标题 | 万圣节演讲稿700字 |
范文 | 万圣节演讲稿700字(通用16篇) 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇1老师们,同学们: 大家上午好。今天我国旗下讲话的主题是兴趣让生活更多彩。 众所周知,一个人的兴趣越广泛,生活就越丰富多彩;我们也许只是一个普通人,但这并不妨碍我们追求自己所喜爱的兴趣。而一个人如果只是一昧地学习,却忽略了兴趣的重要性,只会成为一个书呆子。我们不妨经常打打羽毛球,踢踢足球,看看课外书等等,如果你长期专注于你的兴趣,它就会变成你的专长,你可能就会成为一个小有名气的书法家,一个乒乓球好手,这样何乐而不为呢?可能你会说:成绩也很重要啊?的确,成绩固然重要,但是不要总是把精力放在学习上,要适当的让自己放松放松,也好亲近大自然,享受生活。 同学们都知道,10月31号就是万圣节。万圣节也叫鬼节,是西方的传统节日,每逢这一天,人们以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵,并乔装打扮,做南瓜灯,以祈平安度过严寒。我们可以在这一天给我们的教室装扮一下,还可以举行几个活动,来庆祝这个节日,活跃一下气氛,给自己放松一下。 总之,兴趣会带给你意想不到的乐趣。所以,要是你想拥有一个精彩的生活,那就去追求你的兴趣吧!我的话完了,谢谢大家。 篇三20__年最新万圣节优秀的发言稿精选 大家好,我是中一班的___,我演讲的题目是万圣节,一个充满快乐的节日。 每年的10月31日是西方传统节日万圣节前夜。当晚小孩子们会穿上各式各样稀奇古怪的服装,带上面具,挨家挨户索要糖果,这样的活动一直会持续到11月1日。所以说万圣节是属于孩子们的节日,当然也是年轻人的化装舞会。 今年我和妈妈一起制作了南瓜灯、女巫帽和蝙蝠面具,制作过程虽然繁琐但也充满了乐趣,当我戴上亲手制作的面具,我感到非常的骄傲和自豪。在万圣节这一天,幼儿园也举办了非常有意思的活动,给我印象最深的是胡老师,她打扮成了一个穿睡衣的男人,特别的搞笑,我和琪琪都笑得前仰后合,不过,让我兴的还是得到了好多糖果。妈妈还告诉我,万圣节是了解英语世界的一个特别好的窗口,我们小朋友要好好学习,将来可以与全世界的小朋友一起快乐的游戏。 谢谢大家,我讲完了。 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇2各位家长和小朋友们,欢迎来到```儿童乐园万圣节亲子舞会,很高兴在这个时刻和大家一起相聚在这里,大家已经看到四周摆放了无数个大大小小的南瓜灯,还有装扮成魔鬼、海盗和可爱女巫状的工作人员,相信这所有的一切已经开始让你们感受到万圣节的气氛了吧。 活动开始之前我想要问小朋友们一个问题,谁能告诉我万圣节是一个什么节日?简单来说万圣节就是西方的鬼节。古时候人们认为恶灵在每年10月31日的夜晚重返人间。为了驱逐恶灵,他们会将房子里的炉火和烛台熄灭,将房子弄得很荒凉,好像没人居住一样,这样恶灵就不会进屋去。他们也会故意穿得很邋遢,看起来很丑,这样恶灵就不愿意接近他们了。这也是今天全球大部分人以古灵精怪的打扮,来庆祝万圣节的到来。随着时间流逝,万圣节的意义逐渐变得积极、快乐和喜庆。你们可以看到今天的现场里,象征万圣节的南瓜灯、巫婆、黑猫、鬼怪等,全都有友善可爱和滑稽的笑脸。相信大家今天在这里定能留下一份美好的记忆。 好了,我们今天的活动正式开始,接下来是我们的Show Time,有请可爱的辅导员上场。 感谢辅导员精彩的表演,下面即将进入我们精彩刺激的游戏环节,这些游戏不仅是家庭与家庭之间的对决,也是小朋友们克服恐惧,与自己胆怯较量的比赛,希望各位小朋友们把自己的勇气都拿出来,获得最好的成绩,请告诉我你们有信心吗?好,加油,加油。 紧张的比赛环节结束了,不知道小朋友们玩的开心吗?好,接下来还有更开心的事哦。下面一个环节是“Trick or Treat”他也是西方万圣节的一个传统保留节目就是“不给糖果就捣蛋”,大家可以看到入口处的三座小木屋,每个屋子里都有一个可怕又可爱的巫婆,她拿着满满一袋的糖果,我们小朋友等会都可以去向她讨糖吃,看哪个小朋友最勇敢,讨得糖果最多。我们家长尽量让孩子单独前去,如果实在胆小的宝宝可以由家长陪同前去。 快乐的时光总是短暂的,不知道小朋友们玩的开心吗?我们辅导员们也很高兴和大家度过了一个愉快的周末,留下了一段美好的记忆,希望通过这次的活动,我们的小朋友们能够更加的坚强和勇敢,在成长的道路上充满着快乐,健康和阳光。好了,我们今天的万圣节活动就到此结束,感谢各位的到来,让我们期待下一次的相聚,再见。 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇3GoodMorning,BoysandGirls: HappyHallowen!HappyHallowen!TodayisHallowen,IwillengoyHallowenwithyou. 公元1世纪初,欧洲的天主教会把11月1日定为“天下圣徒之日”,意思是在纪念所有的圣人的那一天,要举行弥撒仪式。相传自公元前500年,居住在爱尔兰,苏格兰等地的凯尔特人把这节日往前移了一天,即10月31日。 相传每年的这一天,所有死去的人的亡魂都会来找到活人,并把自己的灵魂寄生到他们身上,以获得新生,这是他们能重生的方法。活人们当然不会把这个机会给那些亡魂。所以,他们想出一个办法:每到这个节日,他们就打扮成妖魔鬼怪,以此来吓走那些亡魂。 现在的万圣节,完全没什么恐怖的气氛,而是充满了欢乐。小孩子们会穿着恐怖的服装,挨家挨户的喊出Trickortreat来向别人讨要糖吃。如果不给的话,他们就会惩罚不给糖的人,直到别人肯给糖为止。 关于南瓜雕空当灯笼的故事是源于古代的爱尔兰。故事讲的是一个叫JACK的人,是个醉汉而且爱恶作剧。一天他把恶魔骗上了树,又马上在树桩上刻了个十字架,吓唬恶魔令他不敢下来;然后与恶魔约定,让它答应施法,“让自己永远不会犯罪”为条件让他下树。JACK死后,他的灵魂既不能上天堂也不能下地狱。所以,他的灵魂只好靠一根蜡烛指引他在天地之间徘徊。 既然讲到了万圣节,就不得不提起中国的鬼节——中元节。 中国每年农历七月十五日为“中元节”,也称“盂兰盆节”。在这一天,人们无论贫富都要用下酒菜、烧纸钱来祭奠(jidian)亡人,以示对死去的先人的怀念。 夜深人静的时候是烧纸钱的时机。先用石灰在院子里洒几个圈儿,是为了把纸钱烧在圈儿里,让孤魂野鬼不敢来抢。然后一堆一堆地烧。最后还要在圈外烧一堆,这些就是烧给孤魂野鬼的了。之后,亡人们又要回去了。亡人们回去的这一天,无论贫富都要做一餐好饭菜敬亡人,又叫“送亡人”。 万圣节和中元节最初都是和祭祀习俗有关的。但随着人类的发展,都发生了演变。