标题 | 护士面试的英语简历范文模板 |
范文 | 护士面试的英语简历范文模板 护士求职者最终能否获得面试机会,英语简历就起着至关重要的作用。以下是小编精心推荐的一些护士面试的英语简历范文模板,一起来学习下吧! 护士面试的英语简历范文模板OBJECTIVE: Dedicated registered nurse (RN) with specialty experience in psychiatric/mental health nursing. Developed strong psychiatric-evaluation and treatment-planning skills through recent internship at Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Knowledge of psychotropic medication administration, management and training. EXPERIENCE: 11/20xx - 5/20xx Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Doylestown, PA Registered Nurse Served as RN at hospital located within maximum-security correctional facility housing approximately 3,500 inmates. Assigned to the mental health crisis unit and played a key role on interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, RNs, social workers and corrections officers. Actively participated in development and implementation of individual treatment plans for patients with broad range of mental health issues. Ensured that doctors orders were effectively carried out, including testing, medical procedures, consultations and stat orders for five-point restraint. Key Accomplishments: Selected as one of only seven student nurses to be admitted into internship program after rigorous selection process. Helped refine unit policies and procedures in the areas of suicide-watch procedures, safety methods, discharge planning and documentation. Responded to numerous volatile situations and violent outbreaks, earning the respect of physicians and coworkers for calm, levelheaded and quick thinking to restore the safety and security of patients and staff. Completed training in team building, management of assaultive behaviors and psychotropic-medication administration. 9/20xx - 9/20xx Doylestown Hospital Doylestown, PA Student Nurse / Clinical Rotations Worked under the supervision of an RN providing bedside care, treatment and clinical documentation for patients on cardiac, oncology and medical-surgical floors. Handled medication administration, dressing changes, IVs and all other aspects of nursing care. Facilitated admissions, discharges and transfers; prepared chart notes and other documentation; and participated on interdisciplinary team. Key Accomplishments: Treated an average of 16 patients daily (100 percent above average student caseload). Gained experience in procedures such as cryotherapy and trigger-point injections. Presented in-service training on ethics concerning elderly atrial fibrillation treatment. EDUCATION: 5/20xx Buckingham College of Nursing US-PA-Buckingham Bachelors Degree - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) GPA: 3.4 (Deans List) Senior Practicum: 150 hours, Psychiatric Unit, Yardley VA Hospital Worked intensively with patients to promote their interest and participation in reality, identify problems and solutions, and enhance their coping skills. Provided a safe and therapeutic environment for psychiatric patients. Course Highlights: Family and Community Nursing, Healthcare Delivery Models, Professional Nursing Synthesis Theory, Nursing Health Assessment, Clinical and Chemical Therapeutics, Biophysical Pathology, Psychosocial Pathology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics, Nursing Research 9/20xx Registered Nurse US-PA-State of Certification - Registered Nurse (RN) PA, 20xx SKILLS: Skill Name Skill Level Last Used/Experience Psychiatric Nursing Intermediate 1 year ago/1 years Medication Administration Intermediate 1 year ago/2 years Quality & Continuity of Care Expert 1 year ago/2 years JCAHO Standards/Compliance Expert 1 year ago/2 years Patient Assessment Expert 1 year ago/2 years Critical-Care Nursing Intermediate 1 year ago/2 years Patient Advocacy Expert 1 year ago/2 years Parent/Patient/Family Education Expert 1 year ago/2 years Case Management Expert 1 year ago/2 years ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Known as a patient advocate and team player; believe in empowering patients by delivering health education and nursing care that enhances wellness and quality of life. 护士面试的中文简历范文模板(一)吴敏敏 二年以上工作经验|女|25岁(1987年9月16日) 居住地:上海 电 话:139(手机) E-mail:diyifanwen.com 最近工作 [ 1年8个月] 公 司:上海市XX医院 行 业:制药/生物工程 职 位:护士/护理人员 最高学历 学 历:本科 专 业:护理学 学 校:北京中医药大学 自我评价 自己积累丰富的管理经验和专业技能,知道如何发挥每个护士在工作时最佳精神状态,减少或杜绝差错发生;知道如何制定护士的技能培训方案,提高护士的工作能 力;知道如何培训护士成为良好“医院的窗口”,言语举止大方得体,使病友在接受护士提供的护理服务中,享受温馨暖意的治疗服务,可提高病友对医院服务的满意度;知道如何培训员工提高法律意识,运用法律保护自己,减少医疗纠纷的发生。 求职意向 到岗时间:一个月之内 工作性质:全职 希望行业:制药/生物工程 目标地点:上海 期望月薪:面议/月 目标职能:护士/护理人员 工作经验 20xx /7—至今:上海市XX医院[1年8个月] 所属行业: 制药/生物工程 1. 护理部 护士/护理人员 2. 本人毕业后进入该医院成为正式员工,心内科,任护师。 3. 由于工作出色,升为护理部干事,协助医院医疗副院长及护理部主任工作。 4. 主管全院护理人员继续教育安排、实习学生带教管理、临床护理质量控制等。 5. 先后在眼科/耳鼻喉科/心内科/泌外科/手术室/急诊科/儿科/神外科/妇科肿瘤病房轮转实习。 6. 熟悉医院大部分科室的病房运作情况,掌握了临床用药规范和先进的护理技术。 20xx /7—20xx /7: 西郊医院[1年] 所属行业: 制药/生物工程 护理部 护士/护理人员 1. 综合运用所掌握的基础理论和专业知识于临床。 2. 能对内、外、妇、儿科各科病人进行护理。 3. 具有对急、重、危病人进行初步应急处理能力。 4. 严格遵守无菌操作原则,认真做好“三查八对”的工作。 5. 具有较强的独立工作能力,适应整体护理的发展需要。 教育经历 20xx/9—20xx /6 北京中医药大学 护理学 本科 证 书 20xx/6 大学英语四级 语言能力 英 语(良好) 听说(良好),读写(良好) 护士面试的中文简历范文模板(二)姓 名: 性 别:女 毕业院校:x职业技术学院 政治面貌:团员 最高学历:大专 所修专业:护理 人才类型:普通求职 毕业日期:x年7月 求职类型:全职 应聘职位:护士 希望工资:月薪[x1—]人民币 教育背景 x6年3月至x年3月 x职业技术学院 护理专业 x6年—x7年 学院二等奖学金 国家级二等奖学金 学院三好学生 优秀共青团员 x8年-x年 实习于x市中西医结合医院实践经历 x8/6至x年3月 :在x市x医院实习,实习期间遵守医院各项规章制度,认真完成各项操作。工作积极主动,吃苦耐劳,深得带教老师及病人喜爱。 所获奖励 x6-x7 曾获 国家级励志奖学金 x6-x7 曾获 优秀共青团员 x6-x7 曾获 学院三好学生 在校期间获得计算机初级证书`英语b级证书 自我评价 在校期间 与同学和睦相处,尊敬 师长,乐观开朗,勤奋好学并被选为预备党员。实习期间遵守医院各项规章制度,认真完成各项操作。工作 积极主动,吃苦耐劳,深得带教老师及病人喜爱。 联系电话: 联系地址: |
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