标题 | 常见俚语运用举例 |
范文 | 常见俚语运用举例 历史上对俚语贬多褒少。实际上,作为人们交际工具的语言,本身没有阶级性,无贵践之分。下面是第一范文网小编整理的常见俚语运用举例,一起来看看吧。 常见俚语运用举例摘抄<1>a chip off the old block 某人在性格上是父母的翻版。 1. My mother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block. 我和妈妈非常相像,我完全是她的翻版。 <2>a close one 与"a close call"相似,意思是很悬,迁千钧一发,很紧急的情况。差点遇到危险,但好在逃过了这一难。 1. I had a close call on my way to work, A car hit my bike but I didn’t fall. 我今天上班路上的情况挺惊险,一辆车撞了我的自行车,不过我没有摔倒。 2. I passed my exam by one point. It was a close one. 我仅以一分之差勉强考试及格,真是够悬的。 <3>a dime a dozen 十分常见,不太值钱。 1. Watermelons in Beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen. 北京的夏天,西瓜多得根本不值钱了。 2. Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find. 坏的老板简直是多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难。 <4>a piece of cake 小意思,易如反掌。 1. Our homework last night was a piece of cake. 我们昨天晚上的家庭作业很容易。 2. Using a digital camera is a piece of cake. 用数码相机是很容易的事。 <5>a way out of this mess 一个可以摆脱混乱局面的办法。 1. The traffic is terrible today!We need to find a way out of this mess! 今天的交通一塌糊涂,我们需要想想办法摆脱这个局面。 *常见俚语运用举例: <6>a whole new ballgame 状况完全不同于以往,“ballgame” 意思是情况,局面。 1. High school was fun but university is a whole new ballgame. 高中生活很轻松,但是大学就完全不一样了。 2. I have a lot of work experience in America, but working in China is a whole new ballgame. 我在美国的工作经验很丰富,但是我在中国就完全不一样了。 <7>act like a clown 行为愚蠢。To act silly, stupid or crazy. 1. When the boys drink too much beer, they act like clowns. 当那些男孩喝啤酒喝多了之后,他们的行为表现得很愚蠢。 <8>any minute 随时有可能发生,马上。 1. She should be here at any minute. 她应该马上就到了 <9>around the block 在某方面有经验,是个老手。 1. Let’s ask Justin how to deal with this situation. He’s been around the block a few times. 让我们问一下贾斯廷如何处理这种情况,他好几次碰到过这种困难。 2. I’ve been around the block a few times. I know what I’m doing. 我对处理这种困难很有经验,我知道应该怎么做。 <10>as nature intended 出自人类本能的要求。 1. Every weekend I drink beer as nature intended. 每个周末我都要喝啤酒,因为这是自然需要。 2. I must go do as nature intended. 我必须去方便一下(上厕所)。 <11>ask off 请假。 1. I want to ask off for my birthday this year. 今年我的生日我想请假。 2. A: Are you going to the soccer game this afternoon? B: No, I asked off, but my boss said he needs me in the office. 你今天下午要去看足球比赛吗? 不,我请假了,但是老板说他需要我去办公室上班。 常见俚语运用举例精选<1>bust my ass 第一个含义是指:让某人的日子不好过,让某人难堪。第二个含义是指“拼命努力地工作”。 1. I wish the directors just would stop,you know,busting my ass because I already have lots of problems. 我真的希望导演别再为难我,我的麻烦已经够多了。 2. Every day I work,I bust my ass so my family can live well. 我每天我非常卖力地工作,因为我想要生活得更好。 <2>burst someone's bubble 打破某人的幻想。 1. A:I dream of going to study at Harvard University. B:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but your grades are too low. You’ll never get accepted to Harvard. 我梦想能够到哈佛大学去上学读书。 我非常对不起告诉你实话,你不要再做白日梦了。你的分数成绩太低了,所以你永远不可能被哈佛录取的。 