标题 | 我的寒假学习计划 |
范文 | 我的寒假学习计划(通用35篇) 我的寒假学习计划 篇1寒假要到了,我刚刚适应的高中生活要放松一下了。清晨,我被母亲的催促声叫起,望着灰蒙蒙的没有日出的天空,我揉搓着惺忪的睡眼,坐起身来,伸着懒腰感叹道:“寒假来了”。 寒假来了,不知不觉,短短的高中几个月也过去了,总觉的事时间过得真快,好像自己没有把握住什么似的。高中的作业量多了,寒假的节奏也该把握好了,于是,我用一个新的思维,高中生的思维,定出了我这个寒假的计划: 1、作业篇。 作业要分期限、分顺序完成。 寒假初,春节没到的时候,我要先将《寒假生活》的薄本作业每科一天做两页,这样到了春节,我就仅剩一半的《寒假生活》了。其次,老师留的语文随笔是最头疼的,也要在这个时期,完成两篇(共六篇)。随笔取素材是非常重要的,寒假这前几天我也只能在家里宅着为春节做准备,还有一日好多节的课外班,所以随笔不能“突击”多写,待到过完春节,我就可以去更远的地方开阔我的视野,收集我的素材,这样的写作才真实而轻松。数学卷子可以伴着英语报纸一起写,科目混搭、劳逸结合、效率多多。历史、地理由于作业不多,基本上可以一周内搞定。至于春节时期的`一系列拜年了、写春联了,我也要在这一时期筹备喽! 春节后,应该剩下两周左右,这时按我的计划作业已经被完成了一半,剩下的无外乎就是四篇随笔与一些春节心得感想,还有假期生活的经历展板,那些是我最喜欢做的了,相信那时我一定能轻松应付。 2、娱乐篇 寒假轻松过,娱乐少不了。 这个寒假,相对于小学的我,“压缩”了不少,小学时,作业还没现在这么多,一共就三科,“突击”的话前两周就做完了。要问剩下的时间?玩!可现在,玩,也不是日复一日的了,不能再向小学一样很傻很天真。所以我都计划好了。在寒假初期,我尽量还保持紧张的完成作业状态,等我学累了,春节的喜庆也就来了,那时,还怕玩不够吗?春节七天乐,我可以放鞭炮、上网、玩游戏、看电视等等等等,以往年的经验来看,那是寒假最快乐的一部分了。春节过后,激烈的玩耍风气也要降到低潮了,可那么多时间(两周)怎么过呀,除了所剩无几的作业,我想少不了一个重要的环节——外出旅游。 那应该是春节过后了,远方的山光水色正在吸引着我,我已经等不及了,多想在那时,去登山、去滑雪,去享受静水的幽然和乡村的宁静。更重要的是,我还有四篇语文随笔呢!那时候,我要把它都写成我在游历中看到的山山水水,那一定是四幅美丽的写生画! 旅游的娱乐不会持续太长,到了最后几天,我必须要调整心态,迎接新学期的到来,那时,最好利用起来最后的闲暇时光,读一本好书,在业余中感受寒假。 我的寒假,我希望它是知识的宝库,是轻松的乐园,是美丽的图画。 这就是我的寒假计划! 我的寒假学习计划 篇2长长的假期又要来了,同学们在尽情享受假期的同时,不要忘记继续学习哦!学习才能让你的寒假生活更加充实,才能让你更加自信地迈进五年级。老师期待你们认真完成好每一项英语作业,新学期开学时我们再来比一比,看谁的英语作业完成得最棒! 1、根据自己的情况选做《假日知新》英语寒假作业。 2、每天记忆第7、8册单词表中3个单词,假期至少要完成单词记忆150个。 3、完成10篇英语阅读训练。(附后) 4、选做作业:上网学习英语flash小故事和英语童谣,也可以进行适量的英语课外阅读。并把你学得最好的故事录下来,拷到u盘里,开学交给老师评比。 我的寒假学习计划 篇31、早晨7:50起床。 2、7:50———8:00洗漱。 3、8:10———8:30读读背背《论语》。 4、8:40———9:20做读书摘记,至少两篇。 5、9:30———9:50完看数学报纸。 6、10:00———10:30预习下册教科书。 7、10:40———11:00默写上册英语书的单词表星号词和粗体词,至少两个单元。看英语故事视频,练习口语。 8、11:00———11:25吃午饭。 9、11:30———12:20看课外书。 10、12:30———13:00读熟古诗。 11、13:20———13:50读读背背《弟子规》。 12、14:00———14:50读读背背《知识大全》。 13、15:00———15:50练毛笔字或钢笔字。 14、16:10———17:10骑自行车或打羽毛球。 15、17:20———17:50吃晚饭。 16、18:00———19:00帮爸爸妈妈做一些力所能及的事。 17、19:20———8:10洗漱。 18、8:10———10:00看电视。 19、10:00睡觉。 我的寒假学习计划 篇41.打工,最好是在能找到一份做导购的工作,或者去也可以。 2.复习《会计基础》《会计电算化》《财经法规与职业道德》准备明年x月份的会计从业资格证书考试。 3.复习计算机二级access数据库,上机操作和公共基础知识。 4.准备挑战杯大学生创业大赛,将物流管理的部分搞定,品牌管理logo标志确定下来。 5.完成关于“博弈社交礼仪社”的认识和下学年的所有活动策划,电子版的e-mail给学长。 6.完成假期实践书,“xx房地产开发公司”假期实践活动报告,电子版的打印出来。 7.好好陪陪爸妈。 8.记得明年x月x月的大学生英语大赛和x月份的英语四级考试。 我的寒假学习计划 篇5上午: 7:30起床 8:00--8;30阅读 8:40—9:10读英语 9:20—9:50练琴 10:00--10:30做作业 10;40--11:10,上网 下午: 活动玩耍时间 家务作业: 抹桌子、刷碗、择菜。 感恩作业: 为父母端洗脚水,捶背。 生活能力作业: 学会系红领巾、鞋带,叠被子,洗头。 体育锻炼: 学会跳绳,打乒乓球。 阅读书目: 《木偶奇遇记》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》,读完之后写读后感。 我的寒假学习计划 篇61.语言:有相应的寒假作业。在一切围绕高考的前提下,课后可以多看一些名著和考场实例;要广泛阅读报刊杂志,了解民生和社会现状,积累社会经验。 2.数学:有相应的寒假作业。在一个个复习的过程中,注意不要放过任何一个问题,千万不要草草了事。作为高三的开始,基础知识复习和普查一定要做好。 3.中文:有相应的寒假作业。听力,语法,词汇,补全,阅读,翻译,写作,一个一个训练。 4.+1:有相应的寒假作业。注意,有的同学好学,急功近利,把复习放在老师的复习安排之上。这不是明智的选择。只有按照老师的节奏一步一步来,才能达到预期的效果。所以寒假作业的质量很重要。 我的寒假学习计划 篇78∶00———8∶00:起床穿衣洗漱 8∶0———8∶30:吃早饭 8∶30———9∶30:写语文做业(作文) 9∶30———0∶40:写英语作业(手抄报) 0∶00——2∶00:出门活动 2∶00——2∶30:吃中午饭 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 2∶30——2∶45:走一走散步 2∶45——4∶00:睡中午觉 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 4∶00——4∶30:写语文作业(段落积累) 4∶30——5∶00:写数学作业(笔算) 5∶00——5∶45:写英语作业(随堂阅读) 5∶45——7∶00:自由活动 7∶00——8∶00:吃晚饭散步 我的寒假学习计划 篇8完后,先上会QQ农场,然后再玩会儿摩尔庄园。然后再写一篇司马彦的字贴,再来一篇口算。这时就该吃午饭了。吃完午饭后,再吃一根冰棍,再看会笑猫日记,再上网写篇博客。这时就该吃晚饭了。吃完晚饭后,再弹会琴,再玩会儿游戏,最后就上床睡觉了。 妈妈和我又进行了一下修改: 寒假快到了,我想给自己订一个学习计划,让我的生活更加丰富多采。 一、每天写两篇寒假作业,成老师的作业。 二、每天写一篇字贴,练练铅笔字。 三、每天看一小时书,提高知识量。 四、每天继续做一篇口算,提高准确率,改掉马虎的毛病。 五、每天继续坚持写博客,提高写作的水平、多交博友、增加访问的量。 