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英语童话故事翻译:THE DUMB BOOK

  IN the high-road which led through a wood stood a solitary farm-house; the road, in fact, ranright through its yard. The sun was shining and all the windows were open; within the housepeople were very busy. In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood anopen coffin; thither they had carried a dead man, who was to be buried that very afternoon.Nobody shed a tear over him; his face was covered over with a white cloth, under his head theyhad placed a large thick book, the leaves of which consisted of folded sheets of blotting-paper,and withered flowers lay between them; it was the herbarium which he had gathered in variousplaces and was to be buried with him, according to his own wish.

  Every one of the flowers in itwas connected with some chapter of his life. "Who is the dead man?" we asked. "The oldstudent," was the reply. "They say that he was once an energetic young man, that he studiedthe dead languages, and sang and even composed many songs; then something hadhappened to him, and in consequence of this he gave himself up to drink, body and mind.When at last he had ruined his health, they brought him into the country, where someone paidfor his board and residence. He was gentle as a child as long as the sullen mood did not comeover him;

  but when it came he was fierce, became as strong as a giant, and ran about in thewood like a chased deer. But when we succeeded in bringing him home, and prevailed upon himto open the book with the dried-up plants in it, he would sometimes sit for a whole day lookingat this or that plant, while frequently the tears rolled over his cheeks. God knows what was inhis mind; but he requested us to put the book into his coffin, and now he lies there. In a littlewhile the lid will be placed upon the coffin, and he will have sweet rest in the grave!" The clothwhich covered his face was lifted up;

  the dead man's face expressed peace- a sunbeam fellupon it. A swallow flew with the swiftness of an arrow into the arbour, turning in its flight,and twittered over the dead man's head. What a strange feeling it is- surely we all know it- tolook through old letters of our young days; a different life rises up out of the past, as it were,with all its hopes and sorrows. How many of the people with whom in those days we used to beon intimate terms appear to us as if dead, and yet they are still alive- only we have notthought of them for such a long time, whom we imagined we should retain in our memories forever, and share every joy and sorrow with them. The withered oak leaf in the book here recalledthe friend, the schoolfellow, who was to be his friend for life.

  He fixed the leaf to the student'scap in the green wood, when they vowed eternal friendship. Where does he dwell now? The leafis kept, but the friendship does no longer exist. Here is a foreign hothouse plant, too tender forthe gardens of the North. It is almost as if its leaves still smelt sweet! She gave it to him out ofher own garden- a nobleman's daughter. Here is a water-lily that he had plucked himself, andwatered with salt tears- a lily of sweet water.

  And here is a nettle: what may its leaves tell us?What might he have thought when he plucked and kept it? Here is a little snowdrop out of thesolitary wood;

  here is an evergreen from the flower-pot at the tavern; and here is a simpleblade of grass. The lilac bends its fresh fragrant flowers over the dead man's head; theswallow passes again- "twit, twit;" now the men come with hammer and nails, the lid isplaced over the dead man, while his head rests on the dumb book- so long cherished, nowclosed for ever!












  OF course you know what is meant by a magnifying glass-one of those round spectacle-glassesthat make everything look a hundred times bigger than it is? When any one takes one of theseand holds it to his eye, and looks at a drop of water from the pond yonder, he sees above athousand wonderful creatures that are otherwise never discerned in the water. But there theyare, and it is no delusion. It almost looks like a great plateful of spiders jumping about in acrowd. And how fierce they are! They tear off each other's legs. and arms and bodies, beforeand behind;

  and yet they are merry and joyful in their way. Now, there once was an old manwhom all the people called Kribble-Krabble, for that was his name. He always wanted the bestof everything, and when he could not manage it otherwise, he did it by magic. There he sat oneday, and held his magnifying-glass to his eye, and looked at a drop of water that had beentaken out of a puddle by the ditch.

  But what a kribbling and krabbling was there! All thethousands of little creatures hopped and sprang and tugged at one another, and ate each otherup. "That is horrible!" said old Kribble-Krabble. "Can one not persuade them to live in peaceand quietness, so that each one may mind his own business?" And he thought it over and over,but it would not do, and so he had recourse to magic. "I must give them color, that they maybe seen more plainly," said he; and he poured something like a little drop of red wine into thedrop of water, but it was witches' blood from the lobes of the ear, the finest kind, at ninepencea drop.

  And now the wonderful little creatures were pink all over. It looked like a whole town ofnaked wild men. "What have you there?" asked another old magician, who had no name- andthat was the best thing about him. "Yes, if you can guess what it is," said Kribble-Krabble, "I'llmake you a present of it." But it is not so easy to find out if one does not know. And themagician who had no name looked through the magnifying-glass. It looked really like a greattown reflected there, in which all the people were running about without clothes. It was terrible!But it was still more terrible to see how one beat and pushed the other, and bit and hacked,and tugged and mauled him.

