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范文 | 成语故事大全英文精选 成语故事的语言生动凝练,形象鲜明,具有诙谐性和伦理性,蕴藏丰富的知识和道理,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇成语故事大全英文精选。 成语故事大全英文精选1:入木三分Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped. points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy. One time, Wang Xi-zhi sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood. "Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating. Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views. 王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断。 以后又吸取了各个不同书法派的优点,形成他自己独特的个性。因为他在书法上的成就,人们都尊称他为中国书法界的“圣人”。 有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。 入木三分”就是从这个故事中得出来的,用来形容书法有力。 现在多用来比喻分析问题很深刻。 成语故事大全英文精选2:束媪乞火There was a daughter-in-law who liked by the old women in the village. One night, a piece of meat was missing from the daughter-in-law’s home, and her mother-in-law suspected that she had stolen it. So he decided to drive her out to her mother’s home. The next morning, the daughter-in-law bided farewell to all the old women in the village, and told them what happened. After hearing this, all the people were indignant. One of them went to found some broken hemp and made a bundle. Then she went to the daughter-in-law’s home and asked her mothering-law for kindling, “Last night, a flock of dogs fought each other for a piece of meat that they had found somewhere, one of them died in the fight , so I came to borrow some kindling to cook that dog.” Upon hearing this, the mother-in-law sent people to ask her daughter-in-law back right away. 一位年轻的小媳妇深受村里上了年纪的老妈妈们的喜爱。 一天夜里,小媳妇家的一大块肉不见了, 婆婆怀疑是她偷的,决定把她赶回娘家。 第二天清早,小媳妇逐一向那些老妈妈告辞,并把这件事告诉了她们。大家听后都忿忿不平。 其中一个人立刻找了些碎麻扎成火把,来到小媳妇婆婆家借火,说:“昨天晚上,一群狗叼来的一块肉相互撕咬,结果咬死一只,英语小故事我来讨个火种回去煮狗肉吃。”做婆婆的一听,连忙派人将小媳妇请了回来。 成语故事大全英文精选3:雀巢扶枝Magpies are clever birds. At the beginning of every spring it can predict the weather for the whole year. If this year will be windy, it will move its nest from tall trees to a low crotch of a tree. By doing so it keeps the nest away from the threat of winds, but not from the threats by human. When adults pass the nest, they often take away the young birds. Even children can easily climb up the trees and take away the eggs. The magpie knows know the keep away dangers in future, but overlooks the imminent dangers. 喜鹊是一种很聪明的鸟,每年一开春,它就能预测出全年的气候。 如果这年多风,它就会把自己的巢从很高的大树顶上搬下来,英语小故事移到低矮的树杈上。 这样一来,尽管风对鸟巢构不成威胁,但人为的灾难却接踵而至:大人路过时,常常将小鹊儿摸走;小孩可以轻易地爬上来,掏走鹊蛋。喜鹊虽然知道防备将来的灾难,却忽视了迫在眉睫的危险。 |
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