六、每天玩半小时的'QQ农场和半小时摩尔庄园,劳逸结合。 七、每天练琴,自己作作小曲子。 八、每天画幅小漫画,写些自己的心里话。 希望我的寒假计划能按期完成,我的寒假生活有滋有味。 我的寒假学习计划 篇91、早晨7:50起床。 2、7:50———8:00洗漱。 3、8:10———8:30读读背背《论语》。 4、8:40———9:20做读书摘记,至少两篇。 5、9:30———9:50完看数学报纸。 6、10:00———10:30预习下册教科书。 7、10:40———11:00默写上册英语书的单词表星号词和粗体词,至少两个单元。看英语故事视频,练习口语。 8、11:00———11:25吃午饭。 9、11:30———12:20看课外书。 10、12:30———13:00读熟古诗。 11、13:20———13:50读读背背《弟子规》。 12、14:00———14:50读读背背《知识大全》。 13、15:00———15:50练毛笔字或钢笔字。 14、16:10———17:10骑自行车或打羽毛球。 15、17:20———17:50吃晚饭。 16、18:00———19:00帮爸爸妈妈做一些力所能及的事。 17、19:20———8:10洗漱。 18、8:10———10:00看电视。 19、10:00睡觉。 我的寒假学习计划 篇10The winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing I have done while this vacation.For one thing ,I have my lessons reviewed ,in order to improve the qulity of study.For the other thing,I wish I would be betterafter hard working with my course.at first, I must correct all my final examination paper. Secondly,I insist on reading English books and newspapers every day.I also keep on oral pratice. In my spare time,I will take an active part in activitise.I can gain the first hand imformations through the activitise which can help me to extend my knowlege. 我的寒假学习计划 篇11"Is to have the opportunity to prepare the people" this sentence is right. Winter holiday is ing, everybody what winter vacation plan? If you haven't then formulated with me now! "Rise and shine, baby, baby, this is the first day of winter vacation you can't stay in bed!" A listen to just know this is my mom. Mother said reminded me, this is the first day of winter vacation, I have to work out a plan for the winter vacation. First of all, I have to consider from the aspects of learning, after all, we students should take on studying should be: A, serious pleted teacher winter vacation homework, and check for yourself. Second, to the independent review learned knowledge. Third, prepare for the next semester knowledge, groundwork for the next term of the semester. Four, try to practice an hour.than play games to make your own font more perfect. Secondly, of course, is my parents first: A, this holiday to help parents to share some housework, school doesn't have the time in the morning, during the holidays, of course, have to pensate it. 我的寒假学习计划 篇12In a long a month, we don't have to go to school, don't have to get up early on, carefree day, want to do. But had a difficult time for the holiday in this way can't ruined, it seems, to live for the whole winter holiday will also have to plan all the things well. Believe that many students will have the same experience, and I have much homework at school, always sleep late, again want to get up early in the morning, always sleep is not satisfied. Since the winter holiday, would like to stay in bed late on the up, can not, so we want to be a hard-working child. Although the morning don't like to go to school early, but also can't up to the sun's ass. I think the best get up at 7 o 'clock to half past seven, go to bed at 9 o 'clock in the evening, so regular. In addition to have good work and rest time, finish the homework on time. Some classmates impatient for the winter vacation is no burden, will be within a few days at once finish the homework, but this is a bad habit. In winter vacation homework is for our teachers always review your lessons, with the right amount of homework every day we can have a good review. If all finished, also may not have all forgotten? ! So I decided to winter vacation homework every day, each department to do a unit every few days to write a diary, not only easy, and organized. 