标题 | 安全的英语句子 |
范文 | 安全的英语句子 每个人都要把安全放在第一位,如果不注意安全就会结束生命,你知道关于安全的英语句子有哪些吗?下面是第一范文网小编为大家准备的一些安全的英语句子,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。 安全的英语句子(推荐篇)1. At least, this may explain the local school safe education some attenuation. 至少, 这可以说明当地学校的安全教育有些弱化. 2. If you have accept the safe education and pass it. 您是否已接受安全教育并已通过. 3. It is divided into plant level, shop floor and shift - group EHS education. 具体指入厂级 、 车间级和班组级环境安全教育. 4. In the United States, most education dollars are spent in elementary schools. 在美国, 大多数防火安全教育经费被投入了小学. 5. Daily safety training for drive forklift and emphasize all driver must follow process for each day. 对叉车司机进行日常的安全教育与培训,夸大严格按照安全操纵进行日常工作. 6. Strengthen safe education among the staffs, take fire fighting course once a year. 1加强对公司职工安全教育, 负责每年全员工防火培训课. 7. Third, read more books about security, take part in the practice activity of security education more. 多学习有关安全教育方面的书籍 、 刊物, 并多参加安全教育的实践活动. 8. Educate the workers in safety. Antiskid shoes are worn in rainy day in case of accidence. 对工人进行安全教育, 应穿好防滑鞋,避免雨天打滑而产生意外事故. 9. Through the practice of safety education, it will provide the comfortable and safe learning environment. 透过安全教育的实施, 提供安全舒适的学习环境. 10. For example, the insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers. 比如某保险机构最近就在华盛顿附近对青少年司机们进行了一场安全教育. 安全的英语句子(热门篇)1、享受通行权利,应尽安全义务。 enjoy access rights, security obligation. 2、道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 she is not a road stadium, not reasonable collisions. 3、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 life only have once, peace accompany you a lifetime. 4、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 don't hog home windy rain is slippery. 5、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 drive wholeheartedly, be an upright person kung benevolence. 6、喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。 drinking too much hurt liver, drunk driving. 7、穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 the fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble. 8、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 obey the traffic rules and regulations, and loving life journey. 9、人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。 don't wear road flyover pavement car don't account for, a dealership. 10、让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。 to compete for a split second, life and death in an instant. 11、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, safety in mind. 12、维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。 maintaining traffic order to be a civilized citizen. 13、人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。 people are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road. 14、减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。 don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever. 15、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。 violation with accident, discipline and security forever. 安全的英语句子(经典篇)watch your step 小心台阶 Caution!小心 Danger 危险 wet paint油漆未干 wet floor小心地滑 No Thouroughgfare 禁止通行 Under Construction正在施工 For persons over 18 Years Age未满18岁者禁止入内 No hawkers不准在此摆摊兜售 Authorized cars only 未经允许,车辆不得入内 Green for stop and red for go.红灯停绿灯行 Don't play on the street.他要在大街上打闹 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead学前儿童过马路必须有大人陪同 不能无证驾驶,应懂的交通安全规则 . A driver should know the traffic rules and he is not allowed to drive without driving license. 遵守交通规则,不该闯红灯. One should obey the traffic rules and should not run the red light. 不应该酒后驾车。 Driving after drunk is not allowed. 不应该在驾车时接电话或做一些不利于开车的事. When you are driving, you should not telephone or do something harmful to driving. |
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