标题 | 关于感恩主题英语演讲稿范文 |
范文 | 关于感恩主题英语演讲稿范文(精选3篇) 关于感恩主题英语演讲稿范文 篇1today I presentation grateful parents. The students, where we come from? hear this question, we will say, my parents took us to the world. Yes, more than 10 years ago of a certain day, our parents with tears and happy smile greeted us. But when we came to Earth in that moment, the parents but an onerous job — to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents but murmur dependency, I grew up. We first called father and mother, the first independent to constitute a step, for the first time and scrawls them up when the parents patiently teach us. Parents, is God give us does not require any modification of the soul. When we encountered difficulties, to give everything to help our people, is the parent. When we were hurt, patiently listening to our people, their parents. When we make a mistake when not hesitate to forgive us, are parents. When we succeed, will sincerely as we celebrate, share with us the joy, the parents. And now we outside work, still with us. ... Life is not as perfect, parents of hard to understand, however, in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, so hard. I wonder if members would remember that the thankful heart, touching sad melody: a thankful heart, thank you know, let me have the courage to do it myself. A thankful heart, thanks to fate, the flowers I will cherish. Yes, our wonderful is the parents of our road is specified for our parents, our success is given by their parents. All in all, involve parents help us as a creator, and parents are, therefore, we must with a grateful heart to repay parents, we want to act, to our efforts to return again and again. Although we cannot live with their parents to share the hard, entrepreneurship and difficult, but we, as a secondary school student, at least you can read out to good comfort for parents that we truly worried mind. The mid-term exam is about to come, hope that students can obtain a success. Thank you, my speech has gone. 关于感恩主题英语演讲稿范文 篇2尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的同学们: 我今天演讲的题目是《感恩是爱的接力》。 感恩很简单,就是对别人的帮助表示感谢。遗憾的是,我们常常忽略了别人的帮助,这样,感恩就无从谈起了。 我想,我们首先应该感谢的是给了我们生命的父母。但是,我们做到了吗? 让我们一起自我检讨一下吧。在举步维艰的时候,我们有没有埋怨过父母没有和我们商量就把我们带到了这个未知的世界?当自觉处处不如人的时候,我们是否也望父成龙,望母成凤?每一年的那一天,爸妈为我们庆生的时候,我们是否因为觉得派对不够排场而觉得委屈生气?我们想过母亲怀胎十月是怎么过的吗?在那漫长的十个月里,妈妈她睡了几个安稳觉,爸爸又合了几夜眼,我们关心过吗? 当我们学会了比较,不再以自己的爸爸妈妈为荣;当我们不愿意在同学们面前介绍这就是我的爸爸,这就是我的妈妈的时候,我们想过他们的感受吗?我们是否想过,我们的父母也很自卑,我们了解他们心痛却仍然无怨无悔付出的心情吗? 如果你是生活的有心人,你会发现,身边的关爱无处不在。记得那次,我坐在公交车上,看见一位老爷爷拄着拐杖被路人扶上了车,第一排座的一位年轻人站了起来,扶着老爷爷在车座坐了下来。过来一会,年轻人下了车,老爷爷送给了年轻人一个真挚、感谢的笑容,这一定让年轻人心里温暖许久。 我们都有为了某件事而努力过。为了实现目标,我们有过不眠不休,也曾衣带渐宽。记得吗?在我们努力的同时,是谁在我们需要帮助时为我们奔前走后?是谁叮嘱我们注意身体?是谁在桌角轻轻放了一杯温热的茶水?是谁在我们没有勇气的时候给了我们肩膀?成功离不开自己的努力,但很多时候,也不能少了别人的帮助。所以,我们也应该为别人的成功做点什么,不是吗? 古人说:“赠人玫瑰,手有余香。感恩不是为了求得心理平衡的喧闹的片刻答谢,而是发自内心的无言的永恒回报。 让感恩于施恩并存,接过爱的接力棒,把它传给身边的每一个人。这样,爱的光环就会成为不落的太阳! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! 关于感恩主题英语演讲稿范文 篇3亲爱的老师们,亲爱的学生们: 大家好! 今天我很高兴能站在这里为大家作国旗下的讲话,我讲话的题目是“感恩母亲”。今天是五月__日星期一。同学们知道昨天是什么日子吗?五月的第二个周日就是我们的母亲节。母亲节是我们天底下无数个伟大母亲的共同节日。这个节日是对母亲的赞美和颂扬,是提醒我们时刻记住,感恩我们的母亲。 现在电视上有则公益,是一位小男孩为自己的母亲洗脚的片断,我看了很感动。可是在现实生活中,能有几个儿女能做到呢?“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,我们有时会因一个陌生人的关怀而铭记于心,却对母亲的博爱熟视无睹,嫌她唠叨,或因一些小事就大发雷霆?然而,母亲却从不放在心上,永远在一旁默默地忍受;当我们做错事时,耐心地开导教育我们,当我们遇到挫折时,给予我们支持和鼓励。 同学们,可能你以前也嫌母亲唠叨,对母亲发脾气,不如让我们从今天开始,从孝顺母亲开始,学会感恩,让我们记住天下母亲共同的节日——母亲节。当母亲空闲的时候为母亲洗洗脚,为她捶捶被沉重的家务压弯了的脊背,给母亲一个暖暖的拥抱,一句温馨的祝福,一脸感恩的微笑吧!其实,有时候,表达孝意只需一些简单的话语。在妈妈干完活回家时,向妈妈问一声:“妈妈,今天辛苦你了。”在去上学时,向妈妈道一声“妈妈,我上学去了。”在回家时,向妈妈说一声:“妈妈,我回来了。”在妈妈做了好菜。 |
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