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  dear professor:

  i understand that is applying for admission to your postgraduate master’s program, and has requested that i write this letter of recommendation for her.

  i have known as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual ever since she attended my instrumental analysis course(score:84) in her fourth academic semester. she often raised thought-provoking questions during the course lectures. thus,it is natural that i like discussing with this young girl and enjoy becoming more familiar with her and her aspirations. in her sixth academic semester, she took my course of electrochemical analysis(score:89).the more i get to know her, the more i find she is talented at chemistry. with her outstanding talent and solid background in chemistry, she also did quite well in most of her other courses during her undergraduate study. i feel strongly that ’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality chemistry education, and your university will provide the best opportunities for her.

  while at university, had excellent performances in all subjects of her studies and demonstrated great potential, but she is more than a knowledgable bookworm;she is an outstanding leader. she is not only the president of the student union in the college of chemistry, but also the minister of commonweal department of students’ association union of university. she is adept in speech and debate, which give her great capabilities for expression, abstract reasoning, and cooperation. she also took part in and organised many extracurricular activities, such as “dream fly” party of college of chemistry and chemical knowledge contest of university.

  we at university see an optimistic, highly independent, and easy-going character in , with highly unusual determination. she is not to be defeated by any difficulties. she believes that , with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. i think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record.

  judging by what i know of her, i think is fully qualified to pursue a master’s degree in your program. therefore,i recommend her with much enthusiasm and i shall greatly appreciate your favorably consideration for her application for admission.



  Professor Zhang Hua

  School of Management

  4th Floor, Fa Xue Lou

  Beijing University

  Beijing 100871

  P. R. China

  Tel: 861-2561166

  Dear Sir:

  I strongly recommend Miss Li for admission to your graduate program. She has proven herself an excellent student not only in my class but also in other major courses.

  She was a former student of mine in the course of Mathematical Analysis during the second semester of the academic year 1991-1992. She is brilliant and she capability of abstract reasoning is above most of her peers. I still remember it was always she who first raised her hand and answered the difficult questions. Apart from this, she was eager to learn and always had many new ideas out of my expectations, some of which reflected her originality and independent thought. At the end of course, she achieved a high score of 98 and surpassed all the other students in the class.

  In my 30-year teaching career, Miss Li is an unusual student with surprising stamina and perseverance toward goals. Just depending on this fine quality, she—a girl born in a small mountain village—has grown up to be an outstanding student in a famous university step by step.

  Miss Li not only shows energy and initiative in her work, but she is also flexible and adaptable. She possesses an outgoing personality which will assist in her greatly in adapting herself to a long term of overseas study.All in all, she is quite qualified for graduate study and your admission of her application will be highly rewarded.

  Sincerely yours,

  Senior Professor of Mathematics



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  我是北京交通大学经济管理学院金融系的主任、教授和博士生导师(phd candidate supervisor)。x同学是我院金融系0601班的学生。初识她是20xx年下半年,而和她有较多的接触则是她在20xx年第2学期上过我的《国际金融学(international finance)》课程之后。得知她立志出国深造,我非常高兴。我认为,通过在大学本科阶段金融学专业的学习,x同学已经具有一定的金融学专业素养,完全具有攻读硕士学位的能力,愉快地为她写下这封推荐信。

  首先,给我留下深刻印象的是,根据《国际金融学(international finance)》课程具有的宏观性、综合性、政策导向性,以及理论和实务融为一体的特点,x同学非常刻苦地注意阅读这方面的课外读物和搜集资料:一是与相关的教材,二是相关的报纸,如《国际金融报(international finance news)》、《金融时报(financial news)》等,三是相关的期刊文章,四是运用互联网搜集资料。通过广泛的阅读和搜集资料,x同学了解了较多国际金融学方面相关的信息和理论的发展状态,更全面地掌握了相关知识。正因为如此,在每次课堂发言中,x同学总是能够把课堂上所讲的内容和当前国际金融领域的新成就、新观点、新问题和新动向结合起来谈,显示了其较为广阔的知识面。而且,每次课堂发言,x同学都落落大方,谈吐清晰。这些事实表明,x同学具有较强的阅读和搜集资料的能力、专业理解能力和语言表达能力。

  20xx年10月,在讲过《国际收支(international balance of payment)》这一章后,我布置了一道关于20xx年、20xx年、20xx年、20xx年和20xx年中国国际收支平衡表(balance of payment presentation of china)进行静态分析(static analysis)的课后作业。但是x同学不但进行了静态分析(static analysis),还主动地在静态分析(static analysis)的基础上进行了动态分析(dynamic analysis),分析过程中的计算步骤清楚,计算结果丝毫不差,分析结论清晰、准确和到位。这说明x同学具有较强的分析能力,以及认真细致的工作作风。

  在对金融系0601班讲授《国际金融学(international finance)》的过程中,我要求同学门每学完一章都要写一篇学习小结,x同学写的每一篇学习小结都内容充实、结构安排合理、文字通顺流畅,都得到了a的成绩,充分表现了x同学具有较强的总结能力、写作能力和文字表达能力。

  x同学的数学成绩较好,其中随机数学为90分,位列全班前茅。这学期她正在修《计量经济学(econometrics )》课程,据授课老师讲,x同学计量经济学学得不错。这说明她具有较好的定量分析(quantitative analysis)(数理逻辑(mathematical logic))能力。并且掌握了e-views这个软件的应用。








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