标题 | dota2发条台词 |
范文 | dota2发条台词 DOTA2令人震撼的不仅仅是画面和引擎,而是最为微妙的细节之处,例如英雄满血与残血的姿势不同,当然还有每个英雄都能有多达数百句台词,这些优点都不得不让我们赞叹,这是一个用心做出来的游戏。以下是第一范文网小编为大家准备的dota2发条台词经典台词,希望大家喜欢! dota2发条台词(一) 出生时: Some assembly required. 还需要一些零件 移动时: The turtle wins the race. 乌龟赢得了赛跑 I run like a clock! 我跑起来像块表 攻击时: Prepare for repairs! 准备维修! Armored to the teeth. 全副武装,武装到牙齿 Grinding gears.齿轮开始旋转 嘲讽英雄时:Tinker, this'll gum your gears! 修补匠,你的齿轮会黏住的 Tinker, prepare for repairs.修补匠,准备大修吧 Coming for you, Sniper! 火枪手,我来取你老命! Blood is thicker than gear oil. 血浓于润滑油= =! Who sniped who? 谁是谁的副产品? Tinker's been tanked.修补匠已经打包装好 Hey, us little guys gotta stick together, right, Sniper? 嘿!那些小家伙貌似别到一起了,对吧火枪 Hey, cousin!嗨侄子! Tinker, simpatico!修补匠,乃尊可耐 Tinker, you were like a brother to me!修补匠,你就像我弟弟一样! Sniper, you? There's one in every family.火枪,你?每个家里都有一个 Tinker, where'd you get those wonderful toys? 修补匠,你哪里搞来这些可爱的玩具 齿轮: Zapped like a bug. 死得像个小虫子 That didn't go as I planned.事情出乎意料了 照明弹: You didn't see that coming!你没看见这东西来了嘛! Long range kill! 长距离拿人头! dota2发条台词(二) 钩子: Reel me in!把我卷进去了! You stay there, Pudge, I'll come to you! 胖子!站在那里不要动!我会过去的! Like my hook, Pudge?胖子,喜欢我的钩子咩? 杀死英雄时: I'll torque your innards. 为您的内脏施加扭矩 Both accurate and precise. 稳定高效 I tested your mettle. And found it wanting.检测了一下你的勇气,发现不太够 I'll polish my armor in your blood. 我会用你血给我装甲美个容 死亡时: Out of tolerance. 受不鸟了! My armor rusts…我的装甲生锈了! My armor is my coffin. 护甲就是我的棺材壳 Metal will never die…金属才不会死掉 复活时: I have a degree in mechanical domineering! 我有个机械支配工程学的学位 Dressed to kill!打扮一下杀个人Another lap around the dial.仪表盘再转一圈 Bleep bloop, I am a robot. Eh, just kidding.哔哔啵啵,我是机器人!呃,只是开个玩笑 罕见台词: Hard on the outside, but with a soft delicious center.强硬的外表,少女的内心 A good offense is the best armor. Good armor is also good armor.进攻才是最好的防守,护甲永远只是护甲 |
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