标题 | 最新英语面试口语2017:关于接待员职务 |
范文 | 最新英语面试口语2017:关于接待员职务 761.i came about your advertisement for receptionists in the newspaper last week. 我是来应聘你们在上周的报纸上招聘的接待员一职的。 762.have you worked anywhere else? 我在别处工作过吗? 763.yes,i've been working in the beauty restaurant as a full-time waiter after leaving the occupational school. 有,我从职业学校毕业后一直在美丽饭店当服务员。英语面试口语范文节选! 764.here is my resume. 这是我的简历。 765.may i ask why you are interested in working at our hotel? 能否问一下,你为何对我们宾馆感兴趣? 766.because i think i'm fit for a receptionist's job.i'm still learning spoken english,you know.there will be a lot of foreigners to come to your hotel,won't there? 我认为我很适合做接待员,你要知道,我正在学习英语口语,肯定会有很多外国人来你们宾馆的,不是吗? 767.certainly. 当然会有。 768.when did you study english? 你何时学的英语? 769.when i was a student,english happened to be my favorite subject.after graduation,i went on studying spoken english in my spare time. 我上学时,英语是我最喜欢的课程,毕业后,我在业余时间继续学习英语口语。 770.do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your spoken english? 你是否以为你的英语口语还有提高的余地呢? 771.sure,i do think so. 确实,我认为是的。 772.do you think you have a good command of hotel english? 你精通饭店英语吗? 773.yes,i think so. 我想我是的。 774.where do you work now? 你现在何处工作? 775.i work at beijing hotel. 我在北京饭店工作。 776.can you tell me why you want to leave the present post? 你能告诉我你为什么要放弃目前的岗位吗? 777.for one thing,i'm desirous of working with a large hotel like yours.i know your hotel is a five-star-grade hotel with a good reputation both at home and abroad.for another thing,my present post does not involve me much in speaking english.i think i will have more opportunities to use english at your hotel. 其一,我想在像你们这样的大宾馆工作。我知道你们宾馆是一家五星级宾馆,在国内外享有盛名。 其二,我目前的岗位让我说英语的机会不多,我想在贵宾馆我会有更多机会使用英语。 778.do you want to work here because you can speak english? 你是因为能说英语才来我们宾馆的吗? 779.no,not just because i can speak english.what i really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members. 不,不只是因为会英语,我真正希望的是要从外国职员那里学到一些先进的管理方法。 dialogue a (i= interviewer主试人 a= applicant申请人) i:good morning.can i help you? a:yes.i came about your advertisement for receptionists in the newspaper last week. i:oh,yes.won't you sit down? what's your name? a:my name is anhua zhao. i:how old are you? a:i'm twenty-four years old. i:have you worked anywhere else? a:yes,i've been working in the beauty restaurant as a full-time waiter after leaving the occupational school.here is my resume. i:good.may i ask why you are interested in working at our hotel? a:because i think i'm fit for a receptionist's job.i'm still learn-ing spoken english,you know.there'll be a lot of foreigners to come to your hotel,won't there? i:certainly.when did you study english? |
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