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标题 2017赞美学校演讲稿(3篇)


  someone said calmly, this is not a suitable age, though the growth of poetry at once revered as the poetry is the cradle of university campus.

  in the south of guangdong, south of sun yat-sen university held by the "guangdong university poetry has seven invitational, facing the emotional attachments, we seem to be religious, and will be slightly delighted. however, the poem collection of these awards, a "as" feeling arises spontaneously, but we have to confront the helpless.

  if not all of south north of culture, so let us look at peking university, the original poetry is the phenomenon is not optimistic. the 1978-1988: selected poems of peking university prehave made our exciting time, yet we have to admit the fact that the poetry in general awareness, more is a kind of old rendering poetry of nostalgia emotions, and brilliant student candidate works only a very few money-box. this will not let we produce such doubt: the book of poems published in contemporary campus is the prelude of renaissance of contemporary poetry is the last of the campus riproaring elegy?

  today, we may occasionally missed some of the deceased, moved to the same kind of campus poet youth craze and for, but it is only occasionally ", "the more we are engaged in a forgotten. in the commodity economy, the campus buildings.a consciousnethat today is the sky "pure" also fall victim to it, those who hold the young poets gathering at heart went away, part-time, learning computer memory, and one's deceased father grind, the real thing going abroad filled with our minds, social competition and rational consciousneenhancement inevitably, let us become reality and secular, even the impulsion -- love poetry also no longer popular this unknown part of romance, material and money largely dominated our choices. think about "the title of campus poet" how was won the admiration of the eye, can now, campus poet "wit" and "mad" detached, the noise inside besides some praise, more contain ridiculed flavor.

  perhaps, many of us was so warmly love poems, and even today with deep in my heart still, but they don't seeming to write poems don't read poetry, just to resist modern this popular words but knows. the campus is not sealed, it always existed and social ties. poetry also is so, from the "may 4th" during the period of the new century revolution began in the late 1970s to the movement to obscure until today, the poetry of the transformation of several major does not have a profound influence on campus song. poetry of the movement of the post-modernism, by postmodernism poets often show no selective techniques to highlight the preference of the not those things, but refused to believe that grace may bring comfort, it is still in the fantasy and dreaming of campus student is unacceptable. meanwhile, the post-modernism poet in the tendency of nobility and public awareneof negation in civilian, cultural, artistic conception profane indifference to the jinman and disorder of desultorily, aim to establish core or against any intention of specification. those with traditional education and social experience are undoubtedly the college students is shallow. postmodern refused to traditional romance, indifferent to divine don't care and the attitude, natural inspired traditional moral antipathy and protest. if by classical poetry to modern creation is a difficult choice, then by the creation of modernism tendency of post-modernism pursues is shan pain. this shan variable cost is huge, more and more pilgrims gradually left this sacred territory refused their involvement, and keep the territory alone and pioneers of the text will build siege, the higher the outside couldn't clear inside the scenery.

  i had no intention of judgment cannot tell whether it was a kind of lost cannot make clear what we betrayed poetry abandoned or poetry. i just clearly know: poetry is gradually receding.

  "the world's light winds are taken." a poet is strange at the campus of poetry, and wrote.

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  靠京九,依峰山,傍章江。我的大学梦就是在这座美丽的百年老校赣南教育学院、赣南师范学院师范专科部开启的,她以一位母亲的姿态座落在千里赣江第一城——赣州。她在19xx年——那个距我们有点远的年代诞生了。将近一百年的历史,养育了一代又一代的新时代青年。时光在变,地点在变,唯一不变的是我们的精神,那种师范院校所具备的“团结严谨 求实 创新”。“学高为师 身正为范”这八个一直伴随着我们成长,成熟,发展。




  用微笑弹奏百年文化的历史沉淀,用真心传递师范和谐的发展火炬。 我们学校处处为学生创造展现个性和特长的舞台。热爱运动的同学能在“运动会”上展示矫健的身姿,喜欢书画的同学能在“陈默杯”中尽情挥毫泼墨,擅长表演的同学能在“艺术节”里赢得阵阵掌声…和谐的校园文化是一种巨大的无声的力量,是最优秀的隐性课程。它如“润物细无声”的春雨,能以最深刻最微妙的方式进入学生的心灵深处并产生深远影响。


  和谐犹如一幅画,好似一首歌曲。和谐产生美丽,和谐生发了力量。 和谐不是强行的,而是顺其自然的。不和谐的生活不会产生共鸣,无法演奏生活美好的乐章!和谐不是停滞,也不是凝固的,而是一种积极的前进的状态。让我们一起努力去争取达到新的更高的和谐,让我们的百年母校焕发新的光芒。


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