来。其他几个同学也纷纷走过来拿起馒头一边嚼一边说,其实还是学校食堂做的馒头好吃。转眼,女孩子带来的六个馒头都被同学们吃完了,女孩子看着空了的背包只有无声地落泪。 第二天,到了大家该吃早饭的时候,女孩子偷偷一个人走了出去。雨已经停了,女孩子的心却在落泪,如果不是自己央求父亲借钱交了车费原本就可以不来的,可是山水是那么秀美,女孩子怎能不心动?女孩子在招待所附近的一座矮山上一边后悔一边默默地落泪。是班长妍最先找到女孩子的,妍拉起她的手就走,说:我们吃了你带来的馒头,你这几天的饭当然要我们解决呀!女孩子喝着热腾腾的粥吃着软软的馒头,眼圈红红的。 后来总有人以吃了女孩子的馒头为理由请她吃饭,使她不再嚼着干涩难咽的馒头,使她可以和所有其他同学一样吃着炒菜和米饭。女孩子的脸上渐渐有了笑容,她默默接受了同学们不着痕迹的馈赠,默默地享受着这份单纯却丰厚的友谊。女孩子没有什么可用来感谢她的同学,只有用更努力的学习,更积极地去帮助别人和总是抢先打扫宿舍卫生来表示她的感激。后来,这个女孩子不仅是班里学习最好的一个,也是人缘最好的一个。 因为女孩子知道,同学们给她的是财富所不能买到的善良和真诚。他们的友谊就像春天里最明媚的那一缕阳光照射在她以后的人生道路上。 High school that year, grade organization to Thousand Island Lake SpringOuting. At that time, our young married class teacher vacation, so the more theyoung student teachers would become our teacher led classes. Student teachers anannouncement of this exciting news, the classroom as soon as the sound ofexploding all the hustle and bustle. Some students have asked to note on thespring tour and the paid expenses, etc., and then the teacher has asked aninternship: "Do you have any questions?" It"s a long time, no one raised theirhands and no one to stand up , no one took note of the corner the girl from themountains, she micro-Ju Zheshou, trembling fingers but did not open, thetrembling lips together is a sound one. Long, long time, the girls stood up,with a very low voice asked: "Teacher, I can do with a bun?" Burst 自卑演讲稿英文高中 篇2honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: it is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful saturdaymorning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the englishlanguage. about a year and a half ago, i took part in my very first english speechcontest. when i stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly atme, i could hardly speak. i stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling invain for the right thing to say. my fears had paralyzed me. while my passion for english has never changed, i lost my courage to speakin public. when my professor again encouraged me to take part in thiscompetition, i said “no.” i couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. helooked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. i willnever forget his words. “look,” he said, “we all have our fears, and you haveyours. you could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid toever play again. running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. awinner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.” i spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. then imade the bravest and wisest decision of my life: i would face my fears – andtake part in the competition! as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, onceagain standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth isdry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all thedifference! that's all. thank you. 自卑演讲稿英文高中 篇3Everyone is shy when they are young, some people shy because they thinkthey are not good enough, so they are not confident, they will low their headsbefore others. We call this emotion self-abasement, most people suffer suchemotion, we need to conquer it. For me, I was not confident before, I alwaysthink that other guys do every thing better than me, until someday, I watch abook. The book says how to conquer self-abasement, I learn that the reason whypeople feel not confident, it is because they haven’t found their advantages.The book tells that everyone is good at something, we are wrong to compare otherpeople’s advantages with our disadvantages. After I read the book, I understandwhy I not confident, I should never compare with others, I also have my merit, Ishould be proud of myself. Let’s raise our heads and be confident. 