  Those at the top were being pulled down, and those at the bottomwere struggling upwards. "Look! look! his leg is longer than mine! Bah! Away with it! There isone who has a little bruise. It hurts him, but it shall hurt him still more." And they hacked awayat him, and they pulled at him, and ate him up, because of the little bruise. And there was onesitting as still as any little maiden, and wishing only for peace and quietness. But now she hadto come out, and they tugged at her, and pulled her about, and ate her up. "That's funny!" saidthe magician. "Yes; but what do you think it is?" said Kribble-Krabble. "Can you find that out?" "Why, one can see that easily enough," said the other. "That's Paris, or some other great city,for they're all alike. It's a great city!" "It's a drop of puddle water!" said Kribble-Krabble.



















  THERE was an old mansion surrounded by a marshy ditch with a drawbridge which was butseldom let down:- not all guests are good people. Under the roof were loopholes to shootthrough, and to pour down boiling water or even molten lead on the enemy, should heapproach. Inside the house the rooms were very high and had ceilings of beams, and that wasvery useful considering the great deal of smoke which rose up from the chimney fire where thelarge, damp logs of wood smouldered. On the walls hung pictures of knights in armour andproud ladies in gorgeous dresses; the most stately of all walked about alive. She was calledMeta Mogen; she was the mistress of the house, to her belonged the castle. Towards theevening robbers came; they killed three of her people and also the yard-dog, and attached Mrs.Meta to the kennel by the chain, while they themselves made good cheer in the hall and drankthe wine and the good ale out of her cellar. Mrs.

  Meta was now on the chain, she could noteven bark. But lo! the servant of one of the robbers secretly approached her; they must not seeit, otherwise they would have killed him. "Mrs. Meta Mogen," said the fellow, "do you stillremember how my father, when your husband was still alive, had to ride on the wooden horse?You prayed for him, but it was no good, he was to ride until his limbs were paralysed; but youstole down to him, as I steal now to you, you yourself put little stones under each of his feetthat he might have support, nobody saw it, or they pretended not to see it, for you were thenthe young gracious mistress. My father has told me this, and I have not forgotten it! Now I willfree you, Mrs. Meta Mogen!"

  Then they pulled the horses out of the stable and rode off in rainand wind to obtain the assistance of friends. "Thus the small service done to the old man wasrichly rewarded!" said Meta Mogen. "Delaying is not forgetting," said the fellow. The robberswere hanged. There was an old mansion, it is still there; it did not belong to Mrs. Meta Mogen,it belonged to another old noble family. We are now in the present time. The sun is shining onthe gilt knob of the tower, little wooded islands lie like bouquets on the water, and wild swansare swimming round them. In the garden grow roses; the mistress of the house is herself thefinest rose petal, she beams with joy, the joy of good deeds: however, not done in the wideworld, but in her heart, and what is preserved there is not forgotten. Delaying is notforgetting!

  Now she goes from the mansion to a little peasant hut in the field. Therein lives apoor paralysed girl; the window of her little room looks northward, the sun does not enter here.The girl can only see a small piece of field which is surrounded by a high fence. But to-day thesun shines here- the warm, beautiful sun of God is within the little room; it comes from thesouth through the new window, where formerly the wall was. The paralysed girl sits in the warmsunshine and can see the wood and the lake; the world had become so large, so beautiful, andonly through a single word from the kind mistress of the mansion. "The word was so easy, thedeed so small," she said, "the joy it afforded me was infinitely great and sweet!"

  And thereforeshe does many a good deed, thinks of all in the humble cottages and in the rich mansions,where there are also afflicted ones. It is concealed and hidden, but God does not forget it.Delayed is not forgotten! An old house stood there; it was in the large town with its busy traffic.There are rooms and halls in it, but we do not enter them, we remain in the kitchen, where itis warm and light, clean and tidy; the copper utensils are shining, the table as if polished withbeeswax; the sink looks like a freshly scoured meatboard. All this a single servant has done,and yet she has time to spare as if she wished to go to church; she wears a bow on her cap, ablack bow, that signifies mourning. But she has no one to mourn, neither father nor mother,neither relations nor sweetheart. She is a poor girl. One day she was engaged to a poor fellow;they loved each other dearly.

  One day he came to her and said: "We both have nothing! Therich widow over the way in the basement has made advances to me; she will make me rich,but you are in my heart; what do you advise me to do?" "I advise you to do what you think willturn out to your happiness," said the girl. "Be kind and good to her, but remember this; fromthe hour we part we shall never see each other again." Years passed; then one day she met theold friend and sweetheart in the street;

  he looked ill and miserable, and she could not helpasking him, "How are you?" "Rich and prospering in every respect," he said; "the woman isbrave and good, but you are in my heart. I have fought the battle, it will soon be ended; weshall not see each other again now until we meet before God!" A week has passed; this morninghis death was in the newspaper, that is the reason of the girl's mourning! Her old sweetheart isdead and has left a wife and three step-children, as the paper says; it sounds as if there is acrack, but the metal is pure.

  The black bow signifies mourning, the girl's face points to thesame in a still higher degree; it is preserved in the heart and will never be forgotten. Delayingis not forgetting! These are three stories you see, three leaves on the same stalk. Do you wishfor some more trefoil leaves? In the little heartbook are many more of them. Delaying is notforgetting!

























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