我的寒假学习计划 篇13Winter es again, this is the third since I was in primary school winter vacation. Holiday that day, the teacher the assignment is more on the blackboard. For me, the teacher assigned winter vacation homework to plete or need a lot of time, because it is very difficult, and a lot of. Due to the winter vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to plete, so I made a plan for the winter vacation studying life. 1, first of all, conscientious, thoughtfully plete teacher assigned homework. In half a month before I am going to finish all the homework, so in the ing year can make, free to play. 2, winter vacation to see one or two good book. A good book can let me increase knowledge, widen the vision, understand many reason. Then, write a journal entry, the experience after reading record. 3, calligraphy, beginning from today to practice every day because in March next year, I will be in zhuji city of Chinese calligraphy, in order to win honor for our school, in return for calligraphy teacher, in order to improve myself, I have to work hard, to get good grades in the game. Also, especially the teacher's "bachelor nature" and "bachelor's home" I haven't problem, but I agreed he had not to cash, the holiday, I must have this two word to you teacher. 4, I'm going to every other day in his own blog a diary or position, so that we can 我的寒假学习计划 篇14Winter es again, this is my fifth winter vacation since elementary school. Holiday that day, the teacher a lot of homework on the blackboard. Due to the winter vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to plete, so I made a plan for the winter vacation to learn. I'm going to put the winter vacation homework math and Chinese winter vacation homework do three surfaces. And in the winter vacation reading a good book, "we good word", "detective conan" and the "the practical abstract upper and lower edition watch. About a day at about 20 minutes. Finished winter vacation homework in the morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities. This is I use my mother's mouth. His work is. To sleep for an hour at noon, afternoon to learn Kim seng. Learned after a hour to go to school in the puter puter application knowledge, reading a an article "love education", and say what ments after reading this article, what is the feeling, what to do in the future, and so on. 我的寒假学习计划 篇15How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is coming. I make a general plan for it. Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time. I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends. Generally, we study together but have little time to play. During the holiday, we want to have fun together. Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them. I haven’t seen them for a long time. I miss them very much. This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours ? 时间过得真快! 这个学期很快就结束了,寒假就要来临了。我为它制定了一个总计划。首先,我的老师留给我们一些作业,所以我必须按时完成。我计划在春节前完成这些,然后我可以尽情地享受这个节日。其次,我会花一些时间和我的朋友在一起。一般来说,我们一起学习,但很少有时间玩。在假期里,我们想一起玩得开心。 最后,我将和我的父母去看望我的祖父母,然后和他们一起度过春节。我好久没见到他们了。我非常想念他们。这是我的寒假计划。你的是什么? 