标题 | 护理学专业的英语简历范文模板 |
范文 | 护理学专业的英语简历范文模板 英语简历作为一种特殊的应用文体,是护理学专业求职和招聘中间的一个重要媒介,今天第一范文网小编就与大家分享护理学专业的英语简历范文模板,希望对大家的学习有帮助! 护理学专业的英语简历范文模板Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name:William Xie Gender: Male Age:38 Education:Master in Engineering Mobile: 12300000000 Email: Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 20xx20 Work Experience Jan 20xx--Oct 20xx. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC. Aug 20xx--Jan.20xx. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group). My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC. - Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong. - As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company. Sept 1997--Aug 20xx. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager - As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office. - In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to, German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining US based Hosokawa BEPEX, a subsidiary engaged in SSP technology while its products are used for soft drink bottling and Indusstrial fiber. That business belongs to petrochemical, polymer and chemical fiber fields. Jan 1996--Aug 1997, Sales Representative in Automation department with Barco (A Belgium based company) Shanghai Representative Office. My responsibilities included sales and marketing of the computerized monitoring system on textile and pharmaceutical sectors, and cleaner, sensor and electric controller used on textile equipments. Sept 1990-- Aug 1993. No. 2 Textile Mill of Zibo City,Shandong Province. As the workshop technician, I was mainly responsible for daily operation, facility maintenance works. During that period of time, I have been substantially involved in installation and adjustment of a brand new production line. Major skills Rich experiences in sales and engineering project management Managerial skills in operation of rep offices Intimate sense in business Education Sept 1993--- Mar.1996, Dong Hua University(Formerly known as China Textile University, Master’s degree in Engineering obtained, research subject was using single chip computer to collect and monitor the signals from the process machine. Sept 1987---Aug 1990. Qingdao University, in Textile Engineering 护理学专业的中文简历范文模板(一)姓名: 性别:X 年龄:23岁 身材:160cm46kg 国籍:中国 民族:汉 户口所在地:揭阳 婚姻状况:未婚 应届毕业生应聘职位:行政/人事类 工作年限:0 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:广州珠海东莞个人工作经历:20xx年6月广州中医药大学关于“80后”人生规划调查员20xx年1月全国高等医学教育学会体育分会第11届学术报告会工作人员20xx年3月至6月广州中医药大学图书馆管理员20xx年4月太极集团“曲美”减肥产品促销人员20xx年5月“飞利浦”产品展销人员20xx年7月太极集体“霍香正气口服液”展销人员20xx年6月至20xx年3月“广东省中医院”实习20xx年3月至20xx年11月爱康网科技有限公司客服专员教育背景毕业院校广州中医药大学最高学历大专毕业院校所学专业一高级护理所学专业二受教育培训经历04-9至07-6广州中医药大学高级护理英语(cet-2级) 语言能力外语:英语 个人爱好:舞蹈、绘画、棋艺详细 个人自传:本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团队协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融合其中。 护理学专业的中文简历范文模板(二)姓名: 性别:女 出生日期:19870907 民族:汉 身高:167 户口所在:上海 目前所在:上海 毕业院校:上海思博职业技术学院 政治面貌:中共党员 最高学历:大专 所修专业:护理 人才类型:应届毕业生 求职意向 求职类型:全职 应聘职位:人力资源管理助理,文职,护士,文秘,接待员…… 希望地点:上海 希望工资:面议 教育培训经历 20xx年9月-20xx年7月上海思博职业技术学院护理专业大专 现在上海师范大学人力资源管理专业本科(自学考) 参加社会实践经历 20xx年4月-20xx年06月上海肯德基上南餐厅--接待员 20xx年5月策划一场大型奇奇表演 20xx年2月-20xx年11月上海麦当劳百盛餐厅--接待员 20xx年1月14日-1月18日上海香山中医医院见习一周 20xx年7月11日-至今上海长征医院16F神经内科实习 所获奖励 1.思博护理学院06级学生会主席 2.20xx年12月组织25名同学赴南汇区老港敬老院举办”爱心关怀日”活动 3.20xx年10月举办全校性社团纳新活动和二级学院学生会纳新活动 4.20xx年12月学生会共同策划圣诞联欢会等等. 5.20xx年05月二级学院学生专题模拟研讨答辩会荣获个人“最佳辩手”,团队获第一名 语言水平 普通话精通(普通话二级水平) 英语熟悉 上海话精通 计算机能力 高等院校计算机一级水平 熟练掌握Windows98/20xx/XP/Me操作系统,精通计算机MicrosoftWord、Excel电子表格制作、PowerPoint幻灯片设计制作、OutlookExplorer收发电子邮件帐户,能够熟练运用ExplorerInternet国际互联网操作和图象处理Photoshop软件. 自我评价 兴趣爱好: 音乐不同的音乐给人不同的感受和心情,可以用音乐进行自我心理调节. 游泳运动可以使人保持强健的体魄及充沛的精力以便更好的投入工作. 阅读阅读可以开阔视野,激发灵感并且丰富知识结构,使之在广度上更好的平衡. 个人素质: 良好的团队精神和协作能力,较强的语言组织能力, 工作敬业、进取、性格踏实稳重,责任心强, 对工作勤勤恳恳,认真、负责、自律性强, 喜欢挑战性工作,能承受工作压力。 联系方式 联系电话:8888 联系地址:上海上海思博职业技术学院护理专业(邮编:100000) 电子信箱: 个人网站: 教育培训经历 20xx年9月-20xx年7月上海思博职业技术学院护理专业大专 |
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