2019行政助理自荐信3篇 personal data name:steve lee gender:male birthdate:may 25, 19xx birthplace:harbin married :no married phone:(010)- fa*:(010)- e-mail:stevelee@j* address:no.29, beisanhuan road, *icheng district, beijing 100029, china work e*perience 9/88-present the lapis corporation, pinesville, la personnel administrative assistant -maintained filles. -prepared records for off-site storage. -designed forms for archives. -developed effective space management plan for on-site records. -improved tracking system resulting in few lost files. -handled employment verifications and designed forms to e*pedite process. 12/84-8/88 glade grove college, baton rouge, la records coordinator for development -recorded gifts made to the college. -maintained filles. -coder -translated data form surveys into numerical code for data entry. -edited computer printouts. -performed quality control. 6/72-12/81 paisley telecommunications, new orleans, la "advantage" coordinator (the "advantage" is an auto dialer.) -tested and programmed each unit. -schedule site visits and installations. -kept inventory. -assisted customers with questions and problems. 4/71-5/72 interviewer conducted public opinion surveys. eduction biltmore college,dallas,te*as 1972 associates degree in marketing. references are available upon request. 行政助理英语自荐信范文 2019行政助理自荐信(2) | 返回目录 personal data name:steve lee gender:male birthdate:may 25, 19xx birthplace:harbin married :no married phone:(010)- fax:(010)- e-mail: address:no.29, beisanhuan road, xicheng district, beijing 100029, china work experience 9/88-present the lapis corporation, pinesville, la personnel administrative assistant -maintained filles. -prepared records for off-site storage. -designed forms for archives. -developed effective space management plan for on-site records. -improved tracking system resulting in few lost files. -handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process. 12/84-8/88 glade grove college, baton rouge, la records coordinator for development -recorded gifts made to the college. -maintained filles. -coder -translated data form surveys into numerical code for data entry. -edited computer printouts. -performed quality control. 6/72-12/81 paisley telecommunications, new orleans, la "advantage" coordinator (the "advantage" is an auto dialer.) -tested and programmed each unit. -schedule site visits and installations. -kept inventory. -assisted customers with questions and problems. 4/71-5/72 interviewer conducted public opinion surveys. eduction biltmore college,dallas,texas 1972 associates degree in marketing. references are available upon request. 行政助理自荐信 2019行政助理自荐信(3) | 返回目录 经理: 我从《x日报》上的招聘广告中获悉贵公司欲招聘一名行政助理,特冒昧写信应聘。 两个月后,我将从xx学院系毕业。身高1.70cm,相貌端庄,气质颇佳。在校期间,我系统地学习了管理心理学、公共关系学、行政管理学、公文写作与处理、礼仪学、专业日语等课程。成绩优秀,对电脑操作非常熟练,日语达到三级水平,口语流利,略懂英语、普通话运用自如。 去年下半学期,我曾在xx集团办公室实习三个月,积累了一些实际工作经验。我热爱行政助理工作,希望能成为贵公司的一员,和大家一起为促进公司发展竭尽全力,做好工作。 我的个人简历及相关材料一并附上,如能给我面谈的机会,我将不胜荣幸。 联系地址: 联系电话:138839 此致 敬礼! 求职人: xx年xx月xx日 求职信范例应征办公室行政助理 行政助理的求职信模板 行政助理英文自荐信 行政助理英文自荐信范文