我的寒假学习计划 篇16My winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan .First, I will do my homework carefully Second ,I am going to help my mother with housework.Then,I want to play with my best friend.I will also visit my grangparents with my parents .We will spend Spring Festival with them.I think every day during my winter vacation will be happy. I am sure I will have a wonderful vacation. I can not wait 我的寒假学习计划 篇17The New Year opened the door for us, winter vacation is slip to us. Like last year, I made an early winter vacation plan. I don't want to let this period of time wasted. First of all, is to take rests. During this time, I insist on read more books to write every day, now that I've read a good book six, wrote a dozen position. I'm grade five part ii of the books borrowed from relatives, to have time, will check out to see see, put those skills to learn, to memorize those formulas. Learning tired, take a break and watch TV, play puter, or playing games with his neighbors. Of course, playing time is definitely not more than the time to study! Or it can be bad. In this stage, the most important thing is to learn, so, not too naughty. Second, is to help parents work, our mom and dad to e back to work again outside busy housework, busy, busy, very tired. We do son, daughter, let him to help them do some things that can help them alleviate some burden. As a result, not only can exercise our ability, improve our physical fitness, but also praised by parents, not one arrow 3? The third point, that is, the last point. I want to get into the habit of early to bed and early to rise, strive for later in the morning without father sent me to. In this way, can kill two birds with one stone, can not only build our bodies, and save cost, that is not very good? Winter vacation, I must be strictly according to plan book, holidays, happily for winter vacation! 我的寒假学习计划 篇18My Winter Holiday` Plans Well, winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。 And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming. 我的寒假学习计划 篇19How time flies(时间过得真快),unconsciously(不知不觉地) the next winter vacation (寒假)will soon e.In order to improve(提高) myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan. 时间过得真快,不知不觉得下一个寒假就要到了,为了提高我自己同时快乐的度过假期,我制定了寒假计划。 Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue it.I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业)and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes. 首先,我会继续学习,我认为学习是一种终身的过程,所以不管我处在那种情况之下,我都会寻找机会学习。我已经买了一些新书,这些书有的跟我的专业有关,也包括一些小说。我将努力读完他们并写下读书笔记。 Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon e, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation. 其次,既然是放假,我将和我的家人朋友一起度过,你知道春节就要来临了,届时我会和我的家人朋友一起聊天啊,玩游戏啊等等,我相信我定会度过一个快乐的假期。 我的寒假学习计划 篇20As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. I'm going to keep fit at the same time. I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. I'm going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook. As for travelling, I'm planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it. So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation! 寒假快到了,我有一个假期计划。我打算做我想做的事。我要更加努力学习,以便在下学期取得好成绩。 做完所有的家庭作业后,我将在知识的海洋中享受生活。读书一定是个好主意。我打算在同一时间保持健康。我会在每天早上做运动。我真的很喜欢运动。除此之外,均衡饮食对我的健康也有好处。我打算在假期里帮助我的爸爸妈妈做家务,我要学做饭。至于旅行,我打算去海南。但不管去不去都要看天气,放假期间我要多学一些历史知识,因为我真的很穷。 所以你看,我会有一个很棒的假期! 