标题 | 有关英语书的口语表达 |
范文 | 有关英语书的口语表达 学习总是在一点一滴中积累而成的,就像砌砖,总要结结实实。踏踏实实的学吧,就像我们学习英语口语一样,今天小编就给大家分享一些英语口语给大家吧 In the bookstore 在书店里 一、talk show【脱口而出】 1、What are the titles, and who are thepublishers ? 书名和出版社是什么? title:这里是书名的意思,除此之外有“冠军;标题;头衔;权利;字幕”的意思。这里提一下,当“标题”讲的时候,与之向应的“副标题”是subtitle publisher:出版社 publish:出版 Eg:这本书是何时出版的? When did this book published? 2、The new series of Bookworm sells well. 新的《书虫》系列卖的很好。 Series:系列,连续 a series of 一系列的 某物卖得好:主语(物)+ sell eg:Jeans of this color sells well.这种颜色的牛仔裤卖的很好。 3、The paperback second edition also has become a bestseller. 平装本的第二版也成为了畅销书。 paperback:平装本 hardback:精装本 edition:版本 second edition 第二版 bestseller: 畅销书 4、There are also lots of used book shops online. 网上也有不少二手书书店。 used book shops:二手书店 于此对应:新书 new book used:二手的 used bike 二手自行车 5、I am sorry that the book you ordered is out of stock. 很抱歉你订的书目前缺货。 out of stock:缺货 in stock 有存货 order: 预定 6、This book is selling at a discount at present 这本书目前打折出售。 sell at a discount:打折出售 discount store:打折店 at a discount of 70%:打七折 也可以说30% off 7、The preface and the appendix is not so well, but the content of the book iswonderful. 虽然这本书的前言和附录不是很好,但是内容很精彩。 preface:前言;为……作序 appendix:附录;在医学上表示:阑尾 content:内容 In the English corner在英语角 一、Talk show【脱口而出】 1、How about going to the English corner? 和我一起去英语角好吗? How about doing…… 向某人提议做某事 2、I feel too nervous to speak even in Englishclass, not to speak of in the English corner. 英语课上我都紧张的说不出话来,更不用说在英语角了。 not to speak of: 更不用说…… 3、What do people usually talk about in the English corner? 在英语角人们经常谈些什么? 4、I am not sure if I can keep up with their speaking speed? 但我没有把握是否能跟上他们说话的速度。 keep up with: 赶得上;与……保持联系:keep up with your old friend 与好友保持联系 同义词:catch up with Eg: nowadays wages can not catch up with the rising prices. 如今工资总是跟不上上涨的物价。 5、I don’t know what to say in English corner. 在英语角我真的不知道该说些什么。 what to say : what 引导的名词性从句 同样也有 how to do Eg: I don’t know how to say it in English. 我不知道它用英语应该如何表达。 二、Reply fluently 【对答如流】 Conversation A: Where are all the people? It started half an hour ago. B: Relax. It’s just as well to have less people. A: In a word I feel free to talk because my mistakes won’t be so conspicuous. B: So are you feeling strained now? A: I am afraid so. I hope the organizers think up more tricks to attract people. B: I can’t see any organizers. You’d better use your own charm to attract those guysto be you company. relax: 放松点,淡定点 feel free to do sth: 随意、随便做某事。也经常用在书信的结尾eg: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 如果您有什么问题,请随时联系我们。 conspicuous:明显的,显而易见的。 strained:紧张的,勉强的。是strain(张力,拉紧)的过去分词 同义词有:intense、stressed 中文翻译 A:人都去哪了?已经开始半个钟头了呀 B:放松点,人少才好呢。 A:人多了好说话因为错误不明显。 B:这么说你现在觉得很难受吗? A:恐怕是吧,真希望组织者能够多弄点花招来吸引人 B:好像是没组织者吧,你最好还是利用自己的魅力来吸引人吧。 |
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