标题 | 英文四分钟演讲稿 |
范文 | 英文四分钟演讲稿(精选3篇) 英文四分钟演讲稿 篇1China is a nation with a long history of, known as the "ancient civilization". In the vast history, Chinese culture has a long history, profound through the ages, has been with the development of the national language. Chinese characters, is the pride of the Chinese people, it is ancestors generations of the crystallization of wisdom, is the symbol of the Chinese nation. Whenever we write down each one vivid characters, exclamation characters will be wonderful, "cross" "vertical", si"... simple strokes, but formed hundreds of thousands of words. A "happy" word, make we smile; A word "angry", then let us got miffed up with anger. A "cry" word, let us shade; A word "music", and making us laugh... In the face of the rich and colorful words in our country, but now the young people and how to do? Fashion, tide, this is the pursuit of our primary and middle school students. Had appeared in our country, using traditional Chinese characters, write Mars, this is the text of serious damage to our country. Our words to through the vicissitudes of life, more than 600 years of Chinese characters: from the original oracle, pictographic, later again to the modernization of traditional Chinese characters, to perfect modern simplified characters. Don't we should go to learn our country general words? "Pole wide long bench, pole want to tie on the bench, the bench doesn't let carrying-pole tied to the bench..." Ah, good intelligent Chinese, good beautiful Chinese. The charm of Chinese is really big, "learning Chinese all over the world," when singing this a few words of lyrics, the in the mind is very proud, when we are empathetic listening to this beautiful Chinese, more profound understanding to the many people are talking about the "English". Yes, English is an international language, in communication when communicating with foreigners, English is a must, but in our China, you must speak good Chinese. Some people half in and half the yankees, with a few words in Chinese, foreign language; Some people speak word order confusion, the fine Chinese words not nor; Some life in China, long in China, but he said the bad Chinese at the same time, in a foreign language is heavy, also said what to adapt to the trend; Boys and girls, let's learn Chinese well, speaking mandarin Damage state language problems have emerged, as middle school students, we must not stand idly by, "write standard words, speak mandarin" in school, in social life, learn to use language to describe our whole world. "With language, create beautiful motherland tomorrow". 英文四分钟演讲稿 篇2China is a nation with a long history of, known as the "ancient civilization". In the vast history, Chinese culture has a long history, profound through the ages, has been with the development of the national language. Chinese characters, is the pride of the Chinese people, it is ancestors generations of the crystallization of wisdom, is the symbol of the Chinese nation. Whenever we write down each one vivid characters, exclamation characters will be wonderful, "cross" "vertical", "" si"... simple strokes, but formed hundreds of thousands of words. A "happy" word, make we smile; A word "angry", then let us got miffed up with anger. A "cry" word, let us shade; A word "music", and making us laugh... In the face of the rich and colorful words in our country, but now the young people and how to do? Fashion, tide, this is the pursuit of our primary and middle school students. Had appeared in our country, using traditional Chinese characters, write Mars, this is the text of serious damage to our country. Our words to through the vicissitudes of life, more than 600 years of Chinese characters: from the original oracle, pictographic, later again to the modernization of traditional Chinese characters, to perfect modern simplified characters. Don't we should go to learn our country general words? "Pole wide long bench, pole want to tie on the bench, the bench doesn't let carrying-pole tied to the bench..." Ah, good intelligent Chinese, good beautiful Chinese. The charm of Chinese is really big, "learning Chinese all over the world," when singing this a few words of lyrics, the in the mind is very proud, when we are empathetic listening to this beautiful Chinese, more profound understanding to the many people are talking about the "English". Yes, English is an international language, in communication when communicating with foreigners, English is a must, but in our China, you must speak good Chinese. Some people half in and half the yankees, with a few words in Chinese, foreign language; Some people speak word order confusion, the fine Chinese words not nor; Some life in China, long in China, but he said the bad Chinese at the same time, in a foreign language is heavy, also said what to adapt to the trend; Boys and girls, let's learn Chinese well, speaking mandarin Damage state language problems have emerged, as middle school students, we must not stand idly by, "write standard words, speak mandarin" in school, in social life, learn to use language to describe our whole world. "With language, create beautiful motherland tomorrow". 英文四分钟演讲稿 篇3各位员工朋友们: 植树造林,美化家园,功在当代,利在千秋。参加植树造林是每个公民应尽的义务,也是每位公民光荣神圣的职责,更是建设“绿化哈轻 美化家园”的重要举措。为进一步改善公司厂区生态环境,掀起建设美丽哈轻新高潮,创建生态园林式厂区,公司青年志愿者协会谨向广大党员、工会会员、全体团员青年发出如下倡议: 一、积极响应号召,争做绿色家园的“传播者” 植树造林是造福千秋万代的大事。广大员工要自觉树立植树造林、关爱自然、善待环境、节约资源的发展理念,大力宣传植树造林和厂区绿化的重大意义,宣传全员义务植树的公益性、义务性和法定性,增强全员植绿、护绿、爱绿、兴绿的生态文明意识,在全公司形成人人参与植绿护绿、共建共享绿色美丽哈轻的良好氛围。 二、积极主动参与,争做绿色家园的“践行者” 各级群团组织和广大员工要从我做起,迅速行动,通过见缝插绿、破硬建绿、果树点缀、植花种草等形式,积极参加各种形式的义务植树和造林绿化活动,增加厂区绿化量,做到春有绿、夏有花、秋有果、冬有木。亲手栽下一棵树,亲手植下一片绿,自觉履行植树造林法定义务,迅速掀起植树造林高潮。 三、积极开展活动,争做绿色家园的“实施者” 各级群团组织可结合工作实际,组织广大党员、团员和干部职工栽植“希望树”、“幸运树”、“理想树”、“友谊树”,建设“青年林”,以树寄情、以树铭志、奉献绿色,为美丽哈轻再添新绿。 四、积极群策群力,争做绿色家园的“谋划者” 积极响应公司青年志愿者协会“绿化哈轻 美化家园”义务植树活动的倡议,主动为公司植树绿化活动献计献策,抢抓春季黄金季节,通过身体力行参加义务植树、绿地树木认建认养、捐赠苗木、绿化宣传等多种方式履行植树义务,持续改善哈轻公司生态环境。 五、积极呵护绿色,争做绿色家园的“保护者” 植绿护绿是建设生态文明的具体实践。我们都要像爱护眼睛一样,关注生态环境,关爱绿色生命,呵护树木花草,保护绿化成果;多种一棵树,多养一盆花,多植一片草,不践踏草坪,不攀摘树枝花朵,不侵占绿地林地,不将火种带入林区,不盗砍滥伐林木,不穿越开放式草坪,做一名爱绿护绿的保护者。 六、积极参与植树,争做绿色家园的“建设者” 积极响应号召,主动为公司绿化美化献计策,提建议,尽义务。植树活动以自愿报名、募捐树苗的方式参加植树活动。募捐树苗种类为桦树、杨树、李子树、海棠果树、沙果树。募捐数量及具体规格请咨询公司青年志愿者协会。 |
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