我的寒假学习计划 篇21My winter vacation planWinter vacation is coming,so I have a winter vacation plan now.I am going to spend lots of time of my vacation on sports this year.Playing basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we will have a match against some other teams.I will enjoy the sense when we win the game.Of course,I will spend lots of time on doing my homework.It's important for me to do my lessons well.If I still have enough time,I am going to visit Beijing City,and visiting Beijing is my dream from childhood to now.Oh,what a great vacation! 我的寒假学习计划 篇22The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown . I am for back to my hometown for preparation.I miss my grandparents very much ,so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting . I hope I will have a great time there. 我的寒假学习计划 篇23This winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family. Kunming is a very beautiful city, I think. The sky is blue and the air is clean. You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere. The weather there is great. Its never too hot or too cold all the year round, so people always call it Spring City. Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery. And one of the most famous views is The Stone Forest. It is really scenic. We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I felt very happy, and I like Kunming very much. 我的寒假学习计划 篇24The winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing I have done while this vacation. For one thing ,I have my lessons reviewed,in order to improve the qulity of study. For the other thing,I wish I would be better after hard working with my course.At first,I must correct all my final examination paper.Secondly,I insist on reading English books and newspapers every day.I also keep on oral pratice. In my spare time,I will take an active part in activitise.I can gain the first hand imformations through the activitise which can help me to extend my knowlege. I'm sure this vacation will be the best one for me.Let me try! 我的寒假学习计划 篇25My study plan put my winter holiday is full of. I plan to put all the homework before the holiday are swept away, after the Chinese New Year in the top volume with three days to review your knowledge of our sage Confucius said, "consider"! The rest of the will to prepare book1&book 2 new knowledge, or else how can have a foothold in the superior petitive school? I write my these learning plan on a piece of paper, posted on my study desk, make it a little paper play a bigger role, it can play the role of a reminder to urge. Saying and doing are two different things, in my winter vacation plan is really reflect incisively and vividly! Every day I wait for the sun to be basked in elder sister to the quilt to get up in the morning, all day in the hands of the pen to write, the temptation of television and puter, always to prohibit on learning table winter holiday schedule bee worthless. My homework to the annual month to plete, the review plans to use five days, your plan is to plete the ugly, mathematics preview only the teacher must make the preview of the first two units, other disciplines in almost flat. My poor self-control and efficiency! 