标题 | 小学生英语励志经典故事 |
范文 | 小学生英语励志经典故事 有很多英语励志经典故事都是很适合小学生们看的,那么小学生英语励志经典故事都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 小学生英语励志经典故事:郑人买履Buying shoes A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along. It was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him. I forgot the measurement, said he. He went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all. Why didn't you try on the shoes with your feet? He was asked. I 'd rather trust the measurement than trust myself. (《Hanfeizi》) 郑人买履 从前,郑国有个人想买双鞋。他量好了自己脚的尺码,把它放在了椅子上。可当他赶往市集时,却忘了带量好的尺码。他要买鞋时,才想了起来。 他说:"我忘带尺码了。" 他回家去取量好的尺码。 等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋。 有人问:"为什么不用你自己的脚去量鞋子呢?" 他说:"我宁愿相信尺码也不相信我自己的脚。" (《韩非子》) 小学生英语励志经典故事:东施效颦Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face. When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth. She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty. 越国苎罗(今浙江诸暨南)有位姓施的美女,因为家住若耶溪西岸,所以村里人叫她西施。若耶溪东岸也有位姓施的姑娘。她长得很丑,村里人管她叫东施。 有一天,西施心口疼,走路的时候双手捂住胸部,并且皱着眉头。村里人见她这个模样,都同情地说:“瞧这姑娘的模样,准是疼得难受,真是可怜!” 西施的病态正好被东施瞧见了。她一边看,一边默默记住她难受的姿态和动作。回到溪东后,也模仿西施的模样,双手捂住胸部,同时皱着眉头。 东施的这副模样,使村里人大吃一惊,富人紧闭大门不出来,穷人也带着妻儿躲开。 东施只知道人家皱着眉头很美,却不知道为什么皱着眉头会美。 小学生英语励志经典故事:老鼠开会Belling the cat Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food. One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that. At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea. "We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away." Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke. 老鼠开会 从前,一所房子里面有一只大猫,他抓住了很多偷东西的老鼠。 一天,老鼠在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人。会上大家各有各的主张,最后,一只小老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。 “我们可以在猫的脖子上绑一个铃铛,那么如果他来到附近,我们听到铃声就可以马上逃跑。” 大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“这的确是个绝妙的主意,但是谁来给猫的脖子上绑铃铛呢?”老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没有说话。 寓意: 有些事情说起来容易,做起来却很难。 |
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