现在呢,西方万圣节主要是搞怪和狂欢,而我国的中元节,还是比较庄重和肃静的。西方万圣节比较开放,家家户户都在进行互动,而中元节只是在自己家里默默进行。 作为外小的学子,我们在每年欢度万圣节时,也不能忘记咱们中国的传统节日。只有做到学兼中西,开放包容,我们才能更好地从这里走向世界。 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇4hello everyone! There is a special festival in foreign countries - Halloween. I know from the book that Halloween is October 30 every year. On this day, children dress up as ghosts, such as ghosts, bats, vampires and so on. Then everyone carries a small basket. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, they ask for candy door by door and say "trick or treat". If the other party doesn't give candy, they will immediately rush into the other party's house and start making trouble, such as turning off the TV and pulling down the tablecloth. And on Halloween, every family has to make pumpkin lanterns and tell ghost stories. The activities are rich and interesting. I remember that before Halloween last year, I discussed with some good friends in the yard how to have an interesting Halloween. We decided to let each family buy a lot of sugar, and then we went to a good friend's house to ask for sugar. One person can only go to one house. Finally, it depends on who wants the most. After a while, everyone gathered downstairs. Everyone's baskets, bags and pockets were bulging. As soon as you walked around, you could hear the happy sound of candy collision. I want the most sugar when I compare with each other. "Ah, I won!" I shouted. whispered: "if I had known this, I would have asked my mother to prepare less sugar." when we heard it, we all giggled and burst into happy laughter through the dark night. I like Halloween. Halloween is a festival for children. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇5hello everyone! Today is Halloween. We put on all kinds of masks and colorful clothes and went to school to participate in activities. When we got there, the foreign language teacher came in like a ghost. He was wearing flawless white clothes. The foreign language teacher rushed like a beast and scared us around. The foreign language teacher couldn't help laughing when he saw us so frightened. In the afternoon, the foreign language teacher introduced two people to us. One was Millie. She dressed like a little witch. Another is Bobby. He dresses like a little doctor. They took out a big bag of sugar and sprinkled it. The candy rained down. We rushed to grab the sugar at a lightning speed. Time passed so fast that school was over in a twinkling of an eye. Looking at the full pockets, I thought: how happy this Halloween is! Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇6hello everyone! On Halloween, children wear special clothes and masks. Many children play a game called "trick or treat". They knocked on the door of their neighbor's house and shouted, "if you don't entertain, you'll spoil it.". Neighbors usually entertain them with candy. If children don't get candy, they may play tricks on their neighbors. Some people also use big orange pumpkins to make lights. They carve the shapes of eyes, nose and fangs on the pumpkins. Put the lights in, and the lights come out from the eyes, nose and fangs. This evening, the teacher said that the school would hold a Halloween party. When we got the news, everyone was happy and elated. Laughter echoed in the classroom for a long time. In the evening, the Halloween party began. As soon as the bell rang, everyone rushed downstairs like an arrow. When we arrived at the party venue, the foreign teachers had already prepared, with bags of sugar in their hands. We went over and shouted, "trick or treat." This kind of party is really interesting. Not only let us improve our English level, but also improve our performance ability. Of course, a very important factor is that there are many performances and gifts. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇7老师们,同学们: 大家上午好。今天我国旗下讲话的主题是兴趣让生活更多彩。 众所周知,一个人的兴趣越广泛,生活就越丰富多彩;我们也许只是一个普通人,但这并不妨碍我们追求自己所喜爱的兴趣。而一个人如果只是一昧地学习,却忽略了兴趣的重要性,只会成为一个书呆子。我们不妨经常打打羽毛球,踢踢足球,看看课外书等等,如果你长期专注于你的兴趣,它就会变成你的专长,你可能就会成为一个小有名气的书法家,一个乒乓球好手,这样何乐而不为呢?可能你会说:成绩也很重要啊?的确,成绩固然重要,但是不要总是把精力放在学习上,要适当的让自己放松放松,也好亲近大自然,享受生活。 今天我讲话的题目是《万圣节》。明天11月1日是英语世界的传统节日———万圣节,也叫鬼节。万圣节这一天家家户户会吊起南瓜灯并无限给小孩子派发糖果,也因此万圣节是小孩子们最爱的节日之一。万圣节的由来是在公元前五百年时,居住在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地的人们相信,亡魂会在11月1日这一天回到生前所居住的地方,并在活人的身上找寻生灵,以获得再生的机会。人们担心鬼魂来夺取自己的生命,故当11月1日到来时,会将所有灯光熄掉,让鬼魂无法找寻到活人,人们还将自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪的样子以将鬼魂吓走。 随着时间的流逝,万圣节的意义逐渐变得含有喜庆的意味。因此,现在象征万圣节的妖怪及图画,都变成了可爱又古灵精怪的模样,如南瓜妖怪、巫婆、蜘蛛侠等。喜爱发挥创意的小孩,在这一天极尽所能地把自己打扮得鬼模鬼样,然后挨家挨户收集糖果,鬼节也就变得趣味多了。 同学们都知道,10月31号就是万圣节。万圣节也叫鬼节,是西方的传统节日,每逢这一天,人们以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵,并乔装打扮,做南瓜灯,以祈平安度过严寒。我们可以在这一天给我们的教室装扮一下,还可以举行几个活动,来庆祝这个节日,活跃一下气氛,给自己放松一下。 总之,兴趣会带给你意想不到的乐趣。所以,要是你想拥有一个精彩的生活,那就去追求你的兴趣吧!我的话完了,谢谢大家。 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇8hello everyone! Halloween is a good time for children to have fun. In the eyes of children, it is a festival full of mystery. When night fell, the children couldn't wait to put on colorful make-up clothes, put on strange masks, put on a "jack lamp" and ran out to play. The most popular game on Halloween is "bite the apple". During the game, people let the apples float in a basin full of water, and then let the children bite the apples with their mouths without hands. Whoever bites first is the winner. The children were completely immersed in joy. The most interesting thing is that we infiltrate English teaching into the party, learn English words related to Halloween on site, learn Halloween blessings, and get a candy if you say it right. This form of learning allows children to learn English unconsciously. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇9hello everyone! On Sunday , all our students held the Halloween Parade in the junior middle school department. Halloween is a traditional Western religious festival. On Halloween, everyone should wear self-made ghost clothes and parade in the street. Most of the teachers and students of the school gathered on the playground of the junior middle school department. The students were divided into three squares: the primary school department, the junior middle school department and the senior high school department. At this time, the Minister of international affairs, Mr. , announced the beginning of the parade. Students marched one after another. The costumes of the primary school department were diverse, including little angels, flower fairies, spider man, salted egg Superman, and Korean traditional costumes. The clothes of the junior middle school department are even more exquisite. In the team of the junior middle school department, there are not only flower fairies and angels, but also more terrible clothes such as black, white impermanence and old witches. Later, we had a tug of war with foreign teachers and listened to President talk about the meaning and origin of Halloween. Then, we ended the happy parade in a happy game. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇10hello everyone! October 31 is a very special day. Our school held an annual Halloween party, and this year's Halloween is very lively. Halloween is a western festival, because we are a foreign language school, coupled with our love for it, this Halloween seems to be a must. The 31st is week X. in the morning, everyone happily walked into the classroom and took out their own Halloween costumes. Everyone can't wait to show them to you. In the afternoon, as soon as the big break bell rang, all the students, wearing ghost clothes and masks, swarmed out of the teaching building, lined up on the playground and waited for the teacher's arrangement. I look around, wow! It's so spectacular. I've never seen so many ghosts. It's really lively on the playground! Look! All the "demons and ghosts" in the whole school gather here and listen! Laughter and ghosts. This Halloween can be said to be very lively. Until now, the lively atmosphere is still with us all. This is the last Holleween we spent in primary school, and it is also the Halloween that I remember most. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇11大家好,我演讲的题目是万圣节------一个充满快乐的节日。 每年的10月31日是西方传统节日万圣节前夜。当晚小孩子们会穿上各式各样稀奇古怪的服装,带上面具,挨家挨户索要糖果,这样的`活动一直会持续到11月1日。所以说万圣节是属于孩子们的节日,当然也是年轻人的化装舞会。 今年我和妈妈一起制作了南瓜灯、女巫帽和蝙蝠面具,制作过程虽然繁琐但也充满了乐趣,当我戴上亲手制作的面具,我感到非常的骄傲和自豪。在万圣节这一天,幼儿园也举办了非常有意思的活动,给我印象最深的是胡老师,她打扮成了一个穿睡衣的男人,特别的搞笑,我和琪琪都笑得前仰后合,不过,让我最高兴的还是得到了好多糖果。妈妈还告诉我,万圣节是了解英语世界的一个特别好的窗口,我们小朋友要好好学习,将来可以与全世界的小朋友一起快乐的游戏。 大家早上好!我是来自_班的_x。今天我讲话的题目是《快乐万圣节,欢乐你我他》。明天就是同学们期待已久的万圣节了!