我的寒假学习计划 篇26The winter vacation is coming soon. I am so exciting and can't help looking forward to have a good time during it. How to make a wonderful and meaningful plan for my short winter vacation is a big thing in my time now. I come up with some good ideas after talking with my friends. Firstly, every morning, I will get up early and make breakfast for my family. It will make me have a good habit. After breakfast, I will do five pages of winter vacation's homework. Then go to dance class with my friend, May. In the afternoon, I willl read some books including Chinese and English and finish five books before school. When I have time, I will visit my grandparents and friends for a chat or movies. Isn't my winter vacation fantastic? Hope you have a nice one, too. 我的寒假学习计划 篇27As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. I'm going to keep fit at the same time. I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. I'm going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook. As for travelling, I'm planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it. So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation! 我的寒假学习计划 篇28Winter holiday is coming,and I have a plan about it. 寒假马上就要到了,我给自己做了个寒假计划 I get up at 8:00,then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home,then do my homework,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer games,I think it is very good. 早上8点钟起床,到离我们家不远的公园去做晨练。然后回家做功课,不时再看会电视,玩玩电脑游戏。我想这样的寒假一定会很有意义。 During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival,it is one of the most important festival in China,we are very happy because we can have red packets,eat many delicious food,wear new clothes. 在寒假期间我们有一年一度的春节,这是中国最重要的一个节日之一,在节日里我们非常的高兴,因为我们可以收到红包,吃美味的食物,穿新衣服。作 So,I think this Winter holiday will be very happpy.I like it. 所以我想我的这个假期将会非常愉悦,我喜欢寒假! 我的寒假学习计划 篇29I’m looking forward to the coming of mywinter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made aplan for it. At first, my mother must ask me to do homework. If I don’t followher words, I wouldn’t have peace in the following days until I finish myhomework. So the first thing I will do in the winter holiday is to finish myhomework. And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with myfriends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the SpringFestival when it’s in the corner. Three days before Spring Festival, I will goto my grandmother’s home for a visit with my parents. After the Spring FestivalI am going to travel with my family. As for where to go, I don’t have any plannow. Maybe we will go to Harbin to thesnow. Being the southern local person, I have never seen snow and eager to seeit once. After the trip, I think I have to go back to school. This is my plan for the coming winter vacation. What’syours? 我的寒假学习计划 篇30We celebrated the New Year: 20__. Want to have a new start in the New Year, I made the winter vacation with my father and mother my study plan. First of all, from Monday to Friday of English and maths homework: Eat breakfast at eight o 'clock in the morning. Get up, wash a face to brush your teeth, a total of 20 minutes, about 35 began to do English reading at eight o 'clock, a day to do three papers (including full text translation, noisy don't understand the word phrase, poor don't understand the word phrase) do this three articles about an hour, then rest for 15 minutes. Rest after sweep fifteen minutes to mom and dad. Finish cleaning will continue to do my homework, do English homework copy words (copy of twenty words all over the sky for three days finish copy), then there is no rest to continue to do the math oral 