标题 | 关于珍惜时间的英语谚语 |
范文 | 关于珍惜时间的英语谚语 英语谚语指流传于英国和美国的比较简练而且言简意赅的话语,有一部分来自书面文献以及一些名家作品中。有关珍惜时间的英语谚语大家都有阅读过哪些呢?今天就由小编为大家带来关于珍惜时间的英语谚语,供大家参考,希望可以帮到你,一起来看看吧! 珍惜时间的英语谚语 流水源泉千年在,光阴一去不回来。 Running water springs are in existence for thousands of years. Time never comes back. 光阴好似东流水,只能流去不能回。 Time seems to flow eastward, it can only flow away but not back. 时间无私,历史无情。 Time is selfless and history is merciless. 得到时间,就是得到一切。 To get time is to get everything. 花有重开日,人老何曾再少年。 When flowers bloom again, how old are men and how young are they? 时间是一条金河,莫让它在指间流过。 Time is a golden river. Don't let it flow between your fingers. 学问在于点滴勤,吾辈更应惜秒阴。 Learning lies in diligence, and our generation should cherish the seconds and seconds. 有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。 When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time is nowhere to be found. 枯木逢春犹再发,人无两度再少年。 Dead trees return in spring, and no one is ever young again. 时间是最宝贵的财富。 Time is the most precious treasure. 冬去春又来,年华似水流。 Winter goes to spring and time flows like water. 人生光阴易逝,早定成器日期。 Time is fleeting and time is fixed. 水泼地上难捧回,时间流逝难挽回。 Water splashed on the ground is hard to retrieve, and time goes by is hard to retrieve. 枝上花开能几日,世上人生能几何。 How many days can a flower blossom on a branch, and how many people can live in the world? 懒汉可以不撕日历,但不能留住时间。 A lazy man may not tear his calendar, but he cannot keep time. 长江一去无回浪,人老何曾再少年。 As soon as the Yangtze River has gone, there is no return wave. 河水不再倒流,人老不再黑头。 The river is no longer flowing backwards, and the old man is no longer black-headed. 懒牛屎尿多,懒人明天多。 Lazy cows excrete more urine, lazy people tomorrow more. 不珍惜时间得不到生命的价值。 You can't get the value of life without cherishing time. 一心学习与工作,时间永远不嫌多。 If you concentrate on your study and work, you will never have too much time. 失落寸金容易找,失落光阴无处寻。 Lost money is easy to find, lost time is nowhere to find. 惜时如金,持之为学。 Cherish time like gold, keep it for learning. 一青一黄是一年,一黑一白是一天。 One green and one yellow is a year, one black and one white is a day. 时间好似河流水,只能流去不能回。 Time is like river water, it can only flow away but not back. 清晨不起早,误一天的事;幼年不勤学,误一生的事。 Early in the morning, a day's delay; not diligent in childhood, a life-long mistake. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 Young men do not work hard, but old men do not work hard. 光阴好比河中水,只能流去不流回。 Time is like water in a river, it can only flow away and not back. 花开按时令,读书趁年轻。 Flowers blossom in time, and books are young. 好药难医心头病,黄金难买少年时。 Good medicine is hard to cure, and gold is hard to buy when you are a teenager. 挥霍金钱是败坏物,虚度年华是败坏人。 Spending money is bad, spending time is bad. 时间是一条金河,莫让它在指间流过。 Time is a golden river. Don't let it flow between your fingers. 光阴一去难再见,水流东海不回头。 Goodbye is hard once time is gone, and the current of the East China Sea will not turn back. 太阳落山了,人才感到阳光的可贵。 When the sun sets, people feel the value of sunshine. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 Flowers are similar year by year, but people are different year by year. 早不忙,晚必荒。 if you are not busy in the morning, you will be short in the evening. 早起三光,晚起三慌。 get up early three lights, get up late three panic. 人在青春,花在盛夏。 people in youth, spend in midsummer. 丢掉黄金能够找,失去光阴无处寻。 gold can be found without time. 一日无二晨,时过不再临。 there are no two mornings in a day. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 flowers are similar year by year, but people are different year by year. 时间好比东流水,只有流去无流回。 time is like water flowing eastward, only flowing away without flowing back. 枯木逢春犹再发,人无两度再青春。 the withered trees will return in spring, and people will never be younger again. 一天能误一个春,十年能误一代人。 one day can miss a spring, ten years can miss a generation. 若是年华虚度过,到老容留悔恨心。 if you spend your time in vain, you will regret it when you are old. 时光脚步轻,年岁不饶人。 time is light, age is not forgiving. 一生身是寄,百岁去如飞。 all one's life is to send, a hundred years old to fly. 花有重开时,人无再少年。 when flowers bloom again, no one is young again. 譬如朝露,去日苦多。 for example, morning dew suffers a lot. 不珍惜时间得不到生命的价值。 you can't get the value of life without cherishing time. 光阴似箭催人老,日月如梭赶少年。 time flies like an arrow, and the sun flies like a shuttle. 桃花岁岁皆相似,人面年年不相同。 peach blossoms are similar year by year, but their faces are different year by year. 太阳落山了,人才感到阳光的可贵。 when the sun sets, people feel the value of sunshine. 花开初放在春天,人的风华在少年。 flowers in the early spring, people in the youth. 等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。 he who waits for time is the one who wastes it. 今年不比往年,老年不如少年。 this year is no better than previous years. older people are not as good as younger ones. 河水不再倒流,人老不再黑头。 the river is no longer flowing backwards, and the old man is no longer black-headed. 河水泉源千年在,青春一去不再来。 rivers and springs have been around for thousands of years, and youth never comes again. 清晨不起早,误一天的事;幼年不勤学,误一生的事。 early in the morning, a day's delay; not diligent in childhood, a life-long mistake. 三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。 it's the man who reads when he's going to school. 永远珍惜时间的人才能得到财富。 only those who cherish time forever can acquire wealth. 水流东海不回头,误了青春枉发愁。 the current of the east china sea does not turn back, and misses youth and worries. 昨日花开满树红,今朝花落一场空。 yesterday's flowers bloomed all over the tree, but today's flowers fall all over the place. 谁把一生的光阴虚度,便是抛下黄金未买一物。 whoever wastes his life is leaving behind gold and not buying anything. 懒牛屎尿多,懒人明天多。 lazy cows excrete more urine, lazy people tomorrow more. |
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