标题 | 恋爱家常经典短信(吸引异性的完美细节你具备吗) |
范文 | 恋爱家常经典短信(吸引异性的完美细节你具备吗) 每个男人都是独特的,他们自然也希望自己的女人是独一无二的。此外,男人会根据不同的需求来选择女朋友,妻子或是周六晚上的约会对象。考虑到这一点,男人通常根据以下十大品质来寻找不同的对象。因为每个人都有其不同点,以下排名不分先后。 1、支持。男人们希望遇到支持他们的女人,特别是在他们想发展一段长期关系的时候。在男人20几岁的时候,他们仍在为事业奋斗,女友的支持是相当重要的。他想要有一个能聆听他的心事,而不是对他冷嘲热讽的人,是一个能给他客观建议,让他能在别人面前表现良好的人. 2、随和。男性通常会寻找一个好脾气的另一半,脾气暴躁的人实在是不讨喜。邻家女孩通常是男性想认真发展时优先考虑的对象,一个能带回家见家长的女孩,一个与之相处愉悦的女孩。男人希望女人落落大方,不会担心妆容被破坏,性情悠闲,知足常乐。 3、良好的幽默感。没有人会愿意和性格阴沉、严肃沉闷的人生活在一起。男孩子们希望女生能因为自己讲的笑话而哈哈大笑,同时也希望她们有时也能讲一些有趣的事,享受自己的人生。他们不想遇见那些总是消极否认一切、难以取悦的女性。拥有活泼个性和乐观态度的女生对男生充满了吸引力。 4、自信。男人喜欢自信的女人,那些抬头挺胸走进房间、以眼神交流的女性是引人注目的。比起那些需要他人持续肯定的女性,对自己的外表和能力充满自信更容易让人接近。女孩偶尔因为缺少安全感而依靠自己的感觉很是美好,然而男生却会对那些需要不断鼓励的女性感到厌烦。 5、独立。对于多数男性来说,独立是一个迷人的特性,他们喜欢女性有自己的生活。男生享受女生的关注,但同时若是女生把她的男人当成自己的生活重心则会显得太过粘人。男生需要关心和照顾,但同时他们也需要自己的空间。他们更愿意约那些有自己朋友圈娱乐圈的女生。不过,与此同时,男人愿意承担开支,他们需要女人依靠于他们以提醒自己在某个方面是必要的。 6、衣装整洁。无可否认外表的重要性,这是一个女生吸引男生最原始的原因。男生喜欢有女人味的女生,可能是因为这更能衬托出他们的男子气概。大多数的男生也喜欢有着一头秀发的女生,它的重要性介于外表和着装整洁之间。没有人会喜欢不注意保持个人卫生的女孩。同时,体型优美、身体健康的女生更能让男生着迷。 7、善解人意。男人们渴望一个善解人意的女友,不要总是束缚他们。她应当接受男友的各方面并愿意做一些小调整。此外,虽然不同的观点可能具有一定吸引力,但是,男人希望女人能接受他的信仰,愿意分享他的喜恶。女生的无理取闹是恋爱大忌。男人们期待有一个支持欣赏自己的女性伴侣。 8、成熟得体的发言。孩子气的话语可能有时会让人觉得可爱,但通常男人喜欢成熟而讲道理的女性。她要能够参与一场不围绕衣服和化妆品的正规社交。她应该表现出兴致而不是大声喧哗。同时,如果一个女孩子经常爆粗口也会被判出局,特别是在男性自己都不说脏话的情况下。 9、诚实而衷心。男人们自然希望女人不对自己撒谎,能忠于自己。他要能确信这个女人不会在他不在的时候与他的朋友调情。因此,他们寻找的女性最明显的特征就是诚实可靠。他们想要有人无论发生什么事都愿意站在自己那一边。看看因不忠而导致的分手和离婚的调查数据,我们并不意外在寻找女性伴侣时男方对这项品质的高度重视。 10、善良体贴。男人明确表示最喜欢那些照顾他们的女人,从小方面展示她们的关心。一些小动作,例如为他做饭,熨衣服,问问他是否已经吃过午饭或是飞快的一个吻,都会在他心情低落的时候让他心存感激。当男人们知道自己的女友在关心自己,注意到细节,照顾满足自己的需要,他们总会觉得世界如此美好。不过,男人同时也希望能有自己的空间,女性要避免触及底线。 every man is different and wants different things in his woman. moreover, what he wants depends on whether he is looking for a girlfriend, a wife or someone to go out with on a saturday night. with that in mind, here are the top 10 qualities that most men usually look out for. it’s in no particular order, as it differs from person to person. 1. supportive men look for supportive women, particularly when they are interested in a long-term relationship. for a guy in his 20s, who is still struggling with his career, the support of his girl is very important. he wants someone who will listen to him, without making fun of him or putting him down. someone who will give him objective advice and make him look good in front of others. 2. easy going guys look for girls who are easy going, an uptight person is not really liked by men. ‘the girl next door’ is most preferred when they intend to have a serious relationship. a girl they can take home to meet their family and a girl they can have a good time with. men look for women who can let go, someone who isn’t afraid of messing up her makeup, who is laid back and easy to please. 3. good sense of humor no one wants to be with someone who has a dull personality and is always serious. guys want a girl who can laugh at their jokes, herself at times say something funny and enjoy herself. they don’t want someone who is always negative about everything and finds it difficult to enjoy herself. girls with a cheery disposition and positive outlook are attractive to men. 4. confident men like their women to be confident, someone who enters a room walking tall and makes eye contact is found to be attractive. women who are confident about their looks and abilities are easier to be around, than those who need constant affirmation. it’s nice to have your girl lean on you for support with her insecurities once in a while, but someone who needs constant support can be a little annoying. 5. independent independence is an attractive trait to most men, they like women who have their own life. while, it can be nice to receive attention from a girl, someone who’s life revolves around her guy will be way too clingy. guys need attention and care but at the same time they need their space. they are more likely to date a girl who has her own set of friends and hangs out with them. but, at the same time, men like being providers and need a woman to be dependant on them to an extent, to remind them that they are needed. |
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