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中英文自荐信范文四 dear sir, i will graduate from the university of kansas with a masters degree in june of this year. my major is pharmacy and i am very interested in securing a position before i graduate, if possible. i am a hong kong chinese and my bachelor's degree is from hong kong university. i am long been hopeful of working for you after i graduate, because i consider you the finest hospital in this region. i am sure that if i have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy, i will greatly increase my education and my experience. needless to say, i will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before i graduate in june. in addition, i have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in hospital pharmacy. i did this because i have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. my professors, dr, john harkin, dr. mildred carter, and dr. iriny schultz have given me permission to use their names as reference. if you have a position available after i graduate, i would appreciate it. if not, please keep my name on your file, because i consider your pharmacy the best in this region. sincerely yours, 敬启者: 我将于今年六月毕业堪萨斯州立大学,将获得药物硕士学位,倘若可能,我希望于毕业前能找到一份工作。 我系香港华人,毕业于香港大学,曾获得学士学位。我早已渴望毕业后,能进入贵院工作,因为贵院为本地区最有名气医院。如有这份荣幸,能进入贵院工作,我确信对我未来教育和经验,将有极大裨益。 无疑,今年六月毕业前,我将完成药物标准课程,同时,我亦选读了学校有关药物现有课程,以配合将来做一位医院药物师之条件。我校几位教授已答应使用他们的名字,为我作保证,如约翰.哈金博士,密儿特莉.卡特博士,爱伦.舒尔兹博士。 若毕业后,贵院如能为我安排一份工作,至为感激,若无,亦请将我姓名记下。因為我认为贵院药物部为本地区最有名的。
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