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  该生于**年**月进入**大学**学院进行学习,学习成绩一直非常优秀,在专业名列前茅。本人曾于该生本科阶段的学习时,担任其及课程的授课教师,在与该生的课内、课外互动中,对其印象极为深刻。 初见该生,个性内敛,但勤于思考,善于提问。经过与该生的多次交流之后,可以发现,她有较强独立思考的能力,比如:在教授其课中,该生能对书中的模型持怀疑的态度,并能指出其不完善之处;该生具备一定的科研工作能力,曾经参与“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,并取得了优异的成绩。

  通过批阅该生的课程论文,我了解到,该生已具备扎实的专业基础,具备了熟练分析经济问题的能力,而且比较熟练的掌握了经济学方面的研究方法与范式,能够在分析问题时恰当地使用经济学的语言。 该生综合表现突出,并对财政学理论有着浓厚的兴趣,故予以推荐,望审核通过。


  dear sir or madam,

  thank you for reading this recommendation letter. i take great pleasure in recommending mr. , one of my most enthusiastic chinese students to join in your program and pursue further research.

  being a former teacher for two courses of him, i have known mr. x for more than 2 years. mr. x, as i concerned, is really a hardworking student and a promising young scholar with great motivation to aspire after higher learning. his creativity and spirit of persistent exploration also give me deep impression. he always proposed new ideas on his study and could resolve problems by himself. during the design of a training program in may, , i remembered clearly that he was the only person who had considered the inner different characteristic from the figures who reflected the current society situation, a key factor in the implementation of the program. his attention on particular circumstance gave him a much broader horizon to develop a creative thought, which in turn deepen his understanding of each kind of english article. actually, mr. x and i are keeping in touch because of academic research, now. maybe he is not the most talented student but i can say he is the most industrious young person, i have met.

  mr. x also has a strong ability of communication and the potential as a researcher of commence and the related field. he has great interest in business. and once he has told me that he has a dream that one day he would be a successful dealer for developing a robust market economy.

  in addition, mr. x showed his abilities in social activities as he was designated the minister of student union and the secretary of the class. the student union, his class and he were awarded prizes hosts of times. in the social practices his performance and work were well received by everyone, too.

  base on his excellent performance and his english ability as an undergraduate student majored in english, i believe this boy will fulfill your demands and achieve greater academic success in his future. therefore, i strongly support his application with my recommendation without any reservation. i sincerely hope that you could consider his application favorably. if you need any further information about him please contact me without any hesitation.

  sincerely yours professor

  professor of faculty of foreign language


  , , p.r.china phone: 86--













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