标题 | 《英语散文》[英语散文]-我的挚友阿诺德 |
范文 | Arnold went most everywhere with us--Pet's Mart, Wal-Mart, birthday parties, Christmas vacation to Grandma's. He loved riding in the car/shopping basket and was a big hit everywhere he went. Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that our family would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new house be contingent on the homeowners' association approval of Arnold in writing before we would agree to purchasing in our prestigious neighborhood. On the day we left our old home town, we had a going away lunch with our friends from church. Everyone there just had to go out to the truck where Arnold and all our other pet were and say goodbye. Arnold trusted me to take care of him and get him to his new home. Tragically, along the way, the wind blast from a semi knocked our trailers out of control and pushed our truck off a 40' bridge. We lost a big part of our family that day when our pets Arnold, Sweeti and Leanna were killed. I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold the way he trusted me to. However, I will be forever grateful for the fond memories of him which I will cherish forever. Thank you for reading this and allowing me to share some of Arnold's life with you. If you decide that a pot belly is the right choice for you both, I pray that you will be rewarded in the same way my family was with Arnold. 在我们搬家到亚利桑那州的途中发生了交通意外,从此我失去了我最好的朋友阿诺德。阿诺德是一只八个月大的宠物猪,是他令我更懂得爱,懂得投入和维系情谊。他的离去令我伤心欲绝,不过我还是常感谢上帝赐予我与阿诺德相处的那段短暂却快乐的时光。 凡是考虑想养宠物猪的人都应该知道,如果你真心疼它,全身心地伺候它,小猪就会成为你最棒的朋友。在这个与小猪一起探索相处的过程中,你一定会非常着迷,发现其中有无穷的乐趣。言语是无法描绘这种关系的,只有亲身经历才能充分体会。 阿诺德并不知道自己是一只猪,他以为自己就是我们家的一员,所以他会观察模仿我、我太太、我两个女儿还有我家小猎犬的一举一动。他深信我们所有人都爱他,事实的确是这样,就算有时候他会耍脾气来吸引我们的注意力。他来到我们家的第一个星期(7周大的时候)就已经学会了自己的名字,学会了怎么坐,还有怎么用那个小盒子。 他喜欢在你坐在沙发上看电视的时候睡在你大腿上。他也不管自己已经长到45磅重,就是要你每天晚上八点准时把他抬到你大腿上来,湿乎乎的鼻子在你的脖子和肩膀之间温存一番后,眨眼功夫这家伙就酣睡起来了。开始的时候他会“鼾鼾”地提醒你他到点休息了,而如果你没反应,他就会用鼻子撞你的脚,直到你把他抱起为止。他倒想一整晚睡在你腿上,但他这么重,你根本是受不了的,所以得把他顺势滑到旁边的沙发上,让他鼻子四脚朝天地呼呼大睡。只要他感觉到你就在他身边,他会放心尽情地打他的呼噜睡他的觉;但是一旦你想走开,他会马上醒过来。他沉睡的时候,我们会玩个游戏,在他那扁鼻子上摆像盐瓶那样的小玩艺而要保持平衡不倒,这样一玩就是几个小时,大家玩得不亦乐乎。 在我们那方圆五英亩的乡下地方,我做什么家务杂事阿诺德都会帮我一把。只要他挨在你脚跟,兴致勃勃地看你在忙,就足以让最索然无味的杂务变得有趣起来。他在外面溜达觅食的时候,只要你喊他的名字,他就会以最快的速度朝你奔来,“鼾鼾”地一路叫着,跑到离你不远的地方他又会跟你玩起迷藏来,左转右转地走着,绕着圈,一副凯旋而归的模样,然后才静下来慢慢走到你跟前,摇摇尾巴,好像眨着眼跟你说“哈,总算找到你啦!” |
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