标题 | 简单演讲稿范文3篇 |
范文 | 简单演讲稿范文3篇 尊敬的老师: 你好! 我是来自××学校的一名优秀的学生,我写此自荐书是因我想能在新的班级里为老师和同学做出我的贡献。所以才想推荐自己任本班级的班长兼团支书,因为我认为我有这个能力。 我在原校时当过班级的班长兼团支书,做得很出色,得到了老师的好评和同学们的认可。在工作上也有很强的组织能力,使同学们参加的活动进行得井井有条。也开展了各式各样的活动,深受老师和同学们的欢迎。 因在班级工作突出的原故,经班主任的推荐在初一时竞选了校学生会和团委的干部,也因我在演讲中的表现突出及内容真实,被选入学校的学生会和团委工作。 我在班级以及在校出色的学习和工作中,曾先后得到了校优秀团干部、区优秀干部、区优秀团员、区优秀团干部、市优秀学生的称号。并成为校业余党校的第一批成员及成员组长,并因在党校中的优秀表现及积极工作,也取得了很好的结业成绩。 所有在原校的一切都已经成为往事,不能够代表现在,但我想我还是有这个能力为新的班级出力,也可以成为老师你得力的助手和同学们的好榜样。 因此我对进入新的班级工作有以下初步的计划 简单小学英语演讲稿 简单演讲稿范文(2) | 返回目录 people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are." i can still remember the words that dad said to me years ago. when i was young, i used to be very naughty. life then was like a glaball ,shining with bright colours. i had once gone down to the river bank, catching a great many worms and was afterwards punished by mum. i had ever cut the pillow towel into pieces in order to make clothes for my dolls. similarly, i was then blamed seriously. once i even put the hot iron on the floor which immediately burnt a big hole on the carpet. although i had done so many annoying things, my childhood seemed to be rather colourful. however, i had never had a clear definition about myself. but then something happened. it had made a great difference to my life and made who i am now. i had always been afraid of having the intravenous drop in hospital. the first time i was taken to have the drop, i cried for almost half an hour and finally gave off at father's severe scolding. watching the cold needle stabbing into my skin, i cried even more loudly. at that time, i never dared to take a glance at my hand and always needed my mother to stay with me at my side. even if mum had told me many times," honey, there’s nothing to be scared of. just close your eyes and sleep." i would still keep my eyes wide open, watching the liquid flow through the bottle and never slept. nevertheless, things just happened in a casual way. when i caught a high fever again when young, mum had to send for the doctor home to treat me. i was so sick that i became quite drowsy and then slept. when i suddenly woke up in the afternoon, i found the liquid in the bottle had already flown over ,while mum and dad were not around. i yelled, but finally found it was of no use. so i jumped out of the bed and pulled up the tubule. in the nature of things, the blood came out and dropped along the way i went downstairs. things became different at the time i went down alone. i discovered that i could be independent. i was much stronger than i had thought. looking back on the girl who cried all day, i came to understand suddenly that the strong part of the inner myself had been existing all the time. seeing the anxious mum, i revealed a big smile to her. i could see that mum was trying to hold her tears back and scrubbed my blood on the hand. she didn't know that her little girl had stealthily grown up. since then, i became stronger. as you see now, standing in front of you is a confident and sunny girl. in my grown-up life, i've never cried for being injured no matter how serious it is. i can even go to the hospital alone when mum and dad are on business. i came acroso many difficulties in life, while i've never thought of giving up. thanks to that extraordinary experience at my age of ten, i discovered a person inside myself who has been so important and unique to me. just like what dad had told me before, "people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are." 简单的竞争上岗演讲稿 简单演讲稿范文(3) | 返回目录 我八四年从南京晓庄师范学校毕业,分配到中桥新村小学,工作已十六年了,应该说大家都对我非常了解,我的成长和我的每一点进步,都离不开领导和老师们的关心、帮助。回顾这勿勿而逝的十六年,我可以满怀自豪地说:我没有虚度年华,我先后获得市美术学科教学能手、市电化教学优秀工作者、区优秀教师等荣誉称号;教学业务上近年来制作的多媒体课件多次在省、市、区课件评比中获得一等奖,参与编写了市中小学教师继续教育培训丛书《计算机辅助教学和网络应用技术》,参加了区“神州”多媒体辅助教学光盘的开发研制工作,都受到了领导和专家们的好评;培养的学生多次在各级少儿书画美术比赛上获奖,为学校赢得了荣誉。评:这是自身简况。没有优势部分。 今天,我站在这竞争上岗的演讲台上,心情非常激动,竞争学校现代教育技术室主任这个职位,现代教育技术室是现代教育技术与现代教育理论发展的产物。她的职责是在现代社会高速发展的,特别是信息技术突飞猛进的今天,教育如何迎接现代科学技术的挑战,如何及时应用科学技术,以提高教育质量,培养高素质人材。目前我们学校是市的电化教学实验学校,各类电教设备较为完善,管好、用好电教设备是现代教育技术室一项重要工作。如果我这次能够选上,首先将在管好、用好电教设备上下功夫,管好电脑室的一器一物,做好电脑的维护和保养工作;用好电教设备是抓教师培训,下半学期结合中小学教师现代教育技术培训,分期分批举办教师电脑培训,让每一位教师学会电脑的基本操作,制作简单的课件,用于教学实践;继续抓好学生培养,除了按课程设置上好电脑课外,还准备继续开设电脑兴趣班,在原来基础上在四、五年级增开语言编程班,形成我校的电脑教学特色。 感谢学校领导老师对我的培养和信任,不管我这次能否选上,我将一如既往做好本职工作,不断进取,超越自我将是我永恒的追求。评:没有态度部分。 |
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