万圣节是西方国家的传统节日,用来祭奠亡灵,所以也叫“鬼节”。 随着时间的推移,万圣节渐渐演变成了当今孩子们和年轻人喜爱的节日,风靡世界各地。这一天,我们可以做些什么呢? 我们可以在同学间组织万圣节派对,穿上无颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着南瓜灯,喊着“TrickorTreat!”——意思是“不给糖就捣乱”去讨糖。 南瓜灯是万圣节必不可少的道具,大家手工刻制应该更有意思;最简单的服装就是用一张白床单顶在头上,抠两个洞留出眼睛也是蛮吓人的呢;各式各样的面具淘宝上也都可以淘得到;糖也要准备的,不然是会被捣乱的哦! “Trickortreat”,同学们,你们准备好了吗?祝大家万圣节愉快!谢谢大家! 今天就是万圣节了,同学们你们准备好了吗?祝大家收获满满,玩得开心! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇12hello everyone! There are Halloween activities at school today. After the first class, we changed our Halloween costumes. My costume is a cloak made of black garbage bags with all kinds of pumpkin paper cuts pasted on it. I also made a pumpkin head with cardboard. I want to dress up as a pumpkin witch. Some of my classmates wear a pumpkin hat, some dress up as flower fairies, some wear a masquerade ball mask, and others dress up as magicians. It's really fun. We went to the gym first, played the game of decorating pumpkins, and decorated the pumpkins very strangely. We came to the second area. There was a wizard's body, but his face was empty. We wanted to go up and show our face. Ha ha, I'm a wizard! How happy this Halloween! Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇13hello everyone! Looking forward, looking forward, Halloween is coming; Looking forward to, looking forward to, the mid-term exam is over; Looking forward to, looking forward to, the long prepared Halloween activity has arrived. Originally, Halloween activities should be held on Halloween, but they were moved to today because they missed the mid-term exam. We have already prepared clothes and props, and our parents have also bought delicious candy and snacks. The first activity - "ask for candy" began. Everyone picked up all kinds of baskets and jumped out. Let's go to nono's house first. "Trick or treat!" we shouted together. As soon as nono's mother took out the candy, she was robbed by everyone. We were very happy to grab so much sugar, and then went to Tiantian's house and Xiaodi's house What a happy day, what an unforgettable Halloween party! Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇14hello everyone! Today is Halloween. I often watch movies about Halloween. In the movies, some people empty pumpkins, cut out their eyes and mouths and put them on their heads to play ghosts, others dress up as zombies and other things, and children come to ask for candy. I think, will anyone do this today? I still remember the interesting scene of Halloween in the United States. Before that, I only knew that on Halloween, children could dress up differently and knock on the door for candy at night, but I didn't know who to knock on. On Halloween night, I finally found that as long as the front light of the house is on, or there are Halloween decorations such as pumpkins at the door, it means that children are welcome to ask