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标题 《英语散文》The four marks of leadership

Central to the author's thesis are Austin's great qualities as a leader. The Father of Texas had four qualities that enabled him to turn a bunch of rugged individualists on the frontier into a cohesive community. This morning, I want to share those qualities with you. I recommend them because they are in accord with what I've experienced in my three decades of public service. These qualities are timeless, and if you embrace them, you will become better leaders.


First is vision. Have a vision. Austin certainly had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve. In a letter written in 1829, he said. "My ambition has been to succeed in redeeming Texas from its wilderness state by… spreading over it…enterprise and intelligence. In doing this I hope to make the fortune of thousands and my own amongst the rest." His vision was of a prosperous, progressive Texas, and he stayed absolutely true to that goal. He never wavered---and look at Texas today! You Texans are blessed more than ever with prosperity and progress.


Second, know how to tell others about your vision. Austin is a great example of how to communicate vision with great force and clarity. He knew how to enlist others in his great mission in the wilderness. He wrote and spoke every chance he had---even learned Spanish so that he could communicate with the many Tejanos here, as well as with the government in Mexico City. By sharing his vision in powerful, compelling language, Austin helped unite rugged individualists into a colony where people from different backgrounds joined together for a greater cause. As we approach the 21st century, the idea of cooperating for the sake of a greater cause is surely as necessary today.


The third leadership quality Austin had was an unshakable confidence in himself, and in the rightness of what he was doing. According to Professor Cantrell, he never even considered the possibility of failure. He learned to recognize his strengths and compensate for his weaknesses. Criticism bounced off. Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning.





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