25 questions (do every day) and then can eat dinner and my sister to play for a while. Eat no more than twenty minutes or sentenced to 10 push-ups. Nap one hour up to do in a math huanggang dense volume (probably do twenty to thirty minutes) after reading "bronze sunflower", probably after half a small free play an hour and a half (free) but a bit late only half an hour on Saturday, Sunday can play computer. Played for an hour and a half after they help dad tube my sister, let him not to take home disorderly was worse. Play with sister dad cooked rice, this is mom was back, no more than thirty minutes after the meal. Night with my father and mother read "good soldier svejk" and "bronze sunflower". This is my cold period plan! 我们迎来了新的一年:20xx。新年要有新起色,我和爸爸妈妈一起制定了寒假学习计划。 首先,星期一到星期五做英语和数学的作业: 早上八点十五起床,刷牙洗脸吃早餐共二十分钟,大约八点三十五的时候开始做英语阅读,每天做三篇(包括翻译全文、吵不懂的单词词组、差不懂的单词词组)这三篇大概做一个小时,然后休息十五分钟。休息了之后把爸爸妈妈扫十五分钟地。扫完就继续去做作业,做英语抄单词的作业(满天抄二十个单词,三天抄完),然后不用休息继续做数学的口算(每天做二十五道题)然后和妹妹玩一会儿就去吃饭。吃饭不能超过二十分钟否则罚做10个俯卧撑。 中午睡一个小时后起来做一张数学的黄冈密卷(大概做二十到三十分钟)之后读《青铜葵花》一书,大概读了半个小以后自由玩一个半小时(自由分配)不过晚点到只有周六周天可以玩半个小时的电脑。 玩了一个半小时之后就帮爸爸管一下妹妹,让他不要把家里搞得乱遭遭的。陪玩妹妹爸爸就做好饭了,这是妈妈就回来了,吃完饭不超过三十分钟。 晚上和爸爸妈妈一起读《好兵帅克》和《青铜葵花》。 这就是我的寒期计划! 我的寒假学习计划 篇31教育专家表示,中小学生的假期并不是单纯、无意义的休息时间,在学期中间安排假期的目的,是为了配合学生有张有弛的学习规律,让学生在这段时间里调整紧张的心理状态,消化、沉淀上学期学习的知识,并为下个学期的学习生活储备精力。 所以,家长除了要在寒假里照顾好孩子的生活,还应精心安排孩子的学习和活动,利用这段时间,帮助孩子调整状态,养成良好的学习生活习惯。只要安排得当,孩子们都能度过一个内容充实、丰富有趣的高质量假期。 寒假A计划 适合类型:父母工作繁忙,爷爷奶奶、姥姥姥爷不在本市或是没有精力照顾孙辈,白天的大部分时间只能让孩子独自在家。 类型烦恼 市民吴女士:我和丈夫工作都忙,白天一整天不在家,上小学三年级的儿子马上放假了,我最担心的就是他一个人在家时随便给陌生人开门,还怕他在家淘气玩火、玩电造成危险。另外,又担心孩子没有自制能力,一个人在家只顾看电视,忘记写作业。一个假期下来,荒废了学业。 A计划攻略 教育专家建议,孩子独自在家过寒假,家长应该事先对孩子进行安全教育,明确告知孩子随意触动火、电的严重后果,教孩子正确使用家用电器,并尽量将家里的危险品,如汽油、酒精、用来清洗厕所的硫酸等放到孩子够不着的地方。有些家长只简单地命令孩子不许动这,不许动那,却不说明原因,年龄较小的孩子好奇心强,有时可能会忍不住违反家长的禁令,引发危险。为确保安全,家长还应每天抽空给孩子打三至四次电话,询问孩子在家的情况,并尽量与其进行简短的交谈,这样可以让独自在家的孩子感到父母的关怀,不觉得孤单、受冷落。 关于孩子的学习自觉性问题,采访了华育小学特级教师马丽娜,有多年一线教学经验的马老师表示,小学尤其是小学低年级学生的心理状态仍处于童年期向少年期过渡阶段,自我管理能力相对较差,尤其需要大人的督促和引导。有些孩子做假期作业常耍些小聪明,做习题时根本不计算,就胡乱填上答案。为预防此类情况的发生,家长必须担负起监督孩子的职责,建立家庭作业检查制度,坚持每天抽出时间对孩子的作业进行必检和抽检,必检是指检查作业的进度,抽检则是挑出一些习题,仔细核对结果是否正确。如果孩子完成作业情况较好,也可以适当考虑给予奖励。 寒假B计划 适合类型:假期里孩子大部分时间在奶奶或姥姥家度过,由老人负责照顾孙辈。 类型烦恼 市民刘女士:老人看管孩子,自然是无微不至、宠爱有加,可问题也随之而来。我儿子上小学二年级,平时挺听话,可在爷爷奶奶面前,有老人护着,孩子就不好管了。一犯错误他就向奶奶撒娇,我想管,老人就会挡在孩子前面给孙子说情。我真怕这一个假期下来,孩子被惯坏。 B计划攻略 假期里,一些孩子大部分时间和祖辈一起度过,脱离了父母的常态管理,容易变得懈怠,有时还会仗着有长辈撑腰,故意逃避学习任务。马丽娜老师指出,事实上,如果假期里对孩子的管理过于放松,会对其学习习惯造成消极影响,甚至在新学期开学后,导致孩子难以进入学习状态。另外一松一紧的管理标准,也会混淆孩子的认识,让其认为任性和懒惰是被允许的。 我的寒假学习计划 篇32班里有一个孩子小D很好动,但也很听话,你无论怎么批评,他只对你的话持肯定态度。却不发表自己的意见。有时这个孩子让我看着很舒服,可有时,他又被组长或课代表向我汇报说,作业不交时,我心里那个气呀,是无话可说。 快期中考试时,他的父亲到学校对我说:“老师,请你给我想个好方法,看看怎样才可以让我的孩子有点进步,孩子父亲的诚恳令我感动,但我也不知怎样做才好? 答应了这事,我就一直在想该怎样让小D先养成好的习惯,应该这样说,从开学时,小D的一些坏习惯就让我着急,这个孩子看上去要比他的年龄小得多。课堂上也不怎么发言,一时间我也束手无策,只好静观其变。 后来,有一天晚自习,一节课下了,我发现他还没回去,便问他干什么的?他说:“我留下来学信息的。”这时我才知道这个默不作声的小男孩电脑是一级棒。 一下子,好像有了一个出口。我决定从这儿开始来转变他的学习。制定了一份详细的信息学习计划给他的父亲,请他以此为突破口,为孩子更好地完成学习任务努力。 一个月后,他的信息学习也告一段落,但孩子的兴趣却依然高涨。我知道他想在电脑方面有所发展。 有一次上课时,我便故意在班级里说,我的电脑有点小问题,想请一位同学帮我,看能不能解决。孩子们异口同声地说,小D电脑一级棒。我请他说说看,按着他的方法,我操作了一会儿便弄好了,我对他说,真是好样的,但为什么学其他功课时不多用点心呢? 他定定地看了我一会儿,下课后他又找我谈话。他对我说,老师,我会努力的,这是他在我和他多次谈话后唯一的一次表态。 后来,他认真多了,但也有反复。 我也随时地找他谈谈,相信这个小孩会转变。 前些日子,因为他的父亲出差,没有时间问他。刚回来,就到学校向任课老师了解他的学习情况,这是一个备受关爱的孩子,家里为他创造了很好的条件,但就是在学习上有点分神,不知和他年龄小有没有关系。 我允诺他的父亲,帮他立一份寒假学习计划,可我想了半天,也不知该怎样,让他能在极短的寒假小有进步,我知道,一份计划并不能让一个孩子彻底地改变,但对他的心灵也许会有一点触动作用。这两天,这孩子一直在躲着我,我让他将这份寒假学习计划带回去,小D也许是认为老师向他的父亲告状的信件吧! 