标题 | 诚信有关的英语谚语名言 |
范文 | 诚信有关的英语谚语名言 导语:诚信就像一面镜子,只要有了裂缝就不能像原来那样连成一片。关于诚信的英语谚语名言有不少,今日小编就为大家整理了有关于诚信的英语谚语名言,供大家参考查阅,希望你会喜欢。 诚信有关的英语谚语名言 1、诚实做人,踏实做事。 be honest, practical work. 2、人无忠信,不可立于世。 a man without the faithful, and not in the world. 3、以诚待人,以信得人。 to people, to win others to believe. 4、诚好,信好,诚信真好! the letter is good, good, the good faith is really good! 5、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。 false of the sincerity, is worse than the devil. 6、生命不会从谎言中得到营养。 life doesn't get nutrition from the lies. 7、与人不诚则丧德而增怨,诚信立身! and people are not sincere funeral, and increases the hatred, the good faith foundation! 8、善良——这是天才者的伟大品质之一。 good - one of the great quality of the one who is a genius. 9、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。 honesty, the way of heaven also; the way of honesty, people also. 10、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。 if want others to honesty, want oneself to the good faith first. 11、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。 if the demoralization, interest also is bound to fall. 12、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。 honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates. 13、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 a man the most sad thing is the conscience of die out. 14、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 reason is higher than the soul thought than relationship is reliable. 15、当信用消失的时候,就没有生命。 when credit disappeared, the body, there is no life. 16、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。 to destroy themselves lost integrity, is equivalent to the enemy. 17、诚信是身体的经历,诚信是灵魂的精彩。 the good faith is the experience of the body, the good faith is the good of the soul. 18、你身上最可贵的宝石,是群众对你的信任。 you most precious stones, is the trust in you. 19、是能在世界新潮流中游泳,不被淹没的力量。 new trend in the world is to be able to swim, don't be submerged. 20、惟诚可以破天下之伪,惟实可以破天下之虚。 but honestly can skyshatter the pn, but a real virtual skyshatter next. 21、善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。 smile one's welcome, kiss as a brother. fully meet people and harm in halberdier. 22、以信接人,天下信之;不以信接人,妻子疑之。 by letter, the letter; not in letter, people suspected of his wife. 23、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。 do a good thing, poised in heart; do a bad things, could be ashamed. 24、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。 according to moral act, should be fervently dedicated to don't talk morals. 25、人与人之间最高的信任,无过于言听计从的信任。 between the person and the person of the highest trust, is the trust of the bidding. 26、诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。 honest man must be faithful to himself, his last patron is sincere. 27、诚信之光点亮社会之源,诚信之声唤醒人性之基。 integrity of the spot light source of social, the good faith voices wake up the foundation of human nature. 28、诚实守信是中华传统美德,让我们将诚信薪火相传。 honesty is the chinese traditional virtue, let us honest feelings. 29、诚信像一面镜子,一旦打破,你的人格就会出现裂痕。 good faith like a mirror: once broken, your personality will appear rift. 30、怀疑一切与信任一切是同样的错误,能得乎其中方为正道。 doubt everything and trust everything is the same error, can have to deny its china is right. 关于诚实的英语名言 1、信用重于黄金。——德国 credit is more important than gold. 2、人背信则名不达。——刘向 people back letter is not up to. 3、信用是最大的资本。——英国 credit is the biggest capital. 4、信用是成功的伙伴。——英国 credit is the successful partner. 5、诚实是最丰富的传代物。——克尔 honesty is one of the most abundant batches. 6、坦白真爽最得人心。——巴尔扎克 frank's the most popular. 7、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。——怀特 sincerity is the best way to coping ways. 8、老老实实最能打动人心。——莎士比亚 honestly the most can move the heart. 9、忠诚需要完完全全的真实。——夏尔丹 need complete real loyalty. 10、真诚是一种心灵的开放。——拉罗什富科 sincerity is a kind of open mind. 11、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。——泰戈尔 false of the sincerity, is worse than the devil. 12、坦白是诚实和勇敢的产物。——马克·吐温 frank is the product of honesty and courage. 13、诚实是人生永远最美好的品格。——高尔基 honesty is the best character life forever. 14、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。——西塞罗 the world no more valuable than sincere people. 15、人不守信,无异于叫旁人对他失信。——英国 man does not keep your words, would be tantamount to call other people promise to him. 16、语言犹如枝叶,行为犹如果实。——洪都拉斯 language is like leaves, behavior is like a fruit. 17、意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。——拉罗什夫利 man of weak character, will not be honest. 18、伟大人格的素质,重要的是一个诚字。——鲁迅 great personality quality, important is a sincere words. 19、人类最不道德处,是不诚实与怯懦。——高尔基 human is the most immoral, not honest and cowardice. 20、你必须以诚待人,别人才会以诚回报。——李嘉诚 you must take honestly treats people, others will be sincere return. 21、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 oneself live, is to make others a more beautiful. 22、失去信用等于碎了的镜子,不可能修复。——德国 losing credit is equal to the broken mirror, impossible to repair. 23、当信用消失的时候,就没有了生命。——法国 when credit disappeared, but the flesh is no life. 24、对自己的忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。——莎士比亚 loyal to himself, don't fraud to others. 25、没有一种遗产能像诚实那样丰富的了。——莎士比亚 there isn't a legacy can be as rich as honesty. 26、难听的实话胜过动听的谎言。——苏尤里·郁达列夫 ugly truth is better than a beautiful lie. 27、失掉信用的人,在这个世界上已经死了。——哈伯特 lost credit, in this world is dead. 28、不相信任何人人的人知道自己无信用。——奥尔巴赫 don't believe anyone everyone knows no credit. 29、一两重的真诚,其值等于一吨重的聪明。——德国谚语 a twofold sincere, its value is equal to the smart one ton. 30、一个人严守诺言,比守卫他的财产更重要。——莫里哀 a person keeping promise, is more important than the guard his property. |
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