标题 | 最新2017面试口语:如何在未来职场中保持不败 |
范文 | 最新2017面试口语:如何在未来职场中保持不败 未来是什么样子? what's in your future? 我10岁的时候,父亲带我去马里兰州bethesda看“世界未来学会”(world future society)的总部;从此以后,我就一直对未来进行思考。 i've been pondering the future since my dad took me to visit the world future society headquarters in bethesda, md., when i was 10 years old. 现在,我是一个职场专栏作家,我的工作就是思考2025年的职场将会变成什么样子,将对我们提出怎样的要求。 and now that i'm a career writer, it's my job to think about what the workplace will look like -- and what it will demand from us -- in 2025. 你可能并不担心度过眼下经济衰退后的日子,但其实应该关心一下。面试口语范文节选! you may not be concerned with surviving beyond the current recession, but you should be. 重新定位并不只适用于对那些对工作不满意的人;为了让职业生涯获得长期成功,我们必须重新思考如何在未来的劳动力大军中保持竞争力。 reinvention isn't just for people who are unhappy in their current jobs. in order to have long-term, successful careers, we all must rethink how we'll stay marketable in the future work force. 21世纪的绝大多数劳动者面临着双重挑战:外包和自动化。 the twin challenges that face a majority of 21st-century workers are outsourcing and automation. “如果他们能把你的工作写成操作手册,他们一定会的;如果你的工作能被一个低成本劳动力市场的劳动者完成,那工作就会离你而去。” "if they can put your job into a manual, they will, and if your job can be done by someone cheaper in a less expensive locale, it will go away," 《部落:一呼百应的力量》("tribes: we need you to lead us")一书的作者赛斯?高汀(seth godin)这样说道。 says seth godin, the author of "tribes: we need you to lead us." 贴近顾客 close to the customer 未来的成功劳动者将与顾客建立一对一的关系,让他们成为自己的回头客。 the essential worker of the future will have one-on-one relationships with customers that keep them coming back. 高汀讲到一个故事:有家超市的经理被调到其他岗位工作,但随后又被调回来了,因为顾客们写了一份请愿书,希望他能回来。 mr. godin relates the story of a local supermarket manager who was transferred and then subsequently reinstated because of a customer petition. “那些利用每一个与顾客沟通的机会为他们提供附加值和解决问题的人,将是2025年企业最希望拥有的员工。” 高汀说道。 “the people who look at every interaction as an opportunity to add value and solve problems will be the most sought-after employees in 2025,” he says. 自律和自我激励也是重要的成功因素,因为传统的办公环境有可能在2025年基本消失。 self-discipline and internal motivation will also be critical success factors, for the traditional office environment may largely disappear by 2025. 许多人将为各种组织远程办公,工作时间将取决于与之合作的团队所处的地理位置。 many will work remotely for a variety of organizations, and hours will depend on the geography of the team with which you're collaborating. 虽然科技手段可以跟踪你的工作内容和具体时间,但你应该具备在没有老板监督的情况下高效完成任务的能力。 although technology will be available to track what you're working on and when, you'll need to be productive without the boss looking over your shoulder. |
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