标题 | 最新2017面试口语:如何在未来职场中保持不败 |
范文 | 最新2017面试口语:如何在未来职场中保持不败 另一个要求是适应快速的变化以及互联网沟通速度下的项目规划。 another requirement is comfort with rapid change and initiatives that move at the speed of the internet. 未来的劳动者将要学会很多种技能,从战略规划到员工招聘,从电脑编程到产品设计,并要不断更新自己的技能。 future workers will learn a wide array of skills from strategic planning and hiring to computer programming and design and will be expected to constantly upgrade those skills. 各年龄段和各层级的员工都要在项目实施过程中献计献策,并取得卓越成绩。监督员和文书处理人员将不复存在。 employees of all ages and levels will contribute creative thinking and operational excellence to projects. gatekeepers and paper pushers will no longer exist. 做好准备 prepare for the years ahead 如果你坐在一个办公室的格子间里,日复一日地用同样的方式处理自己的工作,那怎么能在2025年成为一个有竞争力的劳动者? if you're sitting in a cube, doing your work the way you've always done it, how can you prepare to have a viable career in 2025? 你不但要在客户服务等领域不断提高技术知识和专业水平,还要积极寻找各种方式让自己在未来的劳动力市场中站稳脚跟 in addition to honing your technical knowledge and functional expertise in areas like customer service, you should brainstorm ways to position yourself well in the future marketplace --一定要未雨绸缪。 -- before you have to. “你不能盲目去做别人交代的事,而是要养成一种主动让别人来关注你的行为习惯。” "instead of blindly doing what you're told, get in the habit of taking action that invites people to pay attention," 高汀说,“促成组织实现一些有利于顾客的变革,你就将成为现在和未来的职场达人。” says mr. godin. "make changes to the organization that will benefit the customer, and you'll be the go-to person today and tomorrow." 对不到40岁的人来说,参加一两个领导力培养课程也会有一定的作用。 for the under-40 set, a leadership-development course or two will be helpful, too. 从最近这个十年开始,婴儿潮一代先后退休, starting in this decade, the baby boomers' retirement will leave a gaping hole in the executive ranks, 将在高管层留下不少空缺,这为下一代的劳动者提供了很好的职业晋升机会。 and there will be opportunities for members of generations x and y to take on greater responsibilities.面试口语范文节选! |
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