标题 | 关于工作与人生的精辟人生感悟 |
范文 | 关于工作与人生的精辟人生感悟 不负、过份要求、不付出而要求收取、想控制别人、既抱怨而要别人代劳等,这应放下,因为它妨碍我们的同时,拿走里该有的。 Irresponsible,demanding unreasonable,taking withot giving, wanting to contml others,and making others to do things for us through complaining.We have to let this one go, because it prevents us from growing and takes away the success and happiness we deserve. 你这样说或做,为的是你自己对方?为的是内心对自己形象的要求,或真的想对方提升? What you say or do, is it for yourself on for the othens? ls it for satisfying your self-image,or really for the othes to become better? 年青人想运用自己的能力去这个世界;而成熟的人则学会怎样配合世界的运作模式去取得。 Young people want to use their world of warcraft gold strength to change the world; wow gold people get their success and happiness through coping with it. 大自然的法则是:每当你说某件事情[必须这样],它便给你一个例外。 Nature’s Law: an exception always arise when one expects things to happen a certain way. 的背后是你认为事情应该怎样。 Underneath attitude are your beliefs, s and rules. 当你坚持把注意力和思想放在问题上,你将看不到身边众多的机会。(波特.海宁格 – 系统排列大师) When you keep your eyes and mind on the problem, you will not see the many opportunities around you (by Bert Hei ling – the Family Constellation ) 很多人宁愿生活在痛苦之中,也不愿意解决自己的问题。(波特.海宁格 – 系统排列大师) Many people prefer living in pain than to have their problems solved。 恐惧使你不敢面对它;而不能面对它,正是你的恐惧的来源。 Your fear prevents you from facing it,And yet not facing it is the cause of your fear. 来自自己的能力比事情所需要的小。 Pressure comes from feeling that one’s strength is less than what the task requlres. 「困难]是以为得到的比需要你付出的少。 Difficulty comes from thinking the gain is less than the cost. 软弱的,来自把注意力放在自己不能控制的东西。 The feeling of weakness comes from focusing on things that we cannot control. 每个人都想有更好的明天。就算自杀的人都想有更好的明天,只不过他以为那不能在这个世界找到而己。 Evenybody wants to have a betten tomorrow,even a suicidal person,only that he does not believe it can be achieved in this world. 就是去接受,当你能够接受世界上的一切,你便有最大的。 Wisdom is to aceept.When you can accept everything that happens in the world,you will have supreme wisdom. 想去拥有的,只应是使自己积极,启发的东西;而不应是使自己埋怨、失望、孤立、懊悔的东西。 Things we want to have should only be those that motivate, invigorate,stimulate and enlighten us;and ot those that make us blame ,despair ,disconnect and regret. 你会先检查袋里有多少钱才决定进入那一间饭店。只有未长大的才吃了再算,因他们总有代为结帐。由此可见:长期的经济问题和不负的行为,其实就是在心里上仍是孩童的表现。 You would check the money inside your pocket before choosing the restaurant for your dinner.Only children would eat before they check,because the can always cou-nt on their parents to pay for them.From this we may understand: cronic Personal financial problems or irresponsible behaviors are just indications of having not grown up as adults. |
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