标题 | 感恩主题英语演讲稿 |
范文 | 感恩主题英语演讲稿(精选3篇) 感恩主题英语演讲稿 篇1today I presentation grateful parents. The students, where we come from? hear this question, we will say, my parents took us to the world. Yes, more than 10 years ago of a certain day, our parents with tears and happy smile greeted us. But when we came to Earth in that moment, the parents but an onerous job — to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents but murmur dependency, I grew up. We first called father and mother, the first independent to constitute a step, for the first time and scrawls them up when the parents patiently teach us. Parents, is God give us does not require any modification of the soul. When we encountered difficulties, to give everything to help our people, is the parent. When we were hurt, patiently listening to our people, their parents. When we make a mistake when not hesitate to forgive us, are parents. When we succeed, will sincerely as we celebrate, share with us the joy, the parents. And now we outside work, still with us. ... Life is not as perfect, parents of hard to understand, however, in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, so hard. I wonder if members would remember that the thankful heart, touching sad melody: a thankful heart, thank you know, let me have the courage to do it myself. A thankful heart, thanks to fate, the flowers I will cherish. Yes, our wonderful is the parents of our road is specified for our parents, our success is given by their parents. All in all, involve parents help us as a creator, and parents are, therefore, we must with a grateful heart to repay parents, we want to act, to our efforts to return again and again. Although we cannot live with their parents to share the hard, entrepreneurship and difficult, but we, as a secondary school student, at least you can read out to good comfort for parents that we truly worried mind. The mid-term exam is about to come, hope that students can obtain a success. Thank you, my speech has gone. 感恩主题英语演讲稿 篇2尊敬的各位评委老师们, 亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好! 落叶在空中盘旋,谱写着一曲感恩的乐章,那是树对滋养他的大地的感恩。 白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡,绘画着一幅感人的画面,那是白云对哺育他的蓝天的感恩。 因为感恩才会有这个多彩的社会。因为感恩才会有真挚的友情。因为感恩我们才懂得了生命的真谛。 用一颗感恩的心去生活,开心的时候,是我们善待生活的回报;生气时,是培养我们耐性的时机;伤心时,是天将降大任于斯人的先兆——必先苦其心志;幸福时,是对我们泰然处世的微笑。这样,即使身处乱世,又有什么可以影响我们平静的心绪呢? 同学们,行动起来吧!用一颗感恩的心去生活。 谢谢。 感恩主题英语演讲稿 篇3小学生感恩节主题班会学生演讲稿、感恩节主题班会学生演讲稿、感恩节主题班会演讲稿:大家好!我没有美丽的外表,甚至没有一件像样的衣装,但我不自卑,我不具备表演的能力,语言中也没有华丽的辞藻,但我要用真诚的心告诉大家《学会感恩》。 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我没有美丽的外表,甚至没有一件像样的衣装,但我不自卑,我不具备表演的能力,语言中也没有华丽的辞藻,但我要用真诚的心告诉大家《学会感恩》。 小时候,我沉浸在父母的关爱之中,生活得非常幸福。可是,天有不测风云,在我五岁那年,母亲得了心脏病。为了支撑整个家,为了把我们兄妹俩拉扯大,妈妈拖着重病的身体,忙里忙外。因长期的劳累,病情加重了,卧病在床。 为了一家人的生计,为了我们兄妹俩的学费,为了给妈妈治病,爸爸含泪出外打工。就这样,六岁的我和九岁哥哥,每天除了上学还要照顾重病的妈妈。每次放学回来,哥哥放下书包,就连忙去做饭。我看着哥哥这样辛苦,就偷偷地学起做饭来,有一次,哥哥不在家,我做了一顿面条,那是我做的第一顿饭啊!当我端给妈妈吃时,妈妈竟哭了,她说:“多么懂事的孩子,让你受苦了”我的泪水也跟着流下来。“穷人的孩子早当家。”从那一刻起,我就体会到这句话的真正含义,同时,我忽然觉得自己长大了。 上四年级时,我就到了家对岸的沙沟小学就读,妈妈的病情也一天天加重,我们兄妹俩都在学校住宿,爸爸放弃打工,回来照顾妈妈。家里唯一的经济来源就靠爸爸就近做做零工。妈妈为了我们兄妹俩能吃饱,拒绝吃药打针,她说:“我这病可能是治不好了,省下钱多给孩子些伙食费,他们正是长身体的时候,不要饿着他们了”而我总是拿两三块钱,就说“学校伙食便宜,这些钱足够了,妈妈,你一定要吃药,治好病,我们离不开你。”在我们再三劝说下,妈妈才勉强答应吃药。在学校里,我顿顿只能买最便宜的面条,可为了能让妈妈早早治好病,这点苦能算什么? 每周临走的时候,卧病不起的妈妈总是叮嘱我:“孩子,在学校里要听老师的话,好好学习,这样将来才会有出息。”妈妈是个没有文化的人,可这几句朴实的话语,每次都使我泪如雨下。而当我把一张张奖状带回家时,不识字的妈妈也总是看了又看,舍不得放下,尽管她不知道写的是什么。这时,我心中既充满自豪,又充满酸楚。 去年的一天,妈妈永远离我而去,当我和哥哥听到这个噩耗,哭着从学校赶回来,妈妈已静静地躺在那里,看着她那张慈祥的脸已瘦得都看见了骨头,我再也忍不住心中的悲伤,扑到妈妈冰冷的身上,放声大哭:“妈妈,你不要走。”任凭我再哭再喊,也叫不醒她了,妈妈就这样永远地睡着了。 我的妈妈,她虽然没有给我好吃、好喝、好玩的,甚至没有给我童年应有的快乐。但她的鼓励,她的慈爱,她那朴实的话语,使我明白了人间有一种爱叫母爱,使我懂得了世间有一种情是恩情。 我会努力地去做一切事情,回报九泉之下的妈妈。同时,我也要呼吁在场的同学们:“学会感恩,你的生命里将充满阳光;学会感恩,这个世界将充满温馨。” |
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