标题 | 英语寓言故事带启迪 |
范文 | 英语寓言故事带启迪 寓言是一种文学体裁,篇幅短小,语言凝练,结构简单却极富表现力,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇英语寓言故事带启迪。 英语寓言故事带启迪1:The cage-bird and the batA singing-bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep. One night a bat came and clung to the bars of the cage, and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night. "I have a very good reason for doing so," said the bird: "it was once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught me. Since then I have never sung except by night." But the bat replied, "It is no use your doing that now when you are a prisoner. If only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been free." Precautions are useless after the event. 一只画眉鸟被囚禁在窗外挂着的一个笼子里,当其他鸟儿都酣睡时,她却在夜里唱歌。有一个夜晚,蝙蝠飞过来,抓住鸟笼的栅栏,问她为什么白天默默无声,却在夜里放声歌唱。小鸟回答说:“我这样做是有道理的,曾经有一次,当我在白天唱歌时,一个捕鸟人被我的歌声吸引,就用鸟笼子捉住了我。从此我只在夜里歌唱。”可是,蝙蝠却说:“你现在这样做根本没用了,因为你已经成为阶下囚。若是在被捉住之前这样做就好了,那样或许你依然是自由之身!” 待事情发生之后再预防,为时已晚。 英语寓言故事带启迪2:The labourer and the snakeA labourer's little son was bitten by a snake and died of the wound. The father was beside himself with grief, and in his anger against the snake the caught up an axe and went and stood close to the snake's hole, and watched for a chance of killing it. Presently the snake come out, and the man aimed a blow at it, but only succeeded in cutting of the tip of its tail before itwriggled in again. He then tried to get it to come out a second time, pretending that he wished to make up the quarrel. But the snake said, "I can never be your friend because of my lost tail, nor you mine because of your lost child." Injuries are never forgotten in the presence of those who caused them. 工人的小儿子被一条毒蛇咬了一口,并且死于蛇伤。悲痛气愤之余,工人抓起一把斧头,气冲冲地跑到蛇洞外,等待机会砍死蛇。不久,蛇从洞里出来了,工人立即一斧头砍过去,可是只砍断了它的尾巴尖。随后,工人还想再如法炮制,便假装想与蛇和解。可是,蛇却说:“我永远也无法成为你的朋友,因为我丢了自己的尾巴,而你却丢失了儿子。” 在造成创伤的双方心里,永远无法忘却伤痛。 英语寓言故事带启迪3:The two spellsThere was once a boy in a village. When ever he asked people to do things, no onewould listen to him. He was sad. So he asked a wizard to solve the problem by using magic. The old wizard tried a lot of spells, but didn't work. A young man heard about the problem. He went to the boy and said that he knew thesolution. He gave the boy two small pieces of paper. "These are two spells, my boy. Use the first before you ask others to do something, and use the second when they have done it. A smile is also necessary, "the young man said. The boy was happy and tried to use the spells. When he asked people to do something, he said "Please" before his words, and "Thank you" after they had done it. People were verysurprised that the boy could be polite. Soon, they became happy to do what the boy asked them to do. The wizard was surprised, and asked the young man about the spells. "It's not magic. When I was a child, my teacher told me that with good manners you could get anything you want. And he was right. The boy only needed good manners to get what he wanted." 从前村庄有一个男孩,当他请人帮他做事情的时候,没有人会听他的,他很伤心,所以他请巫师用魔法解决问题。老巫师尝试了很多的办法,但都没有成功。 一个年轻人听说了这件事情。他就去了那个小男孩那里并且告诉他应该怎样解决这个问题。他给了这个男孩两个小纸条。 “这是两个咒语,我的孩子。第一个呢在请别人做事前使用,第二个呢,在他们做完了后使用。还有微笑是必不可少的”年轻人说。 男孩很非常开心的用了这两个咒语。当他想人们做什么事情之前,他先说“请”,当人们做完的时候他说:“谢谢你”,人们都很惊奇这个男孩变得如此有礼貌。不久,他们都很乐意为这个男孩子做事。 这个巫师感到很惊讶,问这个年轻人关于咒语的事情。 “这不是咒语。当我还是个孩子的时候,我的老师告诉我,良好的举止你可以得到任何你想要的,老师是正确的,这个男孩只有以礼待人才能得到同等的回报。” |
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