标题 | 区域销售经理的英语简历范文 |
范文 | 区域销售经理的英语简历范文 制作英语简历是区域销售经理求职者求职过程中非常关键的一步,今天第一范文网小编就与大家分享区域销售经理的英语简历范文,希望对大家的学习有帮助! 区域销售经理的英语简历范文John Smith 1234 1st Avenue North Any City, Any State fw55555 H: (456) 123-7890 W: (456) 123-1234 E-mail Address: Objective To obtain a challenging position with a market leader that utilizes my experience in product management, sales management, account management, and project management. Professional Summary Experienced manager with skills in leading direct reports as well as cross-functional teams, managing a product line from cradle to grave, justifying new product development investments, determining and documenting new product requirements, developing sales forecasts and product pricing, and launching new products to the marketplace. Proven ability to manage key account relationships and large-scale projects. Experience with presenting to senior management, representing senior management in discussions with others in the company, meeting with customers, training and assisting dealers, and coordinating the activities of region managers. Experience A Company, Inc., Any City, Any State, 7/96 – Present. Product Manager, 1/99 – Present. Reporting to the V. P. of Product Management, responsible for a product line of 20 products representing $12 million in sales revenue for a leading manufacturer of ABC equipment generating sales of $450 million annually. Increased product line sales from $8 million in 1999 to $12 million in 20xx, a 50% increase, and managed the company’s $30 million accessories and parts program. Launched new product into the marketplace to replace an existing product increasing annual unit sales from 3,000 to 12,000. Meet with dealers, national accounts, end-users, and the sales force to define new product requirements and work with product development to document these requirements in product specifications. Analyze competitive product offerings in terms of features and benefits as well as price points. Determine sales forecasts for proposed new products and justify new product development investments through an IRR and NPV analysis. Review product pricing and gross margin goals for existing products annually and establish new product pricing. Develop written launch plans outlining the launch process, present launch plans to senior management for approval, and track actual unit sales and gross margin performance for new product launches. Conduct new product training for the sales force and dealer network including providing test units to region managers and key dealers for use in demonstrations. Work with an Italian equipment supplier as well as A Company’s manufacturing plants in A Country and A Country to manage product offerings for the North American market that are produced overseas. Exhibit products at trade shows and attend trade shows to review competitors’ products. Key Account Manager, 4/00 – 12/00. Led a cross-functional team with representatives from manufacturing, customer service, technical service, quality, IT, sourcing, accounts receivable, logistics and shipping to ensure a $12 million key account, the largest account in company history, received timely and effective support regarding any issue. Managed all product launches into 8 branch locations of this key account and coordinated new product training for the 300 key account representatives. Coordinated activities and supported key account representatives in a sales blitz resulting in over 1,000 product demonstrations. Worked with the key account to jointly establish sales forecasts, conveyed these forecasts to manufacturing, and met with manufacturing and logistics on a weekly basis to ensure timely equipment delivery. Jane Doe Page 2 Coordinated telemarketing and marketing management in conducting market research to determine target markets for the key account and conveyed this information to the key account. Distributed key account sales reports by branch to region managers and senior staff and reviewed sales goals with region managers via telephone conferences. Acted as a liaison between A Company and the key account for all issues and represent the team in discussions with senior management on the account status. Prepared written status reports