标题 | 六年级学生英语演讲稿优秀 |
范文 | 六年级学生英语演讲稿优秀(精选3篇) 六年级学生英语演讲稿优秀 篇1More than 100 years ago, our neighbor Japan, through the Meiji Restoration of road leading onto the bourgeois, than the overall national strength of China. Thus, once the Chinese subsidiary are resource-poor small countries begin coveted Chinese Jiangshan magnificent vast territory and abundant resources, they again and again by force of aggression against China, while our once great country of at this time can only be allowed to bully, because of their weak We simply can not carry out a powerful enemy resistance. Fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil. From 1937 to 1945, the Chinese people with a full eight years to give the military aggression of Japanese militarism hard to combat, frenzied Japanese militarism in solidarity the people and the Chinese all over the world anti-fascist front of the people of the country has to the tail and bowed her head. Therefore, we can say that anti-fascist war, win the entire Chinese nation are a major event in the history, it is the Chinese people settle down, proud of the start, but also the Chinese nation "Sick Man of East Asia" signs, re-stand the nation in the world forest beginning. Unfortunately, such a promising start did not go smoothly. Civil war, the Cultural Revolution, after the war the whole world especially in Asia, much of the country's economic take-off our first opportunity missed, China's development has experienced frustrations. Although our lives today and has international status and Sixty years ago is quite different, but we are not on the true meaning of the "big country", our comprehensive national strength with Japan still has a big gap between. It is for this reason, Japan has always been an arrogant attitude towards China, at the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war today, their governments at a correct view of history on the problem is still ambiguous attitude, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to Yasukuni Shrine, Members of Parliament openly deny the Class-A war criminals crimes. At present, the third technological revolution in full swing, leap in the development of the world economy, increasingly close contact with the world the Chinese are facing the best opportunity for economic development, history tells us that peace and stability in order for us to seize opportunities Zhongxing of the Chinese nation. On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of War of Resistance against Japan, I think of you teachers, colleagues and students, said: war and revenge will not win our respect, unremitting, and this is our victory to celebrate, hold a memorial ceremony for martyrs, and bearing in mind the history of the best way! 