for candy. On that day, groups of children with various costumes shuttled through the dark streets, showing a happy and strange atmosphere. Usually, neighbors who don't communicate with each other will open their doors and prepare a large bowl of candy to give to children on Halloween. Some houses are decorated as gloomy ghost houses, and the owners of the houses dress up as ghosts and Demons and surprise the children who want candy first. Thank you! 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇15每年的10月31日是西方传统节日万圣节前夜。当晚小孩子们会穿上各式各样稀奇古怪 的服装,带上面具,挨家挨户索要糖果,这样的活动一直会持续到11月1日。所以说万 圣节是属于孩子们的节日,当然也是年轻人的化装舞会。 接下来为大家讲述一个万圣节的故事: 在一个狂风呼啸的夜晚,从狼堡里传出一声巨吼“耶!我成功了。”紧接着是一声平底锅拍在脸上的声音,只听红太狼说:“大半夜的吵什么吵,别吵醒了我的小灰。”“是,是,老婆”灰太狼胆怯的答应着,又打了一个大大的哈欠说“明天是万圣节,我制作了一件鬼服,混进羊村去捉羊吃,老婆你和儿子就都有羊肉吃了。”“啊!羊肉。”红太狼惊喜的叫道。 羊村里,喜洋洋们也正在讨论明天该怎么过节,知道灰太狼也会来羊村袭击。就在一起出谋划策。最后决定这么做会会他们的朋友。 第二天夜晚,灰太狼穿着巫婆的衣服,东躲西藏的接近了羊村,按响了羊村铁门的门铃。忽然,铁门旁跳出了一个南瓜头把灰太狼吓了一个半死,以为自己遇到了鬼大声叫道“饶小的一命吧,求你高抬贵手放我一把吧。”只见那个南瓜头冷笑一声说:“好吧!不过你要照着我说的去做,”灰太狼连忙答应。只见南瓜头把铁门打开,说“灰太狼你趴在地上。”灰太狼不敢违抗,只得照做,只见南瓜头抬起脚猛地往灰太狼的屁股踹去。灰太狼一路疯跑。路上到处是鬼像,令灰太狼毛骨悚然。好不容易跑的美羊羊的房间,准备将美羊羊捉回去孝敬老婆。 可是,大门却自己开了,从门里飘出一只白色的美羊羊。围着灰太狼转并且问灰太狼“灰太狼,你要抓我吗?来吧!来吧!”灰太狼一看,吓得魂飞魄散。再一看周围全是忽隐忽现的东西,从空中发出可怕地声音,灰太狼一看,撒腿就往家跑,嘴里还大喊“可恶的小羊,我一定会回来的”。 过了一会,从狼堡里传出了平底锅的声音,和灰太狼的哀叫声。 随着时间的流逝,万圣节的意义逐渐变得含有喜庆的意味。因此,现在象征万圣节的妖怪及图画,都变成了可爱又古灵精怪的模样,如南瓜妖怪、巫婆、蜘蛛侠等。喜爱发挥创意的小孩,在这一天极尽所能地把自己打扮得鬼模鬼样,然后挨家挨户收集糖果,鬼节也就变得趣味多了。 万圣节演讲稿700字 篇16hello everyone! Yesterday was the last day of October. It was a western festival - Halloween, also known as ghost festival. Every night on this day, foreign children will wear all kinds of ghost clothes to knock on the door for candy. If they don't give candy, they will make trouble. So this festival called ghost festival is not terrible, on the contrary, it is also a little happy. In today's China, teenagers and children also celebrate Halloween, but in China, no one will wear ghost clothes to knock on the door for sugar, because adults don't know this festival or think it's a foreign festival, we don't need it. Therefore, Chinese teenagers and children's festivals are limited to students and friends to buy candy and give each other. Yesterday, our school was also celebrating Halloween. Every student would buy bags of candy to share with the students. There were many kinds of candy: lollipops, Alps, tiantianbang, flat round colorful candy, colored candy of various shapes, milk candy, chocolate... All kinds of candy. Everyone looked at it and drooled. Almost every student will receive candy on this day. Every student is also very happy on this day. The usual hostility will disappear on this day. Everyone is infected by this pleasant atmosphere. No matter how depressed people are, they will smile on this day Halloween is a happy festival, a festival loved both at home and abroad. Thank you! |
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