小D,你别担心,老师看着你在慢慢进步,老师心里也高兴,马上就要期终考试了,你可别贪玩呀!利用最后几天的复习时间再多用点功吧! 老师立了一份计划附在文章后面,你看看你能不能做到,我相信,你一定会做到的,你是小小男子汉啊! 树立信心,努力坚持,别放弃,更不可半途而废。 1、早晨合理安排30分钟读一读英语,你要知道,外语在初一是基础呀。 2、利用3节课的时间分别完成三份寒假作业,要记住,独立完成,切不可开小差。 3、中午适当午休,精力充沛才可以迎接下午的学习呀! 4、和早晨一样,利用3节课时间做三份寒假作业,但不可一下子贪多。要均衡、科学安排。 5、可以踢踢球、打打电脑了。但不可超过一小时。 6、晚上是你自由活动的时间,但要看看新闻。 7、读一篇好的小文章,写一份日记,不少于300字。 8、有可能的话,每天读一读《三国演义》每天读两回,写一写自己读后的感想,字数可多可少,但不能不写。 老师也不知这份计划对你适用不适用,但我真的希望在这个寒假会看到你这个“小聪明”有新的起色,有新的变化。 孩子,加油! 我的寒假学习计划 篇33一、制定假期学习计划 在假期中学习,建议同学们最好给自己制定一个学习计划。那么,我们在制定学习计划的时候,需要考虑以下三点: ①首先考生要对已经过去的两年半学习期间的自己知识水平的掌握情况进行自我分析,然后根据自己成绩了解自己的薄弱环节,把每天的时间细化,安排好,专时专用; ②其次考生要明确自己的高考最终目标分数,根据自己的现状与目标间的差距来制定每天要完成多少的任务量,整个假期结束后自己要达到什么样的学习效果以及成绩是否会有一定的提高,都要一一明确; ③最后考生要学会定期检查学习计划的实行情况,如果可以的话,建议把一份详细的假期时间表写下来,贴在显眼的地方,时刻提醒自己要按照计划完成任务,达到自己的目标,以作动力,计划如果不能落实那就失去了计划的意义。 二、提高英语学习兴趣与方法 假期,没有了老师的约束与管理,也没有了同学间学习竞争共同进步的氛围,很容易会懈怠,所以自律很关键。学习计划能不能顺利完成就需要看是否有学习方法了,只有高效的学习才能事倍功半。 英语是一门语言,语言是文化的一部分,而文化具有非常深厚的底蕴与历史内涵,所以没有语言文化背景,学习英语就会产生障碍。因为不了解英语的习俗文化,,思维方式与历史背景,就会存在一些词汇,俗语等的理解问题。所以最理想,最实用的方法就是通过阅读大量文章或者名家著作来提高对英语学习的兴趣,同时提高语言词汇的积累,进而提高成绩。考生可以根据自身情况来适当调整每日的阅读量,可以从每天15分钟的美文阅读来入手,也可以选择有音频的文章来跟读,锻炼口语,模仿发音。一定要持之以恒,不可半途而废,英语学习是一项着重积累的过程,只有不停的反复记忆与阅读,才可把知识牢牢锁在脑子里,当考试时自然知识全部熟记,成绩也会随之提高。 另外一个重点--笔记。无论学习什么,都要将所学内容记在笔记本上。笔记是对所学知识的内容与精华与总结,也就是在复习中应着重看的内容。而且在记笔记时,同样会在脑中思考这个知识点,那么当复习时看到知识, 就会起一个温故知新的作用,笔记上的内容最好用不同颜色的笔标记,标出重点难点,要经常去翻看笔记进行高频的记忆与复习。 英语学习重要的是词汇,那么背单词就是重中之重。单词记忆需要技巧,可以将单独的单词放入情景中记忆,也可以在平时的阅读中勾画出不认识的生词,来进行笔记的整理,制作一个生词本。现在科技发达了,很多电子英文词典都有这个生词本的功能,省去了我们做笔记的过程。在阅读时,要养成看到生词先不着急查字典,用笔标记出来,等文章看完或者章节结束后,再回过头猜测生词含义,这样有助于高考试题中的阅读理解的猜测词义题,然后再进行翻阅字典的步骤,来与自己的猜测进行对比,将此生词加入生词本,并设置每日生词的复习提醒。背词汇也可以借助奇速记单词软件来学习。每个单词配有对应的图片,并且有记忆曲线来根据复习情况智能安排复习。此外,还有一些区别于传统记忆方法的单词记忆课程,效果极佳。如奇速英语独创的单词速记课程《思维导图速记初中1500词汇》、《24个故事串记高考3500词汇》等,以及奇速英语的同步单词课程,方法奇特,进步奇速,课程获得国家专利,利用在线教学的方式将这些学习方法交给学生,无论你身在哪个地方,只要有网络,奇速英语都能将免费最优质的英语教学资源送到你面前。 三、寒假时间作息表(可以根据个人的情况调整) 7:30 起床 7:30-7:50 洗漱 7:50-8:00 听一篇英语听力(可以是考题听力,也可以是美文朗读) 8:00-8:30 吃早饭 8:30-10:00 做作业(可以选择自己喜欢的科目来开启自己新的一天) 10:10-11:00 复习(与作业为同一科目,保持学科的连贯性) 11:10- 11:50阅读 (奇速英语时文阅读可以朗诵或跟读) 12:00-12:30 吃午饭 12:30-13:30 午休 (最好中午睡一觉,有助于下午的学习) 13:40-15:00做作业(建议做英语,语法与完形阅读,可以是一套真题模拟) 15:10-16:00复习(可以批改刚才的作业,记录错题与笔记,总结做题方法) ————可以去户外做做运动,溜溜弯,舒缓一下心情———— 16:10-17:50 做作业(可以做一些高难度的学科,例如理科,数学) 18:00-19:00 吃晚饭 19:00-20:00 看新闻联播(知晓国家大事,让自己不与世界脱轨) 20:10-21:00 背单词(使用奇速英语APP软件工具) 21:10-22:00 自我调整(回顾一天的总结,思考今天知识的掌握情况) 22:30 睡觉(为第二天的努力做好充足的睡眠) 我的寒假学习计划 篇34新年快到了,寒假也快到了,我马上就要长大一岁了! 在寒假里,我要认真地完成寒假作业,要看很多的书,其中有一本科幻小说的名字叫做《地心游记》。要合理地安排看电视的时间。还要玩妈妈送我的新年礼物——电子积木,妈妈说,只要我期末考试考得好,妈妈就送我电子积木。考试的时候,我一定要细心、不要漏题,做好了以后要检查,争取考一个好成绩给自己。 一年一度的新春佳节正好在寒假里,我还要去给长辈拜年。 这一定是个丰富多彩的寒假,我好期待啊! 我的寒假学习计划 篇35(一)寒假将至,安全回家 寒假安全回家是很多大学生值得考虑的问题,毕竟爸妈都在家了盼着自己的孩子回家,所以安全尤为重要。不管你是坐汽车、火车还是其它的交通工具回家,都得注意安全。 (二)合理规划寒假学习 寒假是个特殊的假期,因为它之间有着我们隆重是春节,所以不管是在哪的人们差不多都会回家过节,看望亲朋好友。所以肯定会有许多的聚会等,但在这开心之余也要注意合理的安排作息时间。那么我们合理规划我们的寒假学习生活就成为寒假学习的重点问题。 1. 坚持早睡早起。并且要坚持在学校时的作息时间,决不因为回到家里而改变在学校长期养成的良好作息习惯。 2. 主动帮父母做家务,保持卧室、书房、客厅的清洁卫生,饭后主动洗刷餐具。自己的衣物自己洗,做到以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻。 3. 每天坚持学习两个小时左右,假期初制定好学习计划,力争利用这个假期学习一些经常用到的东西。还有娱乐和休闲要适当。 4. 在家时应该多陪陪爸妈、家里的老人和弟妹们,以便更增加彼此间的感情,免得会出现一些小矛盾。 (三)寒假期间打工赚钱历练 对于现在的社会来说,有一定的工作经验是相当的有优势的,所以在寒假期间,找一个地方锻炼锻炼自己不乏一个好的建议。找工作时不必在意钱的多少,但一定要找一个能锻炼自己的地方,最好是更自己所学的专业有关的,这样就可以让你将你在学校里学到的东西运用于工作上,让你以后在工作起来就得心应手了。还有每天的工作时间不宜过长,我们的目的不是为了赚钱,而是为了锻炼自己,所以在时间上要有个好的度。毕竟新年就要到了,在家多陪陪亲人才是最重要的。 |
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