2. My little sister thinks that Santa Claus is real. Don’t burst her bubble by telling her that he isn’t. 我的妹妹她觉得圣诞老人是真的,所以让我们不要打破她这个梦想,说它不是真的。 <3>bum 不好的,恶劣的,坏的。 1. Even though he was a good guy,he had a bum reputation. 虽然他真的是一个好人,但他的名声不太好。 2. I wish I could run the marathon,but I have a bum knee. 我希望我可以参加马拉松的比赛,但是不行,因为我的腿有伤。 <4>bully 威吓,威逼,尤指以强欺弱。也可以做名词,指那些爱欺负人的人,欺凌弱小者。 1. He is such a bully.He pushes the other kids around at school. 这个小子就爱欺负人,他在学校总是摆布别人. 2. I’m not gonna tell you my secret,so stop bullying me. 我不会告诉你我的秘密的,你欺负我我也不会告诉你. <5>bull's eye 正中靶心,恰到好处。 1. He scored a bull’s eye with his last assignment. 上次任务他完成得漂亮至极,太棒了。 <6>bug 小错误、小毛病,瑕疵。 1. There seems to be a bug in the new accounting system.看来新的会计制度存在一些小问题。 2. There were a few bugs in the new computer program,but we’ve worked them out and it’s now ready to be sold. 新编的电脑程序有点瑕疵。但是我们已经完全的解决掉了。现在这套程序可以上市了。 <7>broken hearted 心碎的,极度伤心的,非常难过。 1. After her boyfriend left,she was broken hearted.她男朋友离她而去之后,她难过极了。 2. I do love you. I would be broken hearted if anything bad were to happen to you. 我很爱你,如果你要是遭到什么不测的话,我会心碎的。 <8>bring sb/sth down 削弱某人/某事的优势,抑制住某人/某事。 1. That newspaper is starting to have too much influence. We need to try to bring it down. 那份报纸太有影响力了,我们需要遏制一下它影响力。 2. How are we gonna bring down that team?They’re so good.they’ve won the championship 3 years in a row! 我们怎么样能够打败那支队伍呢?他们太棒了,连续三年都是冠军。 常见俚语运用举例推荐<1>cute act 小计量,小计谋。A behavior that is very charming and sweet but it’s intended to deceive or manipulate. 1. I’ve heard all these excuses before. I’m not falling for your cute act this time. I know you were out last night till 4:00am. 这些借口我已经听得太多了,这次你的小伎俩骗不了我了.我知道你昨晚出去到凌晨四点才回来. 2. Listen, if drop the cute act and ask me honestly, I’ll tell you the truth. 把你的小把戏放到一边,真心地请求我,我才会告诉你真相. <2>cut someone some slack 放某人一马,放过某人一次。 1. The professor cut me some slack and didn’t reduce my score for being late. 教授放了我一马,没有因为我迟到而扣我的分。 2. Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the boat. 请松开绳子,我好把船划走。 <3>cross sb 惹恼某人,激怒某人。 1. The gangster Al Capone used to get rid of anyone that crossed him. 黑社会头目Al Capone曾经杀掉了所有惹怒他的人。 2. At our company if you cross him he’ll fire you right away. 在我公司里面如果你惹怒了他,他会立刻炒你鱿鱼。 <4>creepy 古怪而吓人的,strange or fearful。 1. That girl is really creepy. She’s always staring at me funny. 那个女孩有点奇怪,她总是用一种古怪的眼神看着我。 2. I am afraid to go into that store. That guy who works there is really creepy. 我不敢走进那家商店,在那里工作的那个家伙确实很古怪而且吓人。 <5>crazy 疯狂的,疯了。 1. He shouldn't drive his car so fast,he’s crazy. He’s gonna got into an accident some day. 他不该开车开得这么快,他一定是疯了。这样的话,他总有一天会出事的。 2. Are you crazy?There’s no way I’m going out with her. She’s ugly and she smells. 你一定是疯了吧,我可不跟她出去约会,她不好看,而且她身上有一股怪味。 |
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