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范文 | 成语故事大全英文版 成语故事既能开阔视野、增长知识,又能懂得许多做人做事的道理,更能锻炼人的语言表达能力,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇成语故事大全英文版。 成语故事大全英文版1:子罕拒玉A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade in it. 宋国人有个农夫得到一块含宝玉的石头后,将它献给了相国子罕。 He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused to accept it. The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, but there is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable for honorable men like you, not for us common people.” 子罕拒绝接受这块石头,农夫解释说:“表面上它是块石头,但里面含有宝玉,是个宝物,适合您这样的贵人使用,我们普通百姓用它就不合适了。” “I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with you. I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belong to oneself is the real treasure. ” 子罕说:“我知道里面是宝玉。但我的观点和你不同,我认为具有不接受不应得的东西的品德才是真正的宝玉。” 成语故事大全英文版2:讳疾忌医A famous doctor, Bian Que, after seeing Duke Huan of the state of Cai, told him that his illness had intruded into his skin and he needed to be treated immediately. 名医扁鹊见到蔡桓公后,告诉桓公他的疾病已入侵皮肤,要赶快治疗。 But the Duke felt he was in good health and thought that Bian Que just wanted to take credit, so he ignored him. 桓公觉得自己的身体很好,认为扁鹊是想邀功,就没有理睬。 Ten days later, Bian Que advised the Duke to take treatments when the illness was only ion the flesh, but the Duke still had not said anything. 十天后,扁鹊劝说桓公趁病入侵肌体,英语小故事尽快诊治,桓公还是不吱声。 Another then days had passed before Bian Que told the Duke that his illness had moved to his intestines and stomach. But the king still did not believe hi, Another ten days later, when Bian Que saw the Duke, he said nothing and turned around and left. 又过了十天,扁鹊说桓公病人肠胃,桓公还是不信。再过十天,扁鹊见到桓公,一句话没说,转身便离开了。 Duke Huan sent people to ask for the reason, and Bian Que answered that when the illness was in skin, flesh, intestines and stomach, it could be cured through sticking medicines, fumigating and washing, acupuncture, or taking medicines that can eliminate internal heat, etc. Now the illness was in the bones, it could not be cured any more. 桓公派人去问他,扁鹊说,病在皮肤、肌体、肠胃可以通过敷药、熏药、针灸、服用清火药剂等手段治疗,现已病已骨髓,治不好了。 Five days later, Duke Huan ached all over the body. But at this time, Bian Que had already fled to the state of Qin. Before long, the Duke died of his incurable illness. 五天以后,桓公浑身疼痛,而扁鹊已逃往秦国。不久,桓公因伤病发作,治疗无效而死去。 成语故事大全英文版3:自胜为强Zeng Zi saw Zi Xia and asked him, “Why have you gained weight?” 曾子见到子夏,问道:“你怎么胖了?” Zi Xia said, “I had a victory, that is why I have gained weight.” 子夏说:“我获得了胜利,所以胖了。” “What victory do you refer to?” Zi Xia said, “When I immerged myself in reading books, I revered the principles of the emperors and sages of the past. When I went out, I admired the life of nabodism. There was a fight between the two in my mind, and they came out even. So I got emaciated. Now that the principles of the emperors and sages of the past have won victory, my mind has become more and more peaceful. So I have gained weight.” 曾子问:“你是指什么?”子夏说:“我埋头读书时,敬仰先生至圣的道理,出门在外则羡慕富贵生活的快乐,英语短文两者在心中交战,难分胜负,所以瘦了下来。现在,先王至圣的道理获胜了,心中也日益安宁,所以人也胖了起来。” |
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