标题 | 物流专业英语简历范文模板 |
范文 | 物流专业英语简历范文模板 一份求职英语简历,就像是物流专业外企求职者的广告和说明书,以下是第一范文网小编为大家整理的物流专业英语简历范文模板,希望你们喜欢。 物流专业英语简历范文模板Name: Gender: Female Date of Birth: 1988-10-1 marital status: unmarried Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han Height: 162CM political landscape: members Education: graduated from college Time: July 20xx Residence: place of residence is Suzhou Anhui: Anqing, Anhui Occupational Overview / job interest Are engaged in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) is now engaged in Occupation: Property Management Level posts are: intern work experience: graduates Current salary: a monthly salary of 1200 yuan of overseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Anqing, Anhui Expect to engage in the industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design of an intermediary property Supervision) Expect to engage in Occupation: real estate / property type Salary expectations: a monthly salary of 1000 yuan到岗time: 1 week Other requirements: I hope that more training opportunities! ! ! Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: I learn that the property management professional, 7-10 months in 20xx in Foshan in Guangdong Province Garden City Property Management Co., Ltd. Peninsula Garden Management Office to engage in property management, property management has grasped the basic process. Career goals: through corporate training, individual efforts to learn their expertise into the good practice, after a number of years to become a very professional management experts. Their higher level! ! ! Educational background School Name: Anqing Vocational and Technical College (20xx年9 months - July 20xx) Professional Name: Property Management Education: tertiary Location: Anqing City, Anhui Province certificates: Professional Description: majors: Introduction to property management, housing numeracy plans and construction, housing maintenance and management, estate green, basic accounting, property accounting, facilities and equipment, maintenance and management, construction materials, housing repair program, community service management, real estate economy practice, real estate mapping Work experience Company Name: Foshan City, Guangdong Province New Garden Property Management Co., Ltd. (July 20xx - 20xx年10月) Industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design of an intermediary property Supervision) Company nature: private. Private enterprises Size: 50 ~ 200 Location: Foshan Huangqi Peninsula Garden Management Office nbsp; of district facilities and equipment maintenance and management of district greening, health, order management and so on. Collection of regional property management fees, for acquisition, renovation procedures, complaint handling in the region and do a good job and so a return visit. Reasons to leave: to do back-to-school thesis defense Language ability Grasp the extent of Language name English General English General Vocational skills Vocational skills: I can do a good job in front reception work, to run for repossession procedures, fitting procedures, capable of handling day-to-day property owners complained that they did do a good job in return, to manage regional health, law and order and to do patrol work and the timely processing of region issues, to complete the regional charge to manage the region\s facilities and equipment, can do a blend of soul and mind, the owners of the matter when dealing with their own affairs, most owners can rest assured service. Made in July 20xx, Assistant Property Manager license with the basic management capabilities. Training experience Training institutions: the new Garden in Foshan, Guangdong Province Property Management Co., Ltd. (July 20xx - 20xx 8 months) Course Title: Introduction to property management, property management practice certificates: certification training Course Description: Training of the property in accordance with day-to-day management processes in the area within the actual management operations. Training institutions: the National Center for Labor and Social Security (March 20xx - 20xx 7 months) Course Title: the basis of property management, assistant property manager certificate: Assistant Property Manager Course Description: March 20xx -7 month on the basis of property management and property management division assistant learning courses. Primarily through the classroom area on the property management companies with a combination of practical training. And through formal examinations to obtain certificates Assistant property management division. 物流专业中文简历范文模板(一)个人资料 姓 名: 姓 别; 男 年 龄: 22 出生日期: 1986.9.18 民 族: 汉 政治面貌: 团员 学 历: 大专 毕业院校: x职业学院 专 业: 港口业务管理 曾担任职务:班长 身体状况: 健康 籍 贯: 甘肃正宁 联系方式 联系电话: 通讯地址:湖北省武汉交通职业学院 求职意向 中控调度工作,作业现场指挥与调度,协调工作,港口安全生产管理,船舶配积载计划,装卸船计划,户外作业,单证操作,物流管理,仓库管理或理货,助理工作,外贸业务员,翻车机操作,皮带巡视员,管理员,押运,等等.. 教育经历 学习院校:x职业学院 专 业:港口业务管理与航运 主修课程:“大学英语、高等数学、管理学基础、计算机应用基础、水运概论、运输经济地理、远洋运输业务、报关实务、船舶概论、集装箱多式联运、计算机二级考试、国际贸易实务、货物学、国际贸易实务实训、报关业务实训、计算机二级培训、基础会计、港口企业管理学、港口装卸工艺学、专业英语、船舶配积载,办公自动化”等课程。 在校表现:在校期间我努力学习,参加了各种社会实践活动,积极参加校内外的各项有益活动。 励情况: “优秀团员”,“优秀学生” 培训经历 XX年在学校培训过集装箱码头计算机操作流程,XX年在青岛qqct操作部中培训过其部门流程及系统,主要学习中央调度与控制,船舶计划,堆场计划等,XX年在日照港口集团一公司专业煤码头实习,熟悉机械管理和基本安全操作,中控室调度工作。XX年初在武汉学习专业码头英语,港口装卸工艺实训,办公自动化实训。 社会实践 XX年暑假在山西做促销。XX年在武汉市武昌友谊大道旁根据地酒吧做服务生,后帮老板经营,做助理。XX年底在汉口升阳物流公司做理货,押运。XX年在武昌友谊大道旁无极限做事。XX年率队在山东青岛前湾集装箱码头(qqct)和日照港集团公司实习。 计算机及语言能力 具有较强的word、excel、ppt、access等一些软件的操作能力,能熟练的操作办公室软件。XX年通过了全国英语应用能力a级考试,具有较好的英语阅读、口头表达能力。普通话标准,南北方言均有所了解。 工作技能 工作认真执着,对人有耐心和亲和力,具备突出的人际交流能力和创新意识。 自我评价 性格开朗,自信大方,善于交际,做事认真.能吃苦耐劳,责任心强,具有一定的组织能力和工作实践能力,能适应各种环境,并融合其中. 物流专业中文简历范文模板(二)姓名: 国籍:中国 目前所在地:天津 民族:汉族 户口所在地:茂名 身材:171cm55kg 婚姻状况:未婚 年龄:25岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:贸易类:报关员及报关员助理、贸易类:报检员、物流类:物流专员 工作年限:1 职称:无职称 求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:1500--20xx 希望工作地区:天津茂名 个人工作经历:公司名称:天津通利鞋业有限公司起止年月:20xx-07~20xx-09 公司性质:其它所属行业:鞋业/皮具/玩具 担任职务:采购 工作描述:根据客户定单到天津各大市场对鞋的原材料进行了解 离职原因: 教育背景 毕业院校:广东工贸职业技术学院 最高学历:大专 毕业日期:20xx-07-01 所学专业一:物流管理 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号 20xx-1220xx-01广东工贸职业技术学院物流管理跟单员 语言能力 外语:英语一般 国语水平:一般 粤语水平:优秀 工作能力及其他专长 本人性格开朗,热情大方,与人相处融洽。为人敬业爱业,愿意在所在的职业上全心全意工作,发挥自己优势,为公司作出贡献。 |
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