标题 | nba球星名言 |
范文 | nba球星名言 一旦比赛结束的哨声吹响,漂亮的啦啦队员们也相继离开赛场后,还有什么比赛后新闻发布会上那些或沮丧或兴奋或愤怒的球员们更有趣?虽然一般来说,球员们会巧妙的避开球队的战术和其他敏感话题不谈,但是偶尔,一贯大大咧咧惯了、率性的nba球员们便会忍不住将自己的心里话透露出来,而一旦nba球员们开始吐真心话,过不了多久便会从他们嘴里爆出一些或妙趣横生或桀骜不逊抑或两者兼而有之的词句。北京时间9月16日,专栏作家推出了自己心目中的“xx年nba二十大名言”—— 1、不要让我犯错——我爱贾森-基德,他是一名优秀的组织后卫……但是当我觉得我才是最好的组织后卫时,我该怎样拿自己和他相比较呢?那不重要,我的意思是,如果我总是认为我才是最好的,那我怎么坐在这里拿自己和别人对比呢?……我要告诉你的是:我很清楚我是nba最棒的组织后卫,我不需要其他任何人来告诉我这一点。当我走进篮球 i'm far from a hater. you got talent, i love you.我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人.你有才能,我就喜爱你. who can stop me is me.只有我才能使自己停下来 i play every game as if it is my last我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场 no matter what , just do not give up .always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 i do not know what a pure point guard is , i just play the game & do whatever is necessary to win even it means i have to be selfish我不知道一个控球后卫是怎样的,我只知道要全力争取胜利,就算必须做得"自私"。 they can not break me . the only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill me makes me stronger他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强! i do not to respect and fear anyone我不用尊重和害怕任何人 !i always think i could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in,i just keep fighting我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21球一定会进!我只是不停奋斗. i've learned to play when i'm struggling,i think that's what being a professional and growing up is all about. you realize you're not going to play well every night. you keep fighting and something good will happen.在奋斗过程中,我学会了怎样打球.我想那就是作为职业球员的全部.你明白了你不可能每晚都打得很好,但你不停的奋斗会有好事到来的. it's all about always believing, i've seen the bad side of life and i survived.now, i plan to enjoy the good side. and i don't plan to look back. my past has taught me a lot, and i'm not ashamed of it, it taught me how quickly things can be taken away from you. it taught me how important it is to believe in yourself even if others turn their back on you. it wasn't easy waking up in a cell. but it would've been easier to quit. i didn't do that. i fought through the hard times那些都是关于信念,我经历了生活中黑暗的一面而生存下来了,我要享受美好的一面了! 我不要往回看!我的过去教了我很多很多,我并不引以为耻,它使我明白身边的东西是一眨眼就会失去的.它告诉我永远相信自己无论别人怎么看是多么的重要. 从原来的世界中醒来并不容易,而退出就简单多了. 我没有退出.我奋斗着度过了最艰难的时期! only the strong survive强者生存 i am what i am我就是我"我不是一个伟大的人,道德清白的人,衣冠楚楚的人,我也不是一个听话的儿子,一个尽职的父亲,一个和善的丈夫,一个好相处的朋友,甚至我压根就不算个好人。大麻、枪支、暴力、罢赛这些麻烦都跟我的名字扯上瓜葛,还有很多人说我离经背道......然而谁也不能否认,我是个伟大的球员,连上帝都不能。 |
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