六年级学生英语演讲稿优秀 篇2各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在一阵阵爆竹声中,一阵阵欢歌笑语中,我们终于迎来了春节!春节,是最盛大的节日,也是我们兴的日子。家家张灯结彩,街面上修饰一新,一派喜气洋洋的景象。爸爸老妈也早早地把家里布置一新,置办了年货,我眨着幸福的眼睛,穿着新衣服在大衣柜镜子前照来照去,真是美极了! 大年三十爸爸领着我把鲜红的对联贴在院门上,那喜庆的金字映衬的我家满院都生辉了。令我最温馨的是除夕晚上,全家围坐在一起吃着香气四溢的年夜饭,心中感到是那样的温暖,看着异彩纷呈的春晚节目,静等着新年的钟声敲响…… 大年初一上午,亲戚朋友们都赶来拜年了。大家相互问候,热闹非凡。爸爸老妈、爷爷奶奶、姐姐姐夫、还给我压岁钱了呢!中午时分,亲戚朋友们欢聚一堂,大家平时难得见上一面,和他们在一起吃饭真是高兴极了!餐桌上摆满各色美食,鸡、鸭、鱼、肉丰盛极了,还有我最爱吃的鱼香肉丝呢!大家举杯同庆,喜悦挂在每个人的脸上。大家都建议我来出谜语来猜,于是大家都乐开了花,脸上的笑容非常迷人, 我希望每天都可以这样开开心心,但是今年春节过后,家里工作的人都各奔东西了,该上学的上学,到时候就空空荡荡,不会在热闹,但我知道,大家都是为了这个家,他们必须下定心来,即使舍不得,但是还是得狠下心来,所以我要在新的一年里,好好学习,天天向上!!! 晚上,在美丽的月光下,我和姐姐们一起点燃了手中的烟花,顿时就喷出了美丽的火花,漂亮极了!看着这美丽的景色,听着一阵阵火花声,别提有多开心了! 崭新的一年,又是一个新的开始。让我们从现在起珍惜每一分每一秒,增加一份动力,取得一片收获! 世界上许多事情需要珍惜,尤其是守护在你身边的人,待你好好珍惜她,报答他,及是报答! 六年级学生英语演讲稿优秀 篇3尊敬的各位家长、老师: 您们好!我是六年级一班学生。今天很荣幸能作为六年级一班的学生代表发言,感谢老师给我这个发言的机会,并对各位家长能在百忙之中抽时间参加今天的家长会表示衷心的感谢! 其实,作为零零后的一代,我今天想表达的心声也许违背了老师的初衷,也许有悖(bei)各位家长的期望,我也知道我们这一代承载了各位家长许多的期许,虽然我们在家长眼中还是不懂事的孩子,但是我仍然最想对您说的是我们懂得感恩。您为了我们的成长在不断地操劳,为了我们能够过上幸福的生活辛苦地工作,流下了无数的汗水。我们会珍惜您的关爱和付出。当我们为了某些事垂头丧气时,是您在身边不断鼓励我们,默默的付出,而不图任何回报;当我们犯错误惹您生气的时候,是您一次又一次的宽容和教导,让我们明白人生的哲理;当我们开心的时候,是您欣慰的笑容告诉我们,我们有多幸福。从我们出生到现在,您一直为我们担忧。担心我们的健康,担心我们的饱暖,担心我们的学习,担心我们学坏了,担心我们受伤了„„不管我们的年龄有多大,在您的心中,我们永远也都只是孩子。但是,我们正在慢慢长大,我们会更听话,更孝顺您!我们将心底的无限感激化成一句最真诚的话:“你们辛苦了!”。面对您,也许我们不够体贴不够懂事,但在学校里我们学到了知识,锻炼了能力,培养了兴趣,提高了认识,我们已经懂得了孝顺父母,感激父母的养育之恩和无微不至的关怀爱护。 父母对我们的爱,是无偿的付出,是无法用言语诉说的。同样的,我们也爱你们。也许这些话从不曾说出口。但我们对你们的感激,像一棵小树在心底慢慢的生长,总有一天它会长成参天大树„„爸爸妈妈的每一句问候,每一句叮咛,都是对我们的关怀,而每一份成绩单,就是我们对你们的回报。但是有时候我们会落后、会拿给你们一张不太理想的成绩单。我们满怀着愧疚和害怕的心理将成绩单交到你们的手里,我们担心你们生气的面孔、害怕你们的责骂和训斥、甚至有时候随之而来的是巴掌和棍棒。但是,我们还只是孩子,只有老师的教导还是远远不够的,我们更需要你们的关心和帮助,需要你们平时关心我们的学习,帮助我们往正确的方向发展,而不是等到成绩出来以后才以家长的身份来训斥责骂。请你们抽出时间来关心我们的学习,因为你们才是学生真正的后盾和脊梁,只有你们的双手才能把我们托得更高、看得更远、活得更好!请相信,我们一定会继续努力,继续奋斗,以最好的姿态站立在你们的面前。我们都希望,你们会因为我们而感到自豪! 也许,自从来到这所学校学习后,学习的节奏紧张了,同学和老师对待学习的态度也有所不同。我们要快乐的学习、快乐的成长,不要为一时的成绩所左右,更不能为暂时取得了一点点成绩而骄傲。其实,每一堂课都饱含着老师巨大的付出,每一道题都有知识的灌输,每一次的家庭作业都有家长灯光下的辛劳,每一次考试都试探着家长、老师和个人的心理。请你们在看到我们进步的时候多给一个鼓励、发现我们错误的时候正确引导,知道我们较劲的时候予以宽慰,我想我们都是优秀的,无论什么时侯都会在人生的道路上越走越宽广。 最后这句话代表全班同学送给最亲爱的各位家长:“我们爱你!” 谢谢大家(鞠躬) |
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