当我们年轻的时候,每个人都有害羞的时候,一些人害羞是因为他们觉得自己不够好,所以他们不够自信,会在别人面前低下头。我们把这类情感称为自卑,大部分人都有这种情绪,我们需要克服。对于我来说,我以前也不自信,总是觉得别人做什么都比我好,直到有一天,我看了一本书。这本书说的是如何克服自卑,我知道了人们为什么不自信,那是因为他们还没有发现自己的优点。书上说每个人都有擅长的东西,我们错在将我们的短处拿去比别人的长处。看了这本书后,我懂得了自己自卑的原因,我不应该和别人比,我也有闪光点,应该为自己自豪。让我们抬起头和自信起来吧。 自卑演讲稿英文高中 篇4What causes low self-esteem? 是什么让你自卑? 获得69.6k好评的回答@Rahul Balhara: I wake up early in the morning. 我早起。 I meditate and go for a run. 冥想之后去跑步。 I come back and study whole day. 回来后学习一整天。 I feel confident and contended. 我感觉很自信、很满足。 I wake up late in the morning. 我早上起得晚。 I feel tired and sleep again. 感觉很累,再睡个回笼觉。 I woke up again and use Facebook. 再次醒来看看Facebook。 I get bored and watch a movie. 无聊了再看个电影。 I feel bad about myself. 自我感觉很差。 Everybody has some targets in life. If you are not acting in a way whichwill help you achieve those targets, your self-esteem is bound to hurt. 每个人都有一些生活目标,如果你没有找到能帮助你实现那些目标的方法,你的自尊就会受挫。 Lack of actions. 缺乏行动。 Real actions. 是真正的行动。 ? Watching TV isn’t an action ?看电视不算行动 ? Eating isn’t an action ?吃饭不算行动 ? Going to school isn’t an action ?上学不算行动 A real action is something that you want. It can be a side hustle, ahobby…Something that you want! 真正的行动是你想做的事。可以是副业,也可以是爱好…是你真正想做的事! I enjoy writing, thus I write. 我喜欢写作,所以我写作。 High self-esteem come with pride. 高度的自尊和自豪并存。 If you aren’t proud of yourself, how can’t you have a low self-esteem? Thequickest hack to overcome your situation is to win more often. When you win,your body release dopamine and testosterone. Both are strong hormones that pushyou to do more. 如果你不自豪,自尊心怎么可能不差?战胜你的处境的最快方法就是获得多次胜利。获胜时你体内会释放多巴胺和睾丸素,都是推动你采取更多行动的强效激素。 Once you start to win, you will always crave more winning. You’ll getobsessed about winning. This is how you get started. Win. Win a contest, win achallenge. 你获胜一次,就会渴求更多次胜利,你会沉迷于此无法自拔。这就是你的出发点:获胜。赢得一场竞赛,战胜一次挑战。 Winning is key. 赢是关键。 No sense of personal sovereignty. 没有个人主权意识。 We are expected from birth to listen to and obey the wishes of others. Astimuli that most of us grow up with and the effects of which culminate overtime. Ultimately, we lose any sense of personal sovereignty and inner guidance;and thus, we believe that someone else always has the - more correct way - orknows better than we do. 我们从一出生就被期待能听话并遵从他人意愿。我们大多数人成长过程所伴随的刺激及其产生的影响随着时间的流逝达到顶峰,最终我们丧失了个人主权意识和内心的指引,所以我们相信别人总会有更正确的方法,或者比我们更懂。 We discount our own intuition and mistrust ourselves as a result of thislearned response. Subsequently, this becomes a filter for how we view the world,and for how we view ourselves in the world. 由于这种习得的反应我们忽视自己的直觉,不相信自己。后来这就成为了我们看待世界和这个世界中的自己的滤镜。 We come to rely on the opinions of others for validation, because we expectthat everyone else knows better than we do. And the more we get validation fromothers, the more we seek it. It becomes an addiction. When we are validated bysomeone else, it triggers our psycho-biological reward system releasing dopamineinto the brain. We feel good. We feel accepted. We want more of thatfeeling. 我们开始用别人的看法去证实,因为我们认为别人都比自己更懂。我们从别人那儿求证越多,就越愿意去求证,最后成为习惯。我们从别人那里获得认可后就会诱发我们的心理——生理奖励机制向大脑释放多巴胺,使我们自我感觉良好,有认同感,我们还想获得更多的这种感觉。 The rub is because we do not validate ourselves, we rarely get thevalidation we want from others. Or worse, we restructure our lives and the waywe live in order to garner as much attention as possible. Our identity becomeslost in the quest for external validation. 受挫是因为我们不向自己寻求认可,而且很少能从他人那里获得我们所需的认可,更有甚者,我们会重建自己的生活和生活方式来尽可能获得关注,我们在寻求外界认可中迷失了自我。 If we would just validate, trust and know ourselves this cycle could bebroken. 如果我们能认可自己,信赖并了解自己,就能打破这个怪圈。 |
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