标题 | 《英语散文》[散文]机遇只垂青那些有准备的人 |
范文 | Les was hungry, and he was ready. He would have run down the street for more booze if Rock had asked. When the phone rang, Les pounced on it. It was the station manager, as he knew it would be. “Les, this is Mr. Klein.” “Yes,” said Les. “I know.” “Les, I don’t think Rock can finish his program.” “Yes sir, I know.” “Would you call one of the other deejays to come in and take over?” “Yes, sir. I sure will.” But when Les hung up the telephone, he said to himself, “Now, he must think I’m crazy.” Les did dial the telephone, but it wasn’t to call in another deejay. He called his mother first, and then his girlfriend. “You all go out on the front porch and turn up the radio because I’m about to come on the air!” he said. He waited about 15 minutes before he called the general manager. “Mr. Klein, I can’t find nobody,” Les said. Mr. Klein then asked, “Young man, do you know how to work the controls in the studio?” “Yes sir,” replied Les. Les darted into the booth, gently moved Rock aside and sat down at the turntable. He was ready. And he was hungry. He flipped on the microphone switch and said, “Look out! This is me LB, triple P — Les Brown, Your Platter Playing Poppa. There were none before me and there will be none after me. Therefore, that makes me the one and only. Young and single and love to mingle. Certified, bona fide, indubitably qualified to bring you satisfaction, a whole lot of action. Look out, baby, I’m your lo-o-ove man.” Because of his preparation, Les was ready. He vowed the audience and his general manager. From that fateful beginning, Les went on to a successful career in broadcasting, politics, public speaking and television. 莱斯-布朗和他的双胞胎兄弟出生在迈阿密一个非常贫困的社区,出生后不久就被帮厨女工梅米-布朗收养了。 由于莱斯非常好动,又含含糊糊地说个不停,所以他小学就被安排进一个专门为学习有障碍的学生开设的特教班,直到高中毕业。毕业以后,他成了迈阿密滩的一名城市环卫工人。但他却一直梦想成为一名电台音乐节目主持人。 每天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。就在他那间狭小的、铺着已经破损的地板革的房间里,他创建了一个假想的电台——用一把梳子当麦克风,他念经一般喋喋不休地练习用行话向他的“影子”听众介绍唱片。 透过薄薄的墙壁,他母亲和兄弟都能听到他的声音,于是,就会对他大吼大叫,让他别再耍嘴皮子而去睡觉。但是,莱斯根本就不理睬他们,他已经完全沉醉在自己的世界里,努力想要实现他的梦想。 一天,莱斯利用在市区割草的午休时间,勇敢地来到了本地电台。他走进经理办公室,说他想成为一名流行音乐节目主持人。 经理打量着眼前这位头戴草帽、衣衫不整的年轻人,然后问道:“你有广播方面的背景吗?” 莱斯答道:“我没有,先生。” “那么,孩子,恐怕我们这儿没有适合你的工作。” 于是,莱斯非常有礼貌地向他道了谢,然后就离去了。经理以为再也不会见到这个年轻人了。然而,他低估了莱斯·布朗对自己理想的投入程度。要知道,莱斯还有比成为一名音乐节目主持人更高的目标——他要为他深爱的养母买一幢更好的房子。电台音乐节目主持人的工作只不过是他迈向这个目标的一步而已。 |
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