for senior management detailing open action items and launch status. Project Manager, 1/00 – 6/00. Reporting to the CEO of worldwide operations, worked with consultants from McKinsey as well as executive staff to review the existing organization structure in the areas of Product Management, R&D, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Sales. Attended numerous meetings and teleconferences with executive and senior management to conduct this study. Defined roles and responsibilities for each group to improve company processes and strengthen communication channels. Assisted in preparing a report with recommendations for how to properly reorganize the company that encompassed not only North American operations, but also headquarters in A Country and European manufacturing facilities in Country A, Country B, Country C, and Country D. Attended a Board of Directors’ meeting in A City with the CEO of A Company’s worldwide operations and his key executive staff to discuss reorganization recommendations. Coordinated efforts to select and integrate product offerings from an acquired company into the parent company’s product line. Customer Service Manager, 8/97 – 12/98. Directed a 20-person customer service department including hiring, training, and managing staff. Managed customer service staff responsible for processing incoming orders, coordinating shipments, and handling incoming calls from customers and the field sales force. Reorganized customer service to properly align with sales teams improving communications and reducing time sales spent on non-sales related administrative activities. Implemented a battery-installed program that increased battery sales by $3 million while enabling customers to operate equipment immediately after it was uncrated. Led team tasked with determining the product offering for the next fiscal year, establishing product pricing, developing a 100-page Product Guide summarizing the product offerings and pricing, and distributing 8 different versions of this Product Guide to the dealer network, government agencies, and national accounts. Managed team members on prototyping and implementing a new ERP system to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Inside Sales – Direct Accounts, 7/96 – 8/97. Processed incoming orders, coordinated shipments, and handled customer-related issues. Responsible for managing and tracking machine allocations for the entire company. Education University Of Notre Dama , Indiana. Bachelor of Arts Degree : Keller Graduate School Of Management, Chicago , Illinios. Skills Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Baan. 区域销售经理的中文简历范文(一)姓 名:diyifanwen 国籍: 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 江西 身材: 165 cm 48 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 21 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职 应聘职位: 产品/品牌经理/主管:助理及其它、市场/营销推广经理/主管:助理及其它 工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求: 1500—20xx 希望工作地区: 广州 个人工作经历: 公司名称: 雀巢赣州分公司 起止年月:20xx-08 ~ 20xx-03 公司性质: 所属行业: 担任职务: 见习生 工作描述: 在赣州各地进行品牌推广以促进产品的销售。 离职原因: 要进行毕业答辩 教育背景 毕业院校: 赣南师范学院 最高学历: 本科 获得学位: 双学位(管理类和经济类) 毕业日期: 20xx-06-01 所学专业一: 市场营销 所学专业二: 国际经济与贸易 受教育培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号 20xx-09 20xx-12 赣南师范学院商学院 市场营销 就业推荐表 语言能力 外语: 英语 良好 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 一般 工作能力及其他专长 本人活泼开朗,善于交流和沟通,市场营销与国贸的知识牢固,并掌握一定的市场营销知识与外贸技能,能充分并熟练的运用于实际中;英语基础知识较扎实、具备一定的听、说、读、写及翻译能力;熟悉计算机网络和办公软件,能熟练使用word、excel等常用办公软件;喜欢到各个地方参观了解不同的风俗民情,调查熟悉各地市场等。 详细个人自传 ~曾任校动漫社团 外联部部长及办公室主任 ~曾任校商学社 理事 ~参加院“三下乡”社会实践活动 ~参与师院格子铺市场发展前景的社会调查 ~参加校“老东北饭店”的市场调研 ~进行促销实务、市场调查、营销策划、活动营销、推销实务等的学习及现实锻炼 ~曾在朵以服装专卖店及赣州安远华玉超市当导购 ~曾是雀巢赣州分公司的一名优秀见习生 虽然我还是一名应届生,但我活泼开朗领悟能力强,经过一定的磨合我一定能很出色的完成工作! 个人联系方式 通讯地址: 联系电话: 家庭电话: 区域销售经理的中文简历范文(二)基本情况: ,性别,XX岁,大专 6-20xx年工作经验 现居长沙天心区铁道学院 湖南衡阳人 求职意向:求职销售经理/主管 想在 长沙天心区 工作 期望薪资 5000-8000元/月 自我描述;本人长期从事建材行业销售工作,有丰富的渠道市场和工程项目开发和维护经验. 工作经验: 20xx年07月-20xx年03月——广州尊高装饰材料有限公司——薪资水平:5000-8000元/月 在职职位:区域主管 工作职责: 负责所属区域的酒店工程项目的信息收集及开发维护工作,在职期间本区域的销量迅速增长. 20xx年10月-20xx年07月——北京兄弟汇通装饰材料有限公司——薪资水平:3000-5000元/月 在职职位:区域主管 工作职责:负责湖南-江西-福建-重庆区域渠道经销商的开发和维护工作.在职期间开发了大量的经销商客户,区域内产品销量得到极大提升. 学历教育 20xx年09月-20xx年06月——湖南衡阳师范学院——初等教育 |
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