标题 | 有关身体的谚语英语版 |
范文 | 有关身体的谚语英语版 谚语多数反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验,而且一般都是经过口头传下来的。下面是小编给大家带来的谚语大全,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 有关身体的谚语英语版 1、一天吃个枣,容颜不易老。 Eating a date a day makes you look old. 2、哭一哭,解千愁。 Cry, relieve a thousand sorrows. 3、娱乐有制,失制则精疲力竭。 Entertainment is institutionalized, but failure is exhausting. 4、贪多嚼不烂,胃病容易犯。 Easy to chew, stomach disease is easy to commit. 5、清退高热症,煮粥加芦根。 Clear away high fever, cook porridge and root of reed. 6、饥不择食,寒不择衣。 Hunger chooses food, cold chooses clothes. 7、吃得巧,睡得好。 Eat well and sleep well. 8、常洗衣服常洗澡,常晒被褥疾病少。 Often wash clothes often bathe, often sun bedding disease less. 9、若要不失眠,煮粥添白莲。 If you want to keep awake, cook porridge and add white lotus. 10、少吃荤,多吃素,健康又幸福。 Eat less meat, eat more vegetarian, healthy and happy. 11、人说苦瓜苦,我话苦瓜甜。 People say bitter melon bitter, I say bitter melon sweet. 12、多食一点姜,不用开药方。 Eat more ginger without prescription. 13、饭后一支烟,害处大无边。 A cigarette after a meal can do great harm. 14、戒掉烟和酒,疾病绕着走。 Stop smoking and drinking, and get sick. 15、饿了才吃饭,脾胃脸要翻。 When you are hungry, you have to turn over your spleen, stomach and face. 16、核桃山中宝,补肾又健脑。 Walnut Mountain Zhongbao, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the brain. 17、臭鱼烂虾是冤家,饮食干净百病防。 Stinky fish and rotten shrimp are enemies. Eat a clean diet and prevent all diseases. 18、春不忙减衣,秋不忙加冠。 Spring is not busy reducing clothes, autumn is not busy crowning. 19、情极百病生,情舒百病除。 Extremely sick, comfortable and disease-free. 20、三餐不合理,健康远离你。 Three meals are unreasonable and health is far away from you. 21、甜言夺志,甜食坏齿。 Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad teeth. 22、人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。 People are iron, rice is steel, a meal is not hungry panic. 23、饮了空腹茶,疾病身上爬。 Drinking fasting tea, the disease climbed. 24、十里以外去赶嘴,不如在家喝凉水。 It's better to drink cold water at home than to rush out ten miles away. 25、人有童心,一世年轻。 People are childlike and young all their lives. 26、常吃萝卜菜,啥病也不害。 Eat carrots and vegetables regularly, and nothing is harmful. 27、春捂秋冻,不生杂病。 Spring covers autumn frozen, no miscellaneous diseases. 28、饭后喝汤,越长越胖。 The longer you drink soup after meals, the fatter you get. 29、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。 People's health depends not only on diet, but also on exercise. 30、萝卜出了地,郎中没生意。 When the radish came out, Langzhong had no business. 31、女子三日不断藕,男子三日不断姜。 Women keep lotus root for three days and men keep ginger for three days. 32、一日两个苹果,毛病绕道走。 Two apples a day make a detour. 33、上床萝卜下床姜,不劳医生开药方。 Go to bed radish get out of bed ginger, do not bother doctor prescription. 34、有泪尽情流,疾病自然愈。 Tears flow freely, and disease heals naturally. 35、夏天一碗绿豆汤,解毒去暑赛仙方。 In summer, a bowl of mung bean soup is used to detoxify and go to Xiusai Xianfang. 36、白菜萝卜汤,益寿又健康。 Chinese cabbage and radish soup is good for life and health. 37、冬不蒙头,春不露背。 Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back. 38、脱即着,胜于服药。 It's better to take off than take medicine. 39、机器不擦要生锈,卫生不讲要短寿。 Machines need to rust without rubbing and hygiene needs short life. 40、吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑。 Don't make noise when you eat, and don't run when you're full. 41、人愿长寿安,要减夜来餐。 People want to live a long life and have dinner at night. 42、粥里加山楂,双眼不会花。 Hawthorn in porridge, eyes will not flower. 43、好酒不过量,好菜不过食。 Good wine is not enough, good food is not enough. 44、吃得慌,咽得忙,伤了胃口害了肠。 Eating panicked, swallowing busy, hurting the appetite and injuring the intestine. 45、多喝凉白开,健康自然来。 Drink more cold and white, and health will come naturally. 46、晨吃三片姜,如喝人参汤。 Eat three slices of ginger in the morning, such as ginseng soup. 47、酸枣加白糖,安眠帮大忙。 Sour jujube with sugar, sleeping helps a lot. 48、饭后散步,不进药铺。 Walk after meals, not at the pharmacy. 49、要活好,心别小;善制怒,寿无数。 Live well, don't be small; control anger well, and live countless lives. 50、若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。 If you want to be strong, chew the food into pulp. 51、三天不吃青,两眼冒金星。 Do not eat green for three days, with Venus in both eyes. 52、笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。 Laugh, ten years old; sorrow, white head. 53、上床萝卜下床姜,常吃不用开药方。 Go to bed radish get out of bed ginger, often eat without prescription. 54、吃萝卜喝茶,气的医生满街爬。 The doctor who eats radish and drinks tea crawls all over the street. 55、天天练长跑,年老变年少。 Practice long-distance running every day, getting older and younger. 56、感冒不是病,不治要了命。 A cold is not a disease. It kills you if you don't cure it. 57、笑一笑,十年少。 Laugh, ten years old. 58、枸杞煮粥吃,增加肝功能。 Lycium barbarum cooked porridge to increase liver function. 59、怒伤肝,喜伤心,悲忧惊。 Anger hurts the liver, joy and sorrow, sadness and dismay. 60、春不减衣,秋不加帽。 Spring does not reduce clothes, autumn does not add hats. 61、白水沏茶喝,能活一百多。 White water can make tea and live more than one hundred years. 62、食五谷杂粮,保身体强壮。 Eat five grains to keep your body strong. 63、性格开朗,疾病躲藏。 Happy personality, disease hiding. 64、不喝隔夜茶,不喝过量酒。 Do not drink overnight tea, do not drink excessive alcohol. 65、一次饮水若太多,长久损胃伤肾窝。 If you drink too much water at a time, it will damage your stomach and kidney for a long time. 66、乐靠自得,趣靠自寻。 Joy depends on self-satisfaction, fun depends on self-seeking. 67、要想身体好,早餐要吃饱。 If you want to be healthy, you should have a full breakfast. 68、大蒜不值钱,能防脑膜炎。 Garlic is not valuable, it can prevent meningitis. 69、不怕天寒地冻,就怕手脚不动。 If you are not afraid of the cold, you are afraid of not moving your hands and feet. 70、睡前关天窗,一夜觉都香。 Close the skylight before going to bed and have a good night's sleep. |
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