标题 | 巴菲特英语名言 |
范文 | 巴菲特英语名言 巴菲特的英语名言大家了解过吗?下面是小编为大家收集的关于巴菲特英语名言,欢迎大家阅读,希望大家喜欢! 1、思想枯竭、则巧言生焉! Dried up, blarney is born! 2、要学会以40分钱买1元的东西。 Learn to 40 cents to buy 1 yuan. 3、如果发生了坏事情、请忽略这件事。 If bad things happened, please ignore it. 4、风险来自你不知道自己正做些什么? Risk comes from you don't know what you are doing? 5、生活的关键是,要弄清谁为谁工作。 The key of life is to find out who work for who. 6、任何不能永远发展的事物,终将消亡。 Any things cannot forever development, will eventually die. 7、我们从未想到要预估股市未来的走势。 We have never occurred to forecast stock market trends in the future. 8、一个过热的股市就像是一名企业的扒手。 An overheated stock market as an enterprise pickpockets. 9、把每支投资的股票都当作一桩生意来做。 The shares of each investment as a business to do. 10、投资人最重要的特质不是智力而是性格。 The most important quality for investors is not intellectual but character. 11、不能承受股价下跌50%的人就不应该炒股。 Unable to bear's shares fell 50% of the people should not have to fry. 12、财务顾问就是那些比你更需要你的钱的人。 Financial advisers who more than you need your money. 13、我一直相信我自己的眼睛远胜于其他的一切。 I always believe my own eyes all is far better than the other. 14、任何一个不打桥牌的年轻人都犯了一个大错误。 Any young people don't play bridge has made a big mistake. 15、设计出的工具越多,使用工具的人就得越聪明。 Design tool, the tool use is the more clever. 16、只有在潮水退去时,你才会知道谁一直在裸泳。 Only when the tide goes out, you will know who has been swimming naked. 17、实际上,如果没有十足的把握,我不会轻举妄动。 In fact, if there is no real grasp, I won't make a move. 18、要去他们要去的地方而不是他们现在所在的地方。 Want to go where they are going to place rather than they are now. 19、习惯的链条在重到断裂之前,总是轻到难以察觉! Habits of the chain before heavy to fracture, always light that is difficult to detect! 20、我想像不出生活中有什么我想要而不能拥有的东西。 I can't imagine what I want in life and can't have something. 21、我们应集中关注将要发生什么,而不是什么时候发生。 We should focus on what's going on, not when did it happen. 22、若你不打算持有某只股票达十年、则十分钟也不要持有。 If you are not going to hold a stock for ten years, ten minutes and don't have. 23、如果你无法左右局面,那么错失一次机会也不是什么坏事。 If you can't control the situation, then missed a chance is not a bad thing. 24、你不会每年都更换房子、孩子和老婆。为什么要卖出股票呢? You don't change the house every year, children and wife. Why do you want to sell? 25、拥有一颗钻石的一部分,也要比完全拥有一块莱茵石好得多。 Have a part of a diamond, also want to better than completely with a rhinestone. 26、我们没有必要比别人更聪明,但我们必须比别人更有自制力。 We don't need to more intelligent than others, but we have to have more self-control than others. 27、投资是一项理性的工作,如果你不能理解这一点,最好别搀和。 Investment is a rational work, if you can't understand this, had better not impetus. 28、投资人并不需要做对很多事情,重要的是要能不犯重大的过错。 Investors do not need to do to many things, it is important to can't make a major fault. 29、如果股市可以用理论去有效分析、我早就变成路边的流浪汉了。 If the stock market can use the theory to effective analysis, I would have become a roadside tramp. 30、我经常说,如果有3个会玩桥牌的同牢房牌友,我不介意蹲监狱。 I always say, if have 3 players will play bridge with cells, I don't mind jail. 31、当我发现自己处在一个洞穴之中时、最重要的事情就是停止挖掘。 When I find myself in a cave, the most important thing is to stop digging. 32、没有公式能判定股票的真正价值,唯一方法是彻底了解这家公司。 No formula can determine the true value of the stock, the only way is a thorough understanding of the company. 33、我之所以能有今天的投资成就,是依靠自己的自律和别人的愚蠢。 The reason why I can have today's achievement, investment is rely on their own discipline and the folly of others. 34、投资并非一个智商为160的人就一定能击败智商为130的人的游戏。 The investment is not an IQ of 160 person we will be able to beat with an IQ of 130 games. 35、当适当的气质与适当的智力结构相结合时,你就会得到理性的行为。 When the proper temperament and the appropriate combination of intelligence structure, you'll get rational behavior. 36、他很明显一直自信于自己的所思所想,并随时准备捍卫自己的思想。 He clearly has confidence in his own thoughts, and be ready to defend their own thoughts. 37、不要投资一门蠢人都可以做的生意,因为终有一日蠢人都会这样做。 Don't invest a fool can do the business, because one day a fool who will do it. 38、一群旅鼠在意见分歧时,和华尔街那群利己的个人主义者没有两样。 When a group of lemmings disagreement, and the same as on Wall Street, the group of selfish individualists. 39、他反动把智商当做对良好投资关键,强调要有判断力,原则性和耐心。 His reaction to IQ as a key for a good investment, emphasize judgment, principled and patience. 40、不熟不做:投资者成功与否,是与他是否真正了解这项投资的程度成正比的。 Not do: investors successfully or not, is whether he will really understand and in proportion to the investment. 41、我们不因大人物,或大多数人的赞同而心安理得,也不因他们的反对而担心。 We don't because of the big man, or most people agree with and feel at ease, don't worry because of their opposition. 42、与很多共同基金1%的收费相比:在伯克希尔我们为你赚钱,而不是从你那里赚钱。 Compared with many mutual funds 1% fee: at Berkshire we make money for you, not make money from you. 43、就算是杰西欧文斯的小孩要参加百公尺赛跑,也不能享受从50公尺线起跑的待遇。 Even Jesse Vince children to attend hundred meter race, cannot enjoy the treatment of the line starting from 50 meters. 44、要给他们做够的金钱做他们喜欢做的事。但不能给他们太多的钱让他们无所事事。 Have enough money to do what they like to do for them to do. But can't give them too much money to do nothing. 45、在生活中、我不是最爱欢迎的、但也不是最令人讨厌的人。我哪一种人都不属于。 In life, I am not a favorite, but it is not the most disgusting people. Which kind of people do not belong to me. |
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