标题 | 2023初中英语演讲稿 |
范文 | 2023初中英语演讲稿十篇 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇1Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Eico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Eico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love". From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? )so when i sitting at the computer desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the computer games, ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on. how can i- a computer fan ? reduce time on computer? so i continue studying and playing on it Years pasted, my father is over 45 now. it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind. Thank you so much! 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇2Social Protection of the Safe Environment On a Saturday morning. I went to have breakfast. I felt there was a terrible smell and went over to have a look carefully. I found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the smell.Just then a young fellow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here . He raised his hands, The big pile of rubbish was here. At once I went to him and said “Uncle , you can’t do like this . These things will rot very soon. It’s bad for our health and make the people fall ill.” However ,the man said “Everyone does so ,who falls ill,who will see the doctor.” Looking at this , I remembered another act : There is a stream through our village. Over it there are two bridges .At the age of seven years old , I enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the bridge very much. It was the best place to swim in summer. But now the rubbish was getting more and more .Dish leaves,fruit skins,dead ducks and chickens….after rotting ,not only the mosquitos flew around but also the bad smell made everyone feel quite terrible.Though the stream was cleaned up several times, it’s still happening now. A lot of plastic bags always float on it .In summmer we have to go far away from the village to swim. What causes this? Who is the devil?It’s the human ourselves. I have got to known from a book .The rubbish in the countryside mostly occupies the fields and damages the earth’s surface .It pollutes soil,wave ,atmosphere and damages our health. The adults often say “The body is capital.” But why are they able to make woollen cloth like this ? Does it affect everybody’s safe and sound life ? 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇3Chaucer was over seventy , but he was not convinced of his age. At a time he boasted: “Myphysical strength is as strong as that I was young.” The opposite person asked: “ What do yourely on? ” Chaucer said : “ There is a big stone roller in my compound. I couldn’t heave it whenwas young, neither can I now.” 乔叟年过六旬,仍不服老。一次,他对人夸耀说:“我和年轻时力气一样大。”对方问:“何以见得?”乔叟说:“我家大院里有个石头,年轻时我举不起来,现在我还是举不起来。” 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇4Dear: Today a boy named is standing here and talking about the near future of the earth.Most people believe that we are living on a beautiful and vital palent. Because we can find everything we need from everywhere on th earth.But some of us who study the earth are very surprised that th earth is going to die much sooner than before.It means th earth will be like the Mars in a few years.And then most animals will be exterminated ,and the organism called human may not be seen on the earth any more.Is that a lie or a joke? No,its serious and true .A river can be polluted by only a little trash and so little trash can be made by hundreds of families a year. But no country even America can clean the rivers as soon as we pollute them.Im afriad we do something wrong over and over again. So we have less and less time to redress the balance of Nature.Luckily, its not too late now. People have many things to do to stop the disaster. For example having a low-carbon lifestyle is one of the best ideas. More and more young people like to live a low-carbon life. So you see ,life with low-carbon can be fashionable.In fact when we protect the earth , we are protecting ourselves.Thanks for listening to me. 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇5Dear students: How are you! In the previous several exams,I have gained good results,first of all thanks to my efforts,of course,learning is also very important.Next,I gave you about my learning experience.I feel good in order to learn first-come interested in learning.As the saying goes:"Interest is the best teacher."With interest will be motivated to learn,the more naturally learn better.Second,in order to improve learning,we must master the correct way to learn,learn to digest,giving top priority,this is the most important.In learning,our minds must have three words-"Why!"Smart people know that;wise men know to listen to;smart people know to ask. The last is sure to be hard work,this is the most important,even Thomas Edison said"Genius needs ninety-nine percent perspiration."School should seriously lectures,and pay attention to more independent thinking,do not know want to ask,to exercise their thinking skills.Careful and meticulous to teacher assignments,must not be careless. There is,to take notes,preview before clathe best,first have a preliminary understanding of the text,which for the next clacan more easily absorb.After-school must also be reviewed,and consolidate the knowledge about good teachers,and lay a solid foundation.The ancients have said:"Reviewing the Old,to be a teacher."Not also the truth?Best to pay attention to work and rest.Only care about the death of reading is of no use to let my mind relax properly for the such as playing baseball,listening to music,watch TV news.Finally,I want to say"do not you go stronger than others,then you have to and they are better than weak,you challenged yourself to stay on a par before himself,and you will reap better than others." Thank you! 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇6尊敬的家长朋友们: 大家下午好。我是初一级的一名英语老师。首先,请允许我代表初一(6)班66个孩子对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。感谢您三个多月来,对我们学校的信任、老师的信任、对我的信任,对我们工作的大力支持和配合。谢谢! 召开家长会的目的是为了加强学校与家庭,老师与家长之间的联系,让我们架起心灵沟通的桥梁,为孩子们的健康成长共商教育大计,让我们更好的教育您的子女,让孩子们健康成长。 巴蜀中学最有名的是管理和上的特色,请听我简单介绍。 一、学校特色: 从学校层面上讲,我校建校不久,能做出理想的成绩在于管理,我校实行封闭式管理,不管是周末回家出校,外出买东西出校,还是平常出校,一律凭专用假条出校,走读生凭走读证出校。不管是平时午休还是周末,每个年级安排有值班教师清点学生,要保证该在学校的一个不差,该在家的一个不少。食堂、小卖部、小吃等地方也有教师值班,以保障学生就餐安全。 老师们在教学中严格按照集体备课的要求,五统一,即统一资料,统一进度,统一课件,统一作业,统一思路,实现所有的资源共享,以达到年级的最佳组合。我校的考试很有特色,有周考,月考,半期考,期末考等多种形式,完全是以考代练,学生已经养成了自觉考试,独立考试的习惯,因此无人监考的'情况下学生的成绩也基本真实。 二、班级简介: 全班共66人,男生36人、女生30人。主要来自奉节各地,也有巫山、巫溪、云阳等临县的,每个孩子都来自不同的家庭,学生的性格、秉性各异,但由于学校铁的管理和年级、班级的严格要求,大部分学生都已养成了较好的生活、学习习惯,在短短半学期的时间里已经形成团结友爱,互帮互助,一个和谐稳定的班集体。【初一家长会英语教师发言稿】初一家长会英语教师发言稿。从开学后,我班陆续取得新的成绩,捷报频传,庆"十一"黑板报喜获一等奖拉开序幕,之后陈宏瑾竞选上年级节目主持人,王鹏翔、朱柯羽选入学生会,朱柯羽又在竞选中出类拔萃,成为学生会主持人,广播体操比赛团体三等奖,特别是精神文明奖的获得更是得到了学校和年级的好评。 三、班级管理: 我的育人目标:先成人后成才。 首先我认为:学生是一个人,应该让其成人,所以我特别强调"做人有德",就是要培养学生高尚的品格,懂文明,讲礼貌,尊老爱幼,做一个有良好道德品质的社会公民,做一个有理想有抱负的孝心孩子,做一个有良好学习习惯的学生,总之,培养他将来必须是一个对社会有用的人。 其次,我强调"做事有法",那就是重视方法指导,教学生学会思考,做一个思想的智者,一个会思考的聪明人,引导学生眼中有事。在生活中,学习上,处处锻炼他们分析问题,思考问题,解决问题的能力,培养他们的综合素质。 在学生身心健康成长的前提下,再以"智育"为中心,狠抓纪律与学习,对学生进行升学成才教育。我要求学生每天提前预习,认真听讲,记好课堂笔记,课后及时复习,独立完成老师布置的作业,要求每天都有新的收获,每天都有进步。我根据学生的小学基础、智力等实际能力为他们制定了合适的学习目标,让其通过努力达到目标,去体会成功的喜悦。 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇7Dear: My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly. If they can’t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help. 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇8every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. my friends will listen to me when i want to speak, will wipe my eyes when i cry, will take care of me when i am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life. friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. it is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it is also like a cup of tea. when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink. as we know, we would feel lonely if we didnt even have a friend. but it doesnt mean we could depend on our friends all the time. there is a famous motto saying that "a friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” it is really true. we have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. when we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can. finally, lets pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. lets pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇9女士们,先生们: 下午好!我的演讲题目是沙尘暴。 沙尘暴是我国北方地区春季日益频繁发生的一种恶劣天气。虽然我才13岁,但也经历过多次了。 我想大家对上月发生的沙尘暴记忆犹新,它席卷了11个省,给我国造成了很大的损失。 正如您从电视上看到的.,沙尘暴所到之处,狂风卷着黄沙和尘土肆劣横行,有时候一些大树都被从中间吹倒了。鸟儿失去他们的家园,孩子们也找不到回家的路,就像到了世界末日。 当沙尘暴发生时,我们的教室也充满了沙尘。可怜的老师,尽管已饱受粉笔灰之苦,现在又不得不待在灰尘中。可怜的同学们,他们告诉我简直都要窒息了! 我们热爱美丽的春天,我们珍爱明媚的阳光。但是沙尘暴给这些蒙上了阴影,我们知道,沙尘暴是大自然母亲对我们破坏生态劣行的惩罚。要重新看到蔚蓝的天空和明媚的春光,我们必须绿化山川,保护环境。如果我们现在就开始,还不晚。 虽然这是一项艰巨的任务,但是我们必须勇敢地面对,因为这是一场我们必须获胜的战斗! 2023初中英语演讲稿 篇10Dear: How to develop low-carbon economy, There have been many environmentalprotection problems in recent years . One of the most serious problem isgreenhouse gas emissions have caused climate change, At the same time ,lots oftrees have been used and wasted.So our earth is becoming warmer and warmer. .That brings us illnesses and death. Luckily, many countries have done a lot to stop environmental pollution.It's the most important in the environmental protection today. In my opinion, on the one hand ,through education we should make peoplerealize that destroying the environment means destroying ourselves, On the otherhand , we should try to do something to produce fewer greenhouse gasemissions. In a word. we must develop low-carbon economy. |
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