无特定职位的试探性求职信 在许多情况下,求职者非常希望能够加入一个他梦寐以求的地方开始工作,然而在目前来说那个公司还没有公开招聘的举动或职位。在这样的情况下,您可以发一封没有特定职位的试探性个人求职信给想要应聘的公司,把自己的情况告诉对方,同时询问对方是否有适合的职位提供。 试探性的求职信是一种比较积极主动的应聘方式,这类看似希望渺茫的信经常能出人意料的取得成功,因为这种申请求职的方法表现出了申请人本身的能力、勇气和对所应聘公司的强烈兴趣。试探性求职申请信应该简洁,求职信的细节都应该要注意下的。讲清楚你对该公司感兴趣的原因,写明你具备的资格以及你认为会引起该公司注意的任何品德。这些求职信的重点应该都要体现出来。邮寄申请信时,要把个人简历也一起寄去。你还需要知道公司里人事经理或部门经理的名字,把直接信寄给他会更有效一些。请参见范例: p.o box 168 kumwing ho canton XX20 hr manager canton royal business company rm. 2034, aaa centre 25th sep dear sir, i am writing to inquire about possible job openings in the financial department of your company. i am 32 years old and a graduate of fudan university. i have worked for 5 years in a world-leading accountancy firm. i have abundant experience in auditing, accounting and financial analysis. i’m confident that i can deal even with the most challenging tasks in financial management. i have been interested in your company for a very long time. i think it’s your active company culture, the outstanding management and the perfect staff -training system that attracts me most. i would like to become a member of your team and contribute to the success and progress of your company. i am a person with a high sense of responsibility and team spirit. i am a good team worker and i work very well on my own, even under pressure. i do not mind working long hours. enclosed find my resume together with a recent photo. for further reference, please contact mr. harry smith, who was my former boss. i am happy to introduce myself in person and come for an interview. in the meantime, i will be waiting for your